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as an Englishman it always amazes and pleases me,that the Americans on this site and genrally are so highly thought of.They are always taken seriously and basically, you know when an American speaks,he is usually right.I say lets all keep up the good work and spread the word-AMERICANS ARE GREAT-
So all you people out there that think Americans are brash,stupid,fat,inbred,poor shooters,brainwashed nobcheeses you are wrong.

2007-02-23 19:37:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

LOL...OK thanks.

2007-02-25 06:30:36 · answer #1 · answered by ღღღ 7 · 0 0

Yes, you can bet your last dollar that we Americans feel proud! Proud and patriotic! As an American, born in the USA, then immigrated to Canada when I was only 10 years old with my family, I am now 51 years old and I still feel that I am a loyal, patriotic, proud American citizen! I have dual citizenship, as I became a naturalized Canadian when I was 21, at the time that my first child was born. That child also has dual citizenship. My second child does not have dual citizenship - she is Canadian. However, even after all these years living in Canada and loving Canada, I am still a proud, patriotic and loyal American citizen. I keep up as much as possible with what is going on in and with the USA and I feel concern, fear, pride, etc. with what I see about the USA. When I hear any USA bashing, I always know it is because of jealousy - the USA is the greatest country in the world and almost everyone wants to be there. As someone else here said, the USA is the country that more people in the entire world try to move to. That is a fact! The USA has more illegal immigrants than any other country in the world. If that wasn't so devastating to the people of the USA, I think they would agree that that fact is actually flattering. I also think the USA has more legal immigrants than any other country in the world, because the USA is very generous and inviting to the rest of the world, despite the fact that so many in the world try to threaten and endanger them with terrorism. As well, the USA gives more financial aid to other countries in the world, than does any other country. The USA is, without a doubt, the best country in the world!

2007-02-24 04:22:26 · answer #2 · answered by Daisy 6 · 2 1

Yes. Do a bunch of English-people really think we are brash, stupid, fat, inbred, poor shooters, brainwashed nobcheeses? I had no idea. LOL. I cannot even remember the last time I formulated an opinion of an entire nation full of people. We must be famous.

EDIT: Oh, Peter O, just because we do not slander other people does not mean we do not know what is going on in the world.

2007-02-24 03:50:08 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 3 0

Yes, I am very proud to be an American as well as you should be proud of being an Englishman. One always assumes that if one is proud of their country that they believe in that country's policies and that is not always true. The thing that makes me proudest of being an American is my right to disagree with the establishment if I want.

But, it does upset me that so many people are anti-American. It is not me you should be mad at because I am quite small in the grand scheme of things. I have no impact on what my gov't decides to do. Just as those who are so anti-American have no impact on their own gov'ts.

I have been lucky enough to teach English overseas and I've gotten to know quite a few cultures. I spent time in Czech Repbulic, France, Italy, and Spain. I have met wonderful people from these countries and those who were anti-American were also nice to me. It was with them I loved to talk because we could discuss the differences we had. In the end, there were very few differences. We all want world peace. We all want to provide for our families. Both secruity and finances. We want to love and be loved. We want to have a good time. We want to drink wine or beer and make love to beautiful women. In the end, we wanted to be happy. In the end. we realized the only thing different between them and I, was the geographical place of birth.

2007-02-24 03:52:03 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Mojo Risin 4 · 3 0

Yes, they do feel proud. I just wish they would read your history of Q&As to see what you are up to with your factually incorrect questions. This quote might help you.


Although I am an Australian, one thing that really annoys me is the constant refrain among non-Americans to the effect that Americans are stupid. How did a stupid people get to be one of the most prosperous on earth? How did a stupid people get to be the world's only superpower? How did a stupid people avoid ever having their cities bombed flat? How did a stupid people produce military equipment so advanced that no-one else can hope to match it? The Iraqi army put up a tenacious fight against the Iranian army but it just went home when a much smaller American military force arrived. How did a stupid people come to dominate the world with its cultural products? Ever heard of Hollywood or American popular music? And even Italians now make "Western" movies. How did a stupid people get to dominate the world with its products and business systems? Ever heard of Coca Cola, McDonald's or KFC? How did America get to dominate the world with its intellectual products? Ever heard of Microsoft or IBM or Intel or all the American Nobel prize-winners? How did a stupid people get to integrate successfully within their ranks large numbers of people from every country in Europe? South America and North America are both large continents well-endowed with natural resouces so how come there is no South American equivalent of the USA? How come prosperity stops at the U.S.-Mexico border? And how come it is Europe that invented both Communism and Fascism and that it was America that had to rescue them from both?

The truth is that Americans are a very wise and sophisticated people who very often affect a folksy style -- such as the style we see the high-achieving President George W. Bush or in the incredibly high-achieving investor Warren Buffett. But the REALLY stupid people are those who cannot see past the folksy style to the hard-working, dedicated, careful-thinking people beneath it. Only people as stupid as most Europeans could mistake style for substance. Really smart people would try to understand Americans rather than condemn them for having their own ways. They would see the folksiness as a sign of a less elitist and more democratic society rather than as a sign of stupidity.

And it is not only Americans who affect folksiness. Australia's most popular Prime Minister in the last 50 years was "Bob" Hawke -- a conservative in most ways but the leader of Australia's major party of the Left. Although he was so thoroughly bourgeois as to be the son of a Protestant clergyman and brilliant enough win a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford university, he normally spoke during his political career with a broad working-class accent. He certainly wasn't stupid but Australia too is a very egalitarian country where people of all classes are treated with respect."

Quote taken from http://dissectleft.blogspot.com/2004_01_25_dissectleft_archive.html
Author John Ray

2007-02-24 07:03:33 · answer #5 · answered by Ponca 3 · 1 1

OK, what pills have you been taking this time, Mr V?
Oh, and to the guy who commented on people "coming on their forums to bash" Americans - if you mean THIS site, then you have to understand that in th UK, when you log into Yahoo Answers, you log into:
(note: UK)
So sorry if you think that means we're intruding into an American site.
I'm not jealous of Americans, on a one to one basis I've only ever met pleasant ones. It's just as a race you tend to be over the top in your patriotism and fervour, to the point where it seems arrogant.

2007-02-24 03:54:10 · answer #6 · answered by chip2001 7 · 0 2

Did anyone ask the Sioux, Cherokees etc what they think of the invaders who nowmlive in their country? At least us brits have been here forever

2007-02-26 07:42:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


brash,stupid,fat,inbred,poor shooters,brainwashed nobcheeses


2007-02-24 03:42:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Of course. Poor shooters? Heck, we are one of the few nations that aren't viewed as subjects by our government.

2007-02-24 04:06:59 · answer #9 · answered by .45 Peacemaker 7 · 2 0

they give very little compared to other countries, instead they suck the blood of the world, and when the flow stops the send in thier herods or quislingsn to get things flowing again, if you cannot stop your government dont help them. if you cannot help poor countries dont rip them off

2007-02-24 06:24:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

So what is your point? Is this a question or statement. Surprised that the Englishmen can no longer speak nor write the Queen's English!

2007-02-24 03:42:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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