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In a recent survey conducted in America it was revealed that 94% of Americans hate their country so much that they have set fire to the American flag.Please chaps,please explain to an Englishman why this is

2007-02-23 21:09:13 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

LOL. I am not sure where they took this poll, but it was not from normal Americans. There is no pandmeic of flag burning in the US. If anything, the survey would be reveresed, where 94% of Americans love this country and 6% hate it to the point of arson. I still think 6% is a bit high, so I will conclude the survey had a +6/-6 % chance for error.

2007-02-23 21:16:01 · answer #1 · answered by Mr Mojo Risin 4 · 4 0

Your first mistake was to believe what you see in the media. The real fact is that 94% of the American media hates the United States. In all the years I've lived here neither I nor anyone I know have ever been 'polled' about these questions displayed on the communist news network (CNN).

If I walk into a vegetarian restaurant and take a poll about who likes hunting, what kind of results do you think I would get? The liberal media uses this same method to obtain poll results that coincide with their anti-US views.

Well over 90% of what you see in the media is NOT what the vast majority of Americans believe. The VAST majority of us would rather see the liberal fasicts who would burn the flag burned themselves.

I would suspect that the 2% of Americans that agree with people like you are whats left of the Brits whose butts we kicked more than once. After seeing your 360 page I would suggest that you come to where I live and try to burn the US flag flying in front of my home. DNA tests would most likely be needed to identify whats left of you.

2007-02-23 21:26:36 · answer #2 · answered by Bryan _ 3 · 3 0

I think you read this survey wrong or something. I would believe 94% of Americans would hate the person who burned the American flag. I live in Canada and these Americans (at least 94% of them) love their country to death and are so possessive of their flag. All they do is talk about how great their country is. Your info is dead wrong

2007-02-24 04:23:32 · answer #3 · answered by Jennifer S 4 · 3 0

I have never heard of an American Burning there Flag. In fact they love it so much that they Hang it on there Houses. I dont understand this at all it is perplexing. We do not do this ourselves as it smacks of extreme right wing Nationalism, it is not in our Psychological makeup to hang National Flags from our Houses. Except if there is a Football Match we might hang the Teams Colours from our Houses, and very seldom the National Flag is seen on Private Houses ,only on Official Government Offices and some Department Stores. I am Posting from Ireland, As the Australian Chap( Ponca) has said The Occasional Union Jack has been Burned in the past especially in the Nth of Ireland but things have settled down now and is Peaceful and we are looking forward to the Rugby Match Today Between Ireland and England in the Home of Irish Nationalism The Holy Grail The Stadium of Croke Park History is Being made. As to this Sidney Vicious Charactor He is only taking the Piss, He loves to Provoke our American Cousins to drive them Mad. He is an Idiot.

2007-02-24 00:48:17 · answer #4 · answered by janus 6 · 1 0

They don't, just the lieberals would do that.

Liberals are self loathing creatures.

That explains a lot of what they do that makes no sense.

Liberals are the new fascist Nazi's.

They can't tolerate any opinion different than their's.

Look what they do to college speakers. They throw urine, pies, pull fire alarms, start fights, etc etc, to keep conservative's from speaking.

They want to pass laws to eliminate talk radio.

Liberals are intolerant, bigoted fascists, incapable of allowing free speech.

Islamicfascists have pledged to murder you and me.

Liberals want to help them.

Conservatives want to fight them.

Liberalism is ok when it is practiced.

But todays America's liberals, are not real liberals.

They are against change of all types and devoid of new idea's or solutions to problems.

Conservatives offered many new programs and initiatives the last 6 years, and liberals always fought against them, with never an original idea or solution to offer in return.

Liberals love it whan a woman murders a child that is unborn but hate it when criminals who rape, murder and commit attrocities get the death penality.

In reality the liberals of today are Stalinists and Marxists. Their belief that government is the solution to all problems and no wealth should be privately owned is what drives todays liberals.

They are also anti-American. They believe America is the worlds problem and the world would be better off without America in it.

Liberals are all for forsaking the poor weak and downtrodden if America's military is involved in keeping them alive, but insist on keeping America's poor weak and downtrodden in their miserable existance because of 'political correctness', (New Orleans and any urban city).

2007-02-24 00:36:12 · answer #5 · answered by mefeelsgreat9 1 · 0 0

I see where you might be coming from but in the survey how many people were interviewed? You only need a handful to arrive at 94% and if you chose your interviewee you could arrive at 100% with just one person. That's probably what happened!

2007-02-23 21:19:37 · answer #6 · answered by michael w 3 · 2 0

Buddy, I do not know where you get your information from but check out FOX News.
I stand behind the American Flag. I would get burnt if this were true. As a matter of fact if this were anywhere near true, I would have burns covering 94% of my body putting out these fires.

I love my country. Spent over 10 years wearing the uniform of a U.S. Sailor protecting the flag. While doing this I also protected the right of the idiots who know nothing about their American Heritage (college students in the University of California system a baby sitting school system - not a learning institution.) right to burn the flag.

A citizen of the U.S. has the right to speak their mind. The citizen does not have to have a mind to speak.
You should be asking why do those who stand behind the flag protect the right to burn it?
The answer is "If we do not protect the rights of those who are wrong, we are wrong." Also, if we do not listen to those with differing views, how do we learn?

I just copied the below from another person answering another question. I believe it answers your question better than I have:

It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protestor to burn the flag."
- Charles M. Province

2007-02-23 21:18:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

They do not do this, however I have seen the Irish do that to the Union Jack. I just wish people would read your history of Q&As to see what you are up to with your factually incorrect questions. This quote might help you.


Although I am an Australian, one thing that really annoys me is the constant refrain among non-Americans to the effect that Americans are stupid. How did a stupid people get to be one of the most prosperous on earth? How did a stupid people get to be the world's only superpower? How did a stupid people avoid ever having their cities bombed flat? How did a stupid people produce military equipment so advanced that no-one else can hope to match it? The Iraqi army put up a tenacious fight against the Iranian army but it just went home when a much smaller American military force arrived. How did a stupid people come to dominate the world with its cultural products? Ever heard of Hollywood or American popular music? And even Italians now make "Western" movies. How did a stupid people get to dominate the world with its products and business systems? Ever heard of Coca Cola, McDonald's or KFC? How did America get to dominate the world with its intellectual products? Ever heard of Microsoft or IBM or Intel or all the American Nobel prize-winners? How did a stupid people get to integrate successfully within their ranks large numbers of people from every country in Europe? South America and North America are both large continents well-endowed with natural resouces so how come there is no South American equivalent of the USA? How come prosperity stops at the U.S.-Mexico border? And how come it is Europe that invented both Communism and Fascism and that it was America that had to rescue them from both?

The truth is that Americans are a very wise and sophisticated people who very often affect a folksy style -- such as the style we see the high-achieving President George W. Bush or in the incredibly high-achieving investor Warren Buffett. But the REALLY stupid people are those who cannot see past the folksy style to the hard-working, dedicated, careful-thinking people beneath it. Only people as stupid as most Europeans could mistake style for substance. Really smart people would try to understand Americans rather than condemn them for having their own ways. They would see the folksiness as a sign of a less elitist and more democratic society rather than as a sign of stupidity.

And it is not only Americans who affect folksiness. Australia's most popular Prime Minister in the last 50 years was "Bob" Hawke -- a conservative in most ways but the leader of Australia's major party of the Left. Although he was so thoroughly bourgeois as to be the son of a Protestant clergyman and brilliant enough win a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford university, he normally spoke during his political career with a broad working-class accent. He certainly wasn't stupid but Australia too is a very egalitarian country where people of all classes are treated with respect."

Quote taken from http://dissectleft.blogspot.com/2004_01_...
Author John Ray

2007-02-23 23:06:36 · answer #8 · answered by Ponca 3 · 2 0

I think you mean 94% of the people in San Francisco burn the flag and hate the country..but see they don't count because they aren't real Americans.

2007-02-23 23:20:03 · answer #9 · answered by . 6 · 2 1

we're all anti authority pirates and rebels trying to promote our mob rules democracy. Any body seen as "too" authority has to be put in place as it's our country not his nor any group of beaurocrats. They're just there to file the papers.

2007-02-23 21:25:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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