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Athiests unite!!! If you're religous try and give me 1 fact that religion is true>>> other than god passed the word to some random guy which we're supposed to believe.

2007-02-23 18:36:07 · 10 answers · asked by Black_Sabbath 2 in Science & Mathematics Biology

10 answers

I agree with the 2nd answer. You're never going to be able to 'disprove' a religion. Nor will you ever be able to prove it. That's exactly why its called 'faith'. If it was provable, it'd be called science.

I don't have anything against either religion or atheism. It's sort of hard for me to imagine a life devoid of any faith, however. It's up to you what you want to have faith in, but in my opinion we should all believe something, and hopefully something positive. Otherwise what motivation is there for you to be a better person, or help others?

2007-02-23 19:12:28 · answer #1 · answered by Geoffrey B 4 · 1 0

Take a look at how people's personalities and character are changed by old age, head injury, chemicals, and so on.

If you've had a couple of senile grandparents and been in enough bars -- and if you then think -- the ideas of an immortal soul and life after death start seeming totally, utterly, impossibly wrong.

There are many other arguments that show Bible-based religions to be fantastical nonsense, but the one I outlined above has even broader applicability, since most religions have some concept of an afterlife.

2007-02-23 21:16:57 · answer #2 · answered by Curt Monash 7 · 0 0

I disagree with the claim of atheism being considered a religion. There is no suspension of logic and reason, as with all other religions. Atheism is merely using the natural models of biology, evolution and physics to demonstrate what is real about our position on this planet/galaxy/universe/multiverse/etc. Atheism is another step in our understanding of our surroundings. Perhaps one day proof will exist about why we are here, but until that day there will always be lots of people with lots of ridiculous ideas. Humans always want there to be a neat answer to every question, and when there is no answer to such a frightening reality as "What happens when you die?", the human mind has trouble dealing with this. The stark truth is that no one, not from the Pope to the atheist Richard Dawkins knows what happens when we die.
Every religion was created BY HUMANS as a way to explain and comfort against the fear of death. Over time, religious leaders became interested in political power and gradually bastardized the origins into what we see today.
None of the major religions in the modern world can possibly be correct. Most of them are created from the piecemeal of pagan cults and seasonal festivals that have prevailed over the centuries of civilization. Many of the Christian stories and holidays are taken directly from Roman pagan cults and festivals to celebrate the equinox and the solstice.
Atheism is a response to religion. For me personally, I really truly hope there is something beyond this world, but deep down I feel that this life could be and probably is the only life. I am not willing to live my life in fear because a superstitious, bronze age religion whose nearly every tenement is stolen from an earlier cult or myth is trying to indoctrinate me into a system of repetitive suspension of logic and reason. Religion is the source of several of the world's serious problems and always will be.
Atheists do not feel threatened by other atheists the way a Catholic may feel threatened by a Protestant. The source of many wars was religion. I am unaware of any war caused by atheism. Is it ironic that most of the supporters of the Iraq war are people with deep religious beliefs? So say what you will about atheism, but please do not call atheism a religion.

2007-02-23 19:41:20 · answer #3 · answered by Andrew E 3 · 0 0

Sorry!! Read about Names, People and Places:

Adam Assyria Cush Eden Euphrates Gihon Havilah Pishon Tigris


2007-02-23 19:03:44 · answer #4 · answered by Baiba 1 · 0 0

Dear friend dont think about god think about the signs of god in the world . the mind of human is very powerful but not powerful enough to know every secret . think about your body first how does it work ?! i think you konw that scientsts cant explain the meaning of being alive . look at the complex mechanism of your body . can it be made by it self ? of course no! if you read religous books you can find the secrets about world that hadnt proved in that acient time . good luck dear

2007-02-23 23:37:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dude, religion isn't about truth. It's about faith. Belief.

Atheism is a religion that believes there is no God. Faith that God doesn't exist.

People often misuse the word Gospel to mean truth. It actually means Good News.

If you don't believe in this or that, who cares? It's a personal thing and it's your right.

2007-02-23 18:47:35 · answer #6 · answered by Kahlo 4 · 3 0

It's all religious, athiests and evolutionists have to believe by faith that life can come from non living material. They have to believe by faith that their great, great, great, great, . . . . . great granpa was a rock, there is no scientific proof to back this up. I don't have empirical proof for God any more then evolutionists have empirical proof we came from a rock. It's a religion vs. religion debate.

2007-02-23 23:01:22 · answer #7 · answered by fastest73torino 2 · 0 0

an excellent sort of theory positioned into this question back in a sec i think of the 1st element to realize is that curiously lots easier to be attentive to what isn't real than what's real in many questionable circumstances. eg. you be attentive to that the day gone by i became into no longer torn to dying via a lion. (i'm utilising 'be attentive to' interior the provisional experience). you besides may well be attentive to that i became into no longer born the day gone by. notwithstanding you don't be attentive to what i did do the day gone by. in my opinion i believe its acceptable to flow on what's greater probably in existence. Miracles do no longer seem probably in any respect. they defy organic order. and organic order is the main elementary function of certainty. to the ingredient of being its basically order reported. so miracles to me seem not greater life like than invisible yet green trees. additionally its a good concept to observe any inner logical contradictions in any given proposition. eg God is blue and invisible. If god is invisible then god has no coloration, as a result won't be in a position to be blue. additionally pay interest to contradictory propositions.eg "extraterrestrial beings basically opt to convey mutually those with the braveness to believe without data. Thats why they took me on an area deliver and flew me for the time of area to instruct to me that they have got been extraterrestrial beings, so i could experience valuable in spreading this message to people such as you. i did no longer' believe the two till they took me for a experience." in case you opt to instruct God, then i could wish a definition of god. i would not opt to request a miracle if the God isn't a miracle working god. which could be soliciting for the impossible. I additionally would not ask for a visitation of god, if the god can not do such issues, or calls for that particular standards be fulfilled as a fashion to fulfill this variety of job which i'm incapable of accomplishing. i could different than good clarification for some gods. and that i mean previous a life like doubt form of reason. so a techniques i've got no longer seen any good reason, and have basically added learnt greater concerning to the organic international and that there's no choose for a god. no count what number theist I even have listened to.

2016-10-01 21:51:11 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Dude, God passed the word to me last night and the word was...

George Bush is a douche

If that isn't proof I don't know what is

2007-02-23 18:41:07 · answer #9 · answered by blahblahblah 2 · 1 1

I don't try to convert you to my religion. Why do you try to convert people to yours? I'm sure you have your own little "list" of "facts", or are your arguments wearing thin?

2007-02-23 18:51:13 · answer #10 · answered by Helmut 7 · 0 0

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