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I think our prents is our God..
Is it right...????

2007-02-23 21:08:10 · 42 answers · asked by Trust 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

42 answers

God-he is one and only. We are need him, he does not need us.
He is neither begotten nor does he beget. He is unique, there are none like him.
He is the creator and sustainer. Our parents are created by Him. How can created be creators? Our parents are not God but by serving them we can come closer to God

2007-02-25 05:03:03 · answer #1 · answered by arif anwar 3 · 0 0

Yes God is our Creator. You may say MaatPita - and taht makes God our parents. There are the parents of the body and they are different for everyone. However the spiritual parent is the same MaatPita for all souls. How the body is created is no more a mistery, but very few can recognize how and when the soul is created - because it is a matter of understanding and being aware of the soul. In recognizing the creation of the soul we can also recognize the Creator. He himself is a soul - however He is the Supreme Soul. This is why it is said that we are God alike. Our original nature is same as God's : that is we are souls full of all powers and virtues. However the difference between God and the other souls is that He remains full of all powers and virtues at all times whereas we are sometimes full and sometimes not so full. It is at the times when we have lost our powers that He becomes the Source of all powers for us and therefore our Creator. We undergo creation in this way and then degradation and then again creation while God is never created. Because souls are eternal by definition, creation here means uplifting from degradation to our original form of being full of spirituality. So God is the Supreme Soul and Creator of all souls. He is given different names in different languages and very often those names have the same meaning in the respective language: they either mean "Father" or "God" or they describe one of God's qualityes or dutyes such as "The Benefactor" or "The Conforter of Hearts" or "The Creator".... etc.

2007-02-24 12:15:39 · answer #2 · answered by Forever Blessed & BlissFull 3 · 0 0

God is the creation of human mind.; God has been described as having the following characters: Truth, Eternal and beautiful. In simple terms God is considered to be the sole creator of the entire cosmos and whatever is happening in it. Philosophers and thinkers have gone very deep in to the intricacies of the subject about the understanding of all aspects of the existence and nature of God but for the common man there are various religions and beliefs which provide a platform for knowing more about God. Well, as far as the question of regarding our parents as our God is concerned, there is no harm in such thinking, because they are our creator and also our protector . Both of these characters are akin to the characters which God is also said to posses.

2007-02-23 23:27:02 · answer #3 · answered by GULSHAN 1 · 0 0

although i think it is a critical topic to discuss, but i have something to say:

first lets state some ideas;
- God is powerful, peaceful, generous, mercyful, loving, forgiving, and judging.
- creatures must fear, love, thank and believe in god.

does this seem logical.?!!?

when something good happens, we thank god, and when something bad happens, we internally blame him.

i think it is something in the background, behind every event.
May be it is an idea in the human brain, but what i'm sure of is that rules and restrictions put under the name of god must be respected since you can never imagine how life would look like without the "holly books". so for me i'd pleasantly follow the Bible, the book that my parents introduced to me when i was a child and i will introduce to my children..

so if you believe or not, just take your holly book, read it with respect and live according to it. that is for the best of the human kind...

2007-02-23 22:08:04 · answer #4 · answered by think_more 1 · 0 0

Here lies the great Truth for Man to explore, for Man to take ownership hereof.
Man limits his thinking and in so doing limits his capabilities. He fails to see from where he came and to where he shall return.
Many refer to the Almighty as God the Father and those with a greater understanding will recognise The Father as the Source. The Source is indeed a magnificent energy, a pure energy.
Man must strive to enlighten himself as to the Source so as to unfold and be embraced in this mighty force. It is indeed a magnificent aura and one will proclaim such a desire to unfold and be embraced in this energy.
It is in awe that we note the impending doom and gloom mentality of the many, if only they would open their hearts to the higher energy and let their purpose be known to the Father then all would be taken care of.


2007-02-23 22:25:53 · answer #5 · answered by lighttworks 2 · 0 0

The God which does not possess negative energy on its photo, on the name written could be termed as God. In this regard for scientific way of testing method is provided in the web site www.celestialabode.com

2007-02-27 16:13:32 · answer #6 · answered by Krishnaiyengar R 1 · 0 0

To define The Absolute is impossible for small mind like us. To give an identifiable sign to Him is beyond our reach. But we can certainly perceive Him in our own self the need is to search for the beauty and the realisation of the presence of our own existence.

2007-02-27 09:08:53 · answer #7 · answered by Mohd.Furquan Ahmad 1 · 0 0

God is the super power due to which we all are here-alive,happy,walking,talking,eating etc.,
God is belief,if u believe somebody is there who cares for u then that is God,
If u feel some day everything will get all right then that is God.
God is where u want to see him,
He is everywhere,in everyone,me u he she in all of us ,but only if u believe.If u dont believe then nothing is here with us.No one is here beside us.
then there is no God.

2007-02-26 22:09:38 · answer #8 · answered by i m ur fren 1 · 0 0

Whatever there is it's only GOD.(living or non living , of this world or out of this world etc.)

I appreciate people like you who worship there parents as GOD b'coz :

1.GOD (the ultimate creator of universe )is IN-visible.But our parents are visible.

2.Parents are present in physical form with us ....and they give us all unconditional love and support no matter whatever you do.....

What more can you ask for.????

Keeping loving your parents and help needy.

Paras Kochhar

2007-02-24 05:02:23 · answer #9 · answered by Jyoti D 2 · 0 0

God is a bielief. What we think is he is the ultimate power. And this bielief gives many of us satisfication because we think that he can only save us from our unsolvable problems. This imagination gives us lot of courage to face them and we fear to do mistakes thinking that he knows every thing and punishes us for our mistakes. And this is the only bielief that moves many souls in this world full of troubles.

2007-02-24 02:16:20 · answer #10 · answered by bete 1 · 0 0

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