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Liberals say we are not supposed to judge them. god will do that.

I understand that - but can we just SAY their actions are wrong? It that judging? SHOULDN'T we as moral people take a stand against abortion and alternative lifestyles?

If we tolerate it, isn't that the same as acceptance?

2007-02-23 17:33:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

God - not god.

2007-02-23 17:43:30 · update #1

25 answers

Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Until we stand up and say that, the gray area is going to get bigger and bigger until there is no longer right from wrong.

Government should not legislate morality. Nor should it legislate a lack of morality. I hear the left say that the Cons are trying to legislate morality all the time. I don't see that, however. What I DO see is the left continually trying to litigate it, however.

2007-02-23 17:46:04 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 6 4

Whose values and whose morals? I personally find the act of codifying hatred and intolerance far more destructive than letting a few consenting adults get married. I'd rather we not make hatred, anger, bigotry, condemnation, suppression, offensiveness, narrow-mindedness, and inequality mainstream/acceptable in the name of some one-sided morality not everyone even subscribes to. I am all for morality, but only in this: your rights end only where another's rights begin. The only morality is the harm we do unto others. For the self, do what you will (so long as you do not inflict it upon others). "morality can be legislated! murder and robbery are illegal because they are immoral" No...murder and robbery are illegal because they infringe upon the rights of others. It has nothing to do with any inherent immorality of the act or what God may or may not think about it. There are many things which many consider "immoral" that are legal and many things that are illegal that are not considered "immoral." Legality is NOT the same thing as morality...NOR should it be. Morality is between you and your God. Legality is between your rights and the rights of others. "This countries morals and values came right out of the bible." No, they came from the writings of English law and the writings of such philosophical visionaries as John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Paine, and Charles de Montesquieu which were heavily read, referenced, and even copied by the Founders.

2016-05-24 04:51:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do I stand outside your church and tell your children that your bible is a lie? No. Do I think that's the case? Yes. So what keeps me from voicing that opinion to you and yours all the live long day? The fact that I think everyone has a right to make their own choices and follow their own path in this life, without having to endure the constant background noise of my whining criticisms.

That being said, you're free to rant against people living their simple lives that have absolutely no effect on you. But you're not going to come off as a respectful, decent, and tolerant person in my book. Also, it seems to be the chief complaint against Christians and conservatives, so you're probably not winning many converts while you're at it.

And yes, it is the same as acceptance. The same way I have to accept people like you, if we're all going to live together peacefully and with a modicrum of politeness and consideration for those who are different.

I'd also like to ask, why isn't it enough for you to simply follow the rules of your religion, and do what you think is right? You'd come across as a lot more dignified and secure in your beliefs if you could behave as if that were the case.

2007-02-24 07:59:51 · answer #3 · answered by M L 4 · 3 2

Of course it is okay to criticize it. The thing about immoral and deviant behavior is it is called that because most of it is destructive to those engaged in it. Such things should not be tolerated because it is wrong to do so and tolerance is the same as giving people a license to practice such behaviors.

Makes me think of that thing I saw on a web page the other day, I wish my lawn was EMO so it would cut itself.

2007-02-23 18:01:27 · answer #4 · answered by JFra472449 6 · 4 1

Of course its ok to say what you think, its the American way. But, what makes you moral and me immoral. The bible was written by man, its the greatest piece of fiction ever written. You can judge my lifestyle as you see fit but I won't change it my moral values are different from yours. You guys say don't kill but then you scream injustice when someone isn't sentenced to death for killing somebody. The thought that you somehow hold the grand ideals of morality is a fallacy based on a book. Tolerance and acceptance are not the same, I tolerate people trying to preach to me, doesn't mean I accept their views. i won't get into the destructive properties of organized religion. Feel free to voice your opinions on my lifestyle just don't try to change my lifestyle. You conservatives do judge people, you judge gays by saying they are an abomination. But, if you truly believed in this God that you speak of then you can't say that, God put them here being Gay isn't a choice its how they were born. But, I will agree that abortion is wrong but its a person's choice.

2007-02-23 18:10:46 · answer #5 · answered by jwk227 3 · 2 5

See, this is precisely the problem. People with holier-than-thou mindsets are too intolerant to accept alternate lifestyles. Criticizing it is fine; after all, this is America! Being the great country that it is, we citizens have the right to believe anything. But once your people start insulting the character of people who have different views it gets ugly and unfair. You can believe abortion and gay marriage are immoral. But allowing those two things is also considered tolerant. You can't keep shoving your views of morality down others' throats!

2007-02-23 18:03:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion both dictate that we have the right to an opinion just the same as the ones who are trying to change society's culture and norms.

Mainstream conservative Christians believe that allowing immoral behavior is the same as condoning it.

Of course, we have to tolerate the people who act in ways with which we disagree, but we are entitled to voice our opinions against it.

But probably not around here.

2007-02-23 17:39:24 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 6 2

Immoral deviant behavior?? Such as lying to take a nation to war and having thousands of people die, making support for troops just a slogan while they suffer at Walter Reed and with their VA benefits, steal millions and billions of tax payer money as you make profits from the war, or could it be that you refuse to give the proper recognition to our troops sacrifice just so that you can keep up your war effort of political capital.
Alternative lifestyles come on, VPs daughter - lesbian, Ted Haggard - Gay, Mark Foley - Gay, Bush - Still in the Closet, just to name a few.
And how much are you against abortion? Are you really willing to provide supportive and positive measure to prevent abortion? Your against abortion, you are also against sexual education, do you really have a real plan or just slogans and one liners?
Want to limit abortion? Provide help in low income areas where you have a large number of teen pregnancies, work with your representatives to improve adoption measures, get your church involved in giving mothers with low income - guidance and support, more tax breaks for local adoptions ie USA, and counseling for victims or rape and the choice of adoption just to name a few. Had GW or Christianity taken any of these steps seriously they probably would have lessened the number of abortions. They didn't are you willing to do something about it? If we tolerate it, isn't that the same as acceptance??

2007-02-23 20:18:14 · answer #8 · answered by Adward Enigma 1 · 4 3

Sure I will tolerate you saying whatever you want. What I will not tolerate you doing is trying to take rights away from people because you happen to disagree with there lifestyle or choices.
Your morals are not everybody elses.

2007-02-23 18:42:39 · answer #9 · answered by mrlebowski99 6 · 4 2

abortion and alternative lifestyles? is that all the sin you see?

because that's all you guys are crying about...

funny... not ever a word about greed? does your Bible not mention that? and pride, my goodness, that's the very backbone of you're beliefs...

I guess the thing that really gets me about conservatives' morals... is that they are subjective to the things that they are not... mainly often gay and having abortions... but the sins that some are guilty of... let's just ignore those...

God will judge us all... and while many liberals may have things that they will be judged on, granted, I have a sneaking suspicon that Conservatives will be just SHOCKED when God seems to be bothered by their sins just as much...

if you tolerate any of it, it is accptance, and you've tolerated/acepted much of it already, it's just the things that you're comfortable with... the things you justify to yourself... (I'm not saying you personally, just your party, I don't really know you)

the Bible says, if I remember correctly, it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven... and if that's true in any way(even though there are different interpretations of it)... then there may be quite a few Republicans warming that Liberal-filled hades you built in your mind...

it's ok to say anything... freedom of speech... it only really annoys me when some try to legislate it...

2007-02-23 17:55:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

Yes I think it's alright to say that you don't agree with immoral behavior and certainly not afraid to stand up to the things I believe in. Liberals certainly don't like to tolerate conservative beliefs and like to brand us as bad guys many times. We have a right and a just one to say the things we believe. Many liberals preach tolerance but only if others agree with their lifestyle.

2007-02-23 17:41:08 · answer #11 · answered by toughguy2 7 · 5 3

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