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2007-02-23 19:59:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Sociology

8 answers

The answer to your question would depend on whos perspective you are looking from. Marxist, Feminist, Functionalist and so on all have different theories on the family.

2007-02-24 00:18:28 · answer #1 · answered by mcspaner 3 · 0 1

For a "Society" to exist there must be a family (of sorts). A "family" can start out as like minded individuals who each have individual needs that can be met by sharing what each other has that can/should be of mutual benefit and then coming together as one unit, ergo The Family unit. This can progress to another group being formed to share these same benefits and inherently share the same values as the first group. So long as there is harmony and respect between the groups (families) this sharing of values and benefits can form the foundations for a "Society". Discord within a family group can break up the family and eventually the Society which it belongs to thereby causing conflict as members of the group attempt to join or integrate with other family units with differing values. Families respectful of each other within their unit that can respect other families values without attempting to "impose" their values and beliefs on those groups without invitation can meet the needs of a disparate Society and live in harmony. Well thats what I reckon anyway. Cheers all.

2007-02-24 04:35:11 · answer #2 · answered by taffv 2 · 0 0

A good family is a school of love|

What I mean by that is that in a good family, family members learn to share, to be unselfish, to sacrifice for other's needs, to be sensitive to each other, to be kind etc.

Of course, in many families this does not happen, but in the good family it does|

As a result, people from these families treat others outside the family (in business or social settings) with respect, kindness, caring, and are willing to go out of their way to help others|

Without these virtues in people, a civilization will collapse| - there is no other way|

People think that they can cure society by putting in the right system - by expanding and improving social programs|

Now there is nothing wrong with social programs per se, but if the people lack goodness and virtue in a society, the best system in the world will not work|

Bad people in a good system, will soon corrupt the system|

So sound families are integral to the health and happiness of society| Anything that undermines that such as alternative family structures that are put on the same level of traditional families through unjust laws, laws against life (pro-abortion), or immorality taught as sex-ed in public schools, can only undermine the family and hence bring civilization into its decline|


2007-02-24 05:22:07 · answer #3 · answered by Catholic Philosopher 6 · 0 0

Family meets the needs of the society when they porvide the moral principles of living with each other. This includes respect and pride. All the principles should be regarding self and the other: self respect and respect toward others.

In order to be respectful one has to learn about admiration and this is not taught in school but in the realm of the familiy.

It is in the family where the new born individual begins to learn his duties coz there are no rights without duties. And this is something that the families are not putting an effort on and that's why we have been seeing too many claims for the rights: at school, at the working place, in the society in general, everyboby claims his rights but they forget to comply with the duties coz this thing 'rights' is being spoken so loud that we do not hear about the duties.

Sme talk about love and care. I do not need to be treated with care... I want people to respect me as I am. I do not need people to help me. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO HANDLE LIFE INDEPENDENTELY. It is the concept that others need help that makes this world being stuck in social terms. We are humans and we were tailored for success. Why do the majority of us don't succeed? It is not because people I know didn't treat me with care or love... I wonder why people feel superior and the need of treating others with love and kindness and care. RESPECT SHOULD BE ENOUGH. You should be proud of your contribution to the society, making sometinhg big - getting out of the NORMALITY of the sub-normal average of our society, something that would solve problems; Change that atitude which makes others to feel like they are unable or that they have nobody to love them so WE NEED to love them, and care for them. Kindness is for the priests and pastors and nurses. Just respect me, please.

Forgiving is to admit that something wrong was made. What one has to asure as member of families, is that all the people should be good enough not to commit wrongs so they need to apologise. This is what a good family would be.

2007-02-25 12:34:24 · answer #4 · answered by Carlos C 2 · 0 0

The family is a social network, when you learn your morals, you learn how to interact and socialise with other people, you learn your values and all these are needed in order for a society to function.

2007-02-24 05:04:16 · answer #5 · answered by Baps . 7 · 0 0

Families teach children culture and how to behave in society.

2007-02-24 22:03:50 · answer #6 · answered by heathermagoo13 3 · 1 0

through procreation the family ensures survival of the community

2014-09-14 15:28:35 · answer #7 · answered by Siphephelo Mdluli 1 · 0 0

Sorry that questions way above my head

2007-02-24 04:03:01 · answer #8 · answered by barn owl 5 · 0 0

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