Well, I have not had my son yet but I am really hoping to breastfeed for 6-9 months-congrats to you!
2007-02-23 17:24:06
answer #1
answered by Sakora 5
I only got to breastfeed for 4 months, I dried up due to a hormonal imbalance caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome. I also couldn't make enough b/c of this same balance, so he was almost always supplemented. I wanted to breastfeed for as long as my son wanted to and I was really disappointed that I dried up. For that matter, so was my son, he kept nursing, not getting anything more than comfort for several months afterward. I even tried relactating (pumping at least every 2 hours and took a few hormone medications) in an attempt to get it back, but it didn't work. You should be proud your baby hasn't ever had formula, only 33% of babies leave the hospital being breastfed, due to a culture so saturated with the idea of breasts as sex objects, that they forget what their primary use is. Also, women have this CRAZY notion that formula feeding is easier. Sheesh - not! I'd choose nursing any day over having to lug around a bottle, water, formula, a way to warm it, a way to keep it cool, etc. Nursing, all I needed was....ME! LOL Formula isn't bad, you're right, and I'm sure glad it's improved so much in the last few decades, but it doesn't come close to comparing to breastmilk.
2007-02-24 01:28:35
answer #2
answered by littleangelfire81 6
my first I only breastfed for 3 days and that last day iwas at the point I was literally screaming as I fed her, and she was getting more blood than milk, I talk to lactation consultants and the ones in my area at the time were not good ones, they told me she was latched on right so I don't know what to tell you. so i didn't have much of a choice I had to stop. With my second I had all the same symptoms I did have to suplement a couple of feedings w/ formula just to give me that extra 2 hours or recoop time, but I found a lactation cunsultant that was so nice and helpful, she had me pump every 2 hours around the clock for 2 days and I was giving the baby my breastmilk in a bottle to the baby, and then I put her back on the breast, it still hurt but not nearly as bad and every feeding just got easier and easier until it was just second nature. I breastfed my second until she was 12 1/2 months old ( up until just a month ago) And I loved it. It is so much easier and convienient and Im a big believer if the baby is hungry I feed her anywhere but I did carry a little cover up blanket in the diaper bag lol. Congrats on your breastfeeding keep it up It is so much better when you don't have to pack formula and wash bottles, it is just so worth it.
2007-02-24 01:31:47
answer #3
answered by medleyc1 4
11 months this week!
One pediatrician tried to make me give her formula because she had jaundice. I looked it up first, and found out that it was a medical myth that babies get better with formula, and that MOST pediatricians these days knew better. I refused the formula, and she got better the next day.
So she's only had breastmilk and not a drop of anything else until she was 9 months when I started some solids.
I am hoping to make it at least 2 years.
2007-02-24 09:06:22
answer #4
answered by EMT_and_Mom_to1 2
With my first daughter I breastfed till she was around 19-20 or 21 months. I was pregnant and only had a month or two left so I wanted a little break before baby came. Plus she was already self weaning.
With my second daughter I breastfed for about 2 and a half years she was never going to stop!!!! But I ended up telling her booby was broken. As all the other methods hadnt worked.
Good on you for breastfeeding its great for baby but also for you.
2007-02-24 03:00:47
answer #5
answered by Monkey Magic 6
I have been breastfeeding (ok pumping) for 5.5 months. It takes a lot of work for me to make milk at all, so I have had to supplement some (NONE THIS WEEK!) But its all worth it. I plan to go till at least 12 months.
I made it 4 months with my second child because he was a piggie and I was just not producing no matter what I did.
My first child refused to nurse at all and sadly I was not educated so I was not able to correct it.
2007-02-24 03:27:11
answer #6
answered by laketahoedragoness 3
14 months, not a drop of formula and maybe 2 jars total of pureed food.
I laugh when people say that babies are expensive!
I said the same thing when my son was your babies age. It gets ALOT easier. He only really nurses to sleep now, and sometimes takes a few sips throughout the day.
You can definatly do it, you've made it through the worst part!
2007-02-24 01:26:17
answer #7
answered by Mommy to David 4
I breastfed for 20 and 30 months.
My daughter was hospitalized for jaundice and they gave her formula mixed with breastmilk to help her flush her system. I wasn't thrilled but my milk took 5 days to come in. In retrospect it wasn't that big of a deal.
Good for you...I am glad you are having success this time around.
2007-02-24 01:57:09
answer #8
answered by wendysorangeblossoms 5
I nursed my oldest son for 2 1/2 years. I have a 6 week old son and I am nursing him! Love it! Neither of them have had formula
2007-02-24 01:28:24
answer #9
answered by LITTLE 1 :o) 6
I tried, Please Wait for The Beep.I only breast fed for 2 weeks, I can't believe it was two weeks. Seemed like forever. I did enjoy the bonding moments though. My daughter did drink soy milk until 12months. She is healthy and smart (now 15mnths 03/02)
Thank God!
2007-02-27 23:03:14
answer #10
answered by Lola 2