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Weird things are happening in my house. I think it's haunted or something.

2007-02-23 17:16:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

Again... this question too was recommended for Singles&Dating.

2007-02-23 17:16:37 · update #1

BLINKY! That freaks me out. I have a fear of clowns.

2007-02-23 17:21:21 · update #2

9 answers

play Chrisitan music about God, get a Bible and a priest to bless the house. Pray for protection with faith. Ya that'll do ;)

2007-02-23 17:21:12 · answer #1 · answered by Clemence 3 · 1 0

Keep a light on, when you go to sleep (if you can sleep).
Make sure your doors are locked.
Put on the TV for noise.
Did Blinky (the clown) get to you too?

2007-02-24 01:19:10 · answer #2 · answered by Stormee 5 · 1 0

Naaaaaaaaaaaaa it's just me Good Old Blinky,tinkering about in your basement.

2007-02-24 01:19:54 · answer #3 · answered by Blinky 3 · 0 0

Whatever you... don't watch ghost hunter. I freak myself out watching that show for days. If you really are seriously in fear... in all seriousness... try these...

A simple and very effective spiritual exercise to
Protect Yourself from Psychic Attack and Unwanted Influences, Clear Your Energy Field, Remove Entities and Implants and Cut Inappropriate Karmic Ties.

Do this one first though...
#2 This has worked for me....
I (personally) read it out loud 3 times.

Psalm for Protection

91st Psalm

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty,
will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in Whom I trust."
For He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence;
He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.
You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your habitation,
no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.
For He will give His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.
On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.
Because he cleaves to Me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows My name.
When he calls to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.
The 91st Psalm is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible. Like the rest of the Scriptures, the underlying thought is developed through a series or symbols and it is by the appreciation of the values lying behind these symbols that the power of this prayer is understood.

The 91st Psalm is one of the most powerful prayers ever written. Persons have gotten themselves out of every conceivable kind of trouble by working on this prayer every day in the spiritual way. Others have turned to the Psalm in some great emergency and have overcome their difficulties.

The best way to get the most out of this Psalm is to read it through quietly, pause after each verse to consider the meaning. Prayer is thinking about God; and while working on this prayer in the study, you are praying in a spiritual way.

If in a specific trouble or fear, after reading this Psalm several times your fears will be gone.

2007-02-24 02:07:52 · answer #4 · answered by mmhhhhhmmm 3 · 1 0

Just stay on here. Keep the lights on. Keep answering questions until you feel better. If you need help call 911.

2007-02-24 01:21:54 · answer #5 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 0 0

Leave the lights on and turn on some music

2007-02-24 01:19:01 · answer #6 · answered by jrsygrl 7 · 0 0

wow, I am not of the belief that houses are haunted but that some souls need to be heard.

2007-02-24 01:21:03 · answer #7 · answered by sideways 7 · 0 0

Sing her this sweet lullaby.
1,2 Freddy's coming for you. 3,4 better shut the door. 5,6 grab your crucifix. 7,8 better stay up late. 9,10 never sleep again.
I hope this helps.
mother Goose.

2007-02-24 01:21:23 · answer #8 · answered by texaslady73 2 · 0 0

Hmm, just ignore it, or.....dress up all creepy and haunt the ghosts, that could work

2007-02-24 01:19:17 · answer #9 · answered by ashleynicole452 4 · 0 0

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