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Please, don't give me the definitions of Atheism and evolution, I know them. But some of you are divided, some say that both are different and not necesarry acceptable, but others say that both are accepted by Atheist. If you all say that religion is fake because it was made by man than isn't Atheism and evolution fake because it was also made by man. About the question, from where did that cell had the genetic material to change, mutate, or evolve and how do you know that, is there evidence?

2007-02-23 18:32:20 · 12 answers · asked by carlos r 2 in Science & Mathematics Biology

12 answers

A single cell did not create the universe; It created life on earth. The universe is a result of the "Big Bang."


If I may quote you:

"About the question, from where did that cell had the genetic material to change, mutate, or evolve and how do you know that, is there evidence?"

I notice that you ask for evidence. Slightly hippocritical, I would say; the "religion" that you defend is entirely without evidence. Humans have 5 senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. None of these senses can be utilized to perceive a "god." Since I cannot perceive a "god" in any possible way, what reason have I to believe that one exists?

2007-02-23 18:46:39 · answer #1 · answered by Albanian 2 · 0 0

Honestly we don't know exactly how the first living cell came into existance. There is research done on it and I had a look at scientific publications on this question, there are some hypotheses on it but none of them is confirmed yet and we can't reproduce the process. It is assumed now that the first living cells didn't use the same macromolecules like present organisms but we don't really know what were the first macromolecules that contained the genetic information and could replicate it. It is something very difficult to know because there is nothing like a fossil record from these early times and it is all speculation how it might have been. However that we don't know how something happened doesn't know that it did not happen but just that our knowledge is limited.
Evolution wasn't man made. It is is a process that happens by itself. The theory of evolution is man made, but it is based on evidence. That is the difference between religion and science. In religion you trust the words of people you consider as prophets or something similar. In science you always question the scientists. Darwin was not a prophet in any way. No one would accept the theory of evolution just because Darwin said so. It is accepted because of the evidence for it that was added to it by many scientists. And if there's something you don't know in science, then you admit that, no scientist claims he knows all the last truths, if that were the case, we could stop to do research now.

2007-02-23 23:09:19 · answer #2 · answered by Elly 5 · 0 0

Actually you don't, it is obvious enough since you ask about the origins of life as it relates to evolution. Also, by your logic wouldn't the bible and all human-records of divine intervention be man-made? Currently it is thought we came from an RNA world, that RNA was the genetic material in a very loose interpretation of the word genetic.We do know that RNA can catalyze it's own replication, and other reactions involving amino acids.
What we don't know if how the RNA came about. As for cellular origins, just two months ago in Science there was an award-winning essay about how a proto-cell can come to be. I suggest you look this one up, it was published at or around October/November 2006. If you wan't the research, I suggest you start with the articles that cited this paper published in Nature back in 1989, RNA Evolution and the Origin of Life. Also try for the articles published in the last five years in Scientific American for more recent references. We would never know for a fact, we can only make educated guess and determine whether or not they are possible. Science cannot answer everything, acting as if it can on false pretenses helps no one.

2007-02-24 08:28:37 · answer #3 · answered by rgomezam 3 · 0 0

We claim nothing of the sort. There seems to be confusion here as to terminology. The universe was created by a singularity conceptually mind boggling but simple. An infinitely dense mass occupying zero space. A cell on the other hand is extremely complicated and is separated from the singularity by at least 15 billion years. All the indications we have so far-and they are getting stronger every day is that all life on earth derived from a single organism. DNA (101). DNA and its side kick RNA are nothing more than copying machines. They copy thousands of strings of 4 letters and they do this with unbelievable accuracy. To give you an example: You get 100 people and then you copy a page from a book then you pass your copy to the next person to copy and he passes his copy on to the 3rd and son till you get to copy 100 you will find that not only it is full of spelling mistakes but also that the meaning has become garbled. You have achieved a mutation a lethal one but a mutation nevertheless. DNA by comparison can do this billions of times without a mistake but occasionally a letter is miscopied or switched with its neighbour and presto you have a mutation. This by the way was the major problem for Darwin he needed countless of millions of years for this to work and the geologist and the church were giving him respectively a few million years to a few thousand years. When geology finally got its act together Darwinism had all the time in the world to play around with.

2007-02-23 21:20:22 · answer #4 · answered by The Stainless Steel Rat 5 · 0 0

I answered this in different forms many times today, Someone asked who owns this planet, and I answered the universe, and got all thumbs down. I also answered a question to atheists, who created the universe, and I answered that the earth was but a speck within the living universe, got thumbs down for that too. The universe is a living organism, and the earth is but an atom within it. The Elohim has already figured this out. The universe has no beginning or end, it is infinity, and yet we are within this organism, what is outside the organism? This organism, is but an atom within another living organism. It is mind blowing when you think about it, but what you are asking is right on target. I read all this from the book, Intelligent Design, A Message from the Designers. I am not trying to push the book, but I was completely amazed, and got answers to a "feeling" I have had my entire life. :) MAINLEE 1- study harmonic resonance, It is a study into why and how patterns, shapes etc... are created, it is very interesting stuff.

2016-03-29 09:42:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lets get something out of the way. Evolution itself does not say God doesnt exist, only the scientist. What we get into is the assumption of science itself, materialism. Science HAS to assume a natural explaination for everything or else everything is subject to this divine cause or that one. In the realm of science, a scientist has to argue for a natural explaination because if they dont then science goes nowhere.

Also, people need to distinquish between what a man says and what a theory says. Look at what the theory of evolution actually says and not the philisophical musings of SOME evolutionists.

2007-02-24 02:46:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think religion is fake. Anyone can believe whatever they want to believe. But religions are/were invented to try to explain the universe--its beginnings, how/why it works, etc.

The same can be said for science. It developed to try to explain the universe. However, the difference is that science deals with observable phenomena, while religion deals with invented stories.

Re that "first cell," rather than a huge cut and paste, here's a site with an easily-understandable explanation:

And while it's probably true that atheists believe in evolution, it's definitely not true that all people who believe in evolution are atheists. If you care to explore that idea, research "progressive creationism," which says that evolution is real, but that it was/is guided by god.

2007-02-23 18:39:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Big Bang created the universe, and amid that chaos suns, planets, and other things were formed. On Earth, it is theorized that certain molecules were formed and gathered together and a membrane formed around them. (Note that the details are sketchy and people are still working on figuring out exactly how those first cells started "living") After the first cell all that needed to happen was binary fission and then the population would increase exponentially...and from there evolution could kick into action.

2007-02-23 18:55:40 · answer #8 · answered by Shaun 4 · 0 0

'Evolutionists' dont believe the Universe was created by a cell.

Thats idiotic. I don't know what you've been reading but obviously you didn't understand.

The cell got the genetic material from replicating lengths of RNA or DNA. All matter from our natural universe.

We don't need God. He explains nothing so most scientific people bit that whole hypothesis, its an obstacle to rational thinking.

2007-02-24 00:29:47 · answer #9 · answered by Leviathan 6 · 0 0

i dont think religion was invented. i think religion is man's quest for something greater than himself. we as humans always try to find something greater and more powerful than ourselves, its what we do naturally.

but about the question. i dont believe in evolution. so i really dont have an answer for what woudl support that cell..ive actually wondered that myself. if an entire universe can just create itself or what...its impossible i think ...evolution is a self contradiction ...the laws of science state that energy can neithor be created nor destroyed. and it also states that everything moves from order to disorder...how can a universe go from nothing to something ..but all we see is disorder..it doesnt make sense......there you go...feedback would be nice...

2007-02-23 18:45:50 · answer #10 · answered by sam-waterpolo@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

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