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hi,people.i would like to get some advice on how to respond on certain things.

1)how would u respond/what would u say if people call u short and makes u feel very insulted?
2)how to make oneself not feel lonely?
3)how is it can one be be outgoing and more communicate to others so that people wouldnt think of you as a boring person?

i really hope to hear from you guys.=]

2007-02-23 20:16:49 · 15 answers · asked by yanayan 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

15 answers

1. I wouldn't respond at all. That's just their opinion. I don't worry about others opinions of me. If you are short, accept it and go on. That's not a bad thing, you are who you are.

2. Keep busy. Don't give yourself time to be lonely. Get involved in groups, clubs, or volunteer working with kids, the elderly, etc. There are plenty of things to do.

3. Make yourself be more outgoing. Start talking to people. Find a common ground with people, something of interest to you and them. As for them thinking you are boring - again DO NOT worry about others opinions. BE YOURSELF.

2007-02-23 20:23:33 · answer #1 · answered by Speedy 6 · 1 0

1) I totally understand how you are feeling, I'm really short (only 5") and i get called short all the time. I use to get upset and angry but now i just shrug it off because well...it's true i am short. It's a fact i can't change, so i just don't worry about it anymore
2) If you are feeling lonely, widen your circle of friends, join a club or something to meet new people. Or you could get a pet, they are the perfect thing to cure loneliness.
3) The only person that can change that is you, speak up, be loud, have fun and don't worry about what people think of you. As i suggested earlier maybe join a club it would help you to meet people that have similar interests to you so that you have things to talk about
Good Luck

2007-02-24 04:25:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

so many people are short and find a place, in life, regardless. as for having your feelings hurt, why are you wasting good energy on trivialities?! your mind, your body, if you are supposed to be somebody in the future it ain't gonna get done if you keep finding reasons for delay. like...you really don't want to be at the bus depot trying to catch a bus when your boat comes in....yeah?

now, if you are feeling lonely then you haven't been developing good social tools. there are places where people gather and socialize. learn where, in your town, and go there. your body language is the biggest give away or your best calling card. are you confident or are you always beating up on yourself? these things show up in your posture and mannerisms. just remember the old cliche "if you have class, you don't have to bother telling anybody; they already know". so it's up to you how you want to present yourself to other people. clean and presentable, no matter how poor you might be...or not. you are selling a package...yourself.

as for talking to people without being boring. this comes with practise but if you don't get out there, how are you going to practise? "speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story". that came out of a poem called "desiderata". you can find it on the Internet. have a look and maybe it can help a bit.

good luck. my good wishes are with you.

2007-02-24 04:42:51 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0


I am going to give you my best answers to your questions. I am trying to not give you the usual replies.

1. I would just retreat back into myself and replay all the great things i have done. I would replay the good things i have done, on my own. I would think of these and feel good about myself. The person saying these things to me don't know me. I have a box of stuff that i did and want to do, he or she has a few words and an empty life.

2. You are already curing that one by posting here. We are all lonely in some ways. Everyone feels lonely sometimes. its not a bad thing !! Honestly !!! Feeling lonely just means you need some interaction. So get interactive!! Interact with people. Here, at the store, at the bar, in the street, talk, say hello.

3. Listen

Listen to what they say, ask them about it, ask them how to get involved in it, ask, ask, ask.

2007-02-24 04:31:55 · answer #4 · answered by Captain S 1 · 1 0

See yourself as tall. Look at the wonderful things that are much shorter than you are and the value that they possess: Fragrant beautiful flowers, green carpets of grass, laughing children. Then, think how inwardly strong you are and of your character. Envision it each and every day, believe it, live it. Then, you won't feel so lonely, as you will be delighted in your own company and you will attract others to you, and all else will fall into place. Good luck and God bless. Remember your value. You were created by someone who could have created anything or anyone at all, and you were chosen...

2007-02-24 04:23:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your body image is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If statements regarding your height are commented on by young people under the age of 21, then you can ignore. They haven't experienced enough life to know that our most important life aspects have to do with the mind.

You can stop the loneliness by seeking out people who will be comforted by your presence.

You will be considered less boring if you challenge your mind by taking college courses and getting into study groups with other students.

2007-02-24 04:24:02 · answer #6 · answered by Venita Peyton 6 · 1 0

ok number
1) i may be short but your ugly and i can always take growth hormones!!
2) you should never feel lonely even when alone, decide what you want/ like out of life and go for it, pursuing a dream or interest doesnt leave time for lonliness
3) learn about things that interest you and then enthusiastically talk about them, if however you happen to be passionate about say, moss, then i would make sure i kept a breast of current affairs and thought about my opinion on them so you could engage in conversations about that!

Oh and a sense of humour always helps!!!

2007-02-24 04:23:20 · answer #7 · answered by sydneygal 6 · 1 0

1- People tell me all the tI'me that I'm skinny and it really bugs me to, so im in the same boat with you on this one. I kinda just tell them that its annoying. Don't be mean about it though.
2-To make yourself not so lonely try to surround yourself with people. Get out and try to meet new people.
3-Confidence. People like people with confidence. Its never fun to be around someone who is always down on themselves. Sometimes there is no other way to gain confidence than to give it to yourself. i know it sounds cheesy, but just give yourself compliments. There is a saying that says "fake it til ya make it" even just acting confident will eventually help you gain self confidence!
Good lucky Buddy! i hope i kind of helped you out.

2007-02-24 04:23:03 · answer #8 · answered by yeah.... 1 · 1 0

1) tell them thay they are "too tall".
2) go out and make friends, get into a relationship. Join a club....
3)Read books, learn many things. Find interesting people who share in your interests.
Good luck. Love ya'.

2007-02-24 04:21:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You must learn not to be so sensitive.
Try to be a friend, and then you will make a friend.
Listen to what people have to say, and be sincerely interested in them.
Get yourself an interest or hobby which will absorb your time.

2007-02-24 04:20:53 · answer #10 · answered by celianne 6 · 1 0

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