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im sooo repulican that i still like bush, and agree with him on all issues. i have these hippy co-workers that keep giving me a hard time, all i can say anymore is smoke another j you lazy POS.

2007-02-23 20:58:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

8 answers

you kill for the greater good.

2007-02-23 21:18:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

That's a good question. My answer is, I don't think you can rationalize it, but perhaps you are not putting your point the right way. When you say you are "pro-war" - well, who among us is really "pro-war"? Even the most conservative military men are not "pro-war". War is a last resort when all efforts at diplomacy fail. So my question to you is, are you actually in favor of war as a "first resort", or just accept that sometimes war is unavoidable?

2007-02-24 10:50:39 · answer #2 · answered by lesroys 6 · 0 0

The first person who answered the question is correct. They are two separate questions that do not relate.

You question the killing of a single innocent life against protecting the world from a group of radicals who wish to convert the world.

I have had pollsters call me and ask me if I believe in abortion and immediately they say I should not believe in the death penalty if I do not believe in abortion. They are two different questions.

1. The child has done nothing to deserve death.
2. The person who killed 15 in a bank robbery after raping the women in the bank has earned his.

How do you rationalize having a job when others do not.
Two separate issues.

Learn to take one question at a time. Answer that question then go on to the next.

I have been told not to mix apples with oranges but I have found there are apples in orange juice. There are apples in all juices.

2007-02-24 05:11:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Pro-life is the protection of an unborn child. It is defending someone who cannot defend themselves.

First, pro-war is not pro-killing. Pro-War is fighting against the enemies of our country. It is defending our country, our families, our beliefs and other innocent civilians.

So, I would rationalize like this....being pro-life and pro-war is much the same thing. It is an effort to protect innocent lives and it tries to allow people to live in peace ultimately. In both instances, you are defending, not provoking.

Good luck!

2007-02-24 05:07:28 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Mojo Risin 4 · 2 0

that's the beauty of this country.
FREEDOM of thought, free speach!
YOU are allowed to believe whatever you want, even if it's not straight down your party line.

There is a price we pay for freedom.
34,000 young women die in the USA every year due to cevical cancer that can be vacinated against.
Parents don't want their girls having this valuable vacine, due to the fact that it is sexually transmitted. Women die in the county of cervical cancer as early as age 20-40.

Parents are afraid that this would lead to early sexual activity.
Well, even if your daughter is a virgin when she's married, he guy may not be, and could be carrying this hpv, and she could die of cancer within a small time span.

34,000 young females a year, that is a lot less than the 3000 men and women who have given their lives for the price of freedom in this war!!!

YOU don't have to rationlize to anyone how you feel politically.
You aren't going to change their minds, and they aren't going to change yours.

If you don't stand for something, you could fall for anything.

don't mix politics and work.

in this country AS an American I can agree to disagree.
I am an American I can respect your point of view and wish you well.

it's not a debate among coworkers.

there are bigger issues.

Do you know how many men died in world war II in one day at Normande Beach??? 200,000.

All for the price of FREEDOM

i may not agree with your party line on all issues, but that's my right, and i can agree to disagree.

THE PRICE OF FREEDOM just got a little higher today.

2007-02-24 05:22:02 · answer #5 · answered by Lilly 5 · 0 1

Pro-war.I am so happy you asked this question.WTF Have you ever been in a war? Maybe you can ask Republican Senator McCain if he is pro-war.He spent five years of his life as a POW.I think you need to make a trip to the Vet Hospital and talk to people who had legs,arms,eyes faces lost in the war.I am also pro-war.The war on poverty,the on people who start wars to make money.If you love I hope you are in Iraq and not home counting your profit from war.

2007-02-24 05:21:03 · answer #6 · answered by radio309 5 · 0 2

You don't have to. I bet if you scrutinize your beliefs, you'll find other apparent contradictions, but it's a very common misconception that all of our ethical beliefs have to chime with one another. They simply can't - that's part of being human.

If you must rationalize, you could appeal to the idea that unborn children are innocent, while one's enemies in war are by definition guilty of something.

2007-02-24 05:03:47 · answer #7 · answered by bonshui 6 · 1 1

Easy, the object of war is to kill the enemy, the object of sex is to procreate, pleasure is just a bonus!

2007-02-24 05:10:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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