Well, I asked one of my teachers this once, and he said something like, "So you learn how to learn." Which kind of makes sense, because you're going to have to learn pointless crap for the rest of your life. High school is just helping you get used to the idea.
2007-02-23 16:51:31
answer #1
answered by Jake E 1
There are many things they try to teach you in high school (and collage for that matter) that really won't do you any good in the future. The system is archaic and does not target what you specifically would benefit from in the future. Think of it as a baseball game the goal is to get around the bases and back to home plate to score, but without the bat, ball, pitcher and catcher... you might as well just run track. The point is not weather or not you can use what they teach you, but getting your high school diploma is bound to help you get better jobs and earn more money, it's also the only way you can expect to go to collage.
If you don't think you'll ever make it to collage you might consider going for a GED which is based on only the important stuff and then you can move on to a trade school without wasting too much more time fighting to get credits that ultimately won't help very much. Hope this helps. Steven
2007-02-24 01:02:42
answer #2
answered by Steven S 2
Probably the biggest thing in education is that it proves you are trainable. You may feel you don't remember a thing, but given some cues about the subject you might be surprised at just how much you remember. The only way that you can keep up a knowledge level is by continually adding to that base, whether math, english, the arts, etc. Like it or not, you will be involved in life-long learning just to maintain a job.
2007-02-24 00:53:13
answer #3
answered by waytooeasy67 3
There will be many things or concepts you learn throughout schooling that you figure you will never use in life. In your adult life your memory will remind you that " Gee you learned that in Algebra and had totally forgotten that ". When you were learning it , your mind said I will never need this so put it in the forget files . Guess what, your subconscious mind has alot of the keys to release valuable infomation later on when needed . So when learning what appears really dumb may be your asset later .
2007-02-24 01:10:06
answer #4
answered by westhighland 3
I had the same point with you when I was cramming for tests and exams in high school. Soon after the exams, I forget most of what I have learnt. But I know what I like to learn and what I don't. I think it's one of the point.
2007-02-24 07:42:01
answer #5
answered by newbie 1
Courses go in a sequence that teach you the things you need in order to be successful in the next course and eventually your life.
2007-02-24 00:52:15
answer #6
answered by marnie 3
Well, you may not and need not remember but when look at it again later, you will recognise it and if needed, will learn quicker. Your brain has a very large memory and it just goes somewhere but can be retrieved easily later. So, learning is important.
2007-02-24 00:52:53
answer #7
answered by Swamy 7
so that you don't forget other more important things, like how to use the facilities and eat. if you don't take pointless classes, there's nothing to forget except the important stuff and people would wander around mindlessly trying to remember how to walk.
2007-02-24 00:52:39
answer #8
answered by i_turn_on_lights 2
in learning, we do not actually retain all the things that are being taught to us. we only remember ideas or concepts that are relevant to our beliefs and values.
so if you want to remember something from the courses you have had, then i think you need to open up yourself and try to see if these have relevance to your personality.
2007-02-24 00:53:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Becaus eyou have to in order to move on to college...or simply to get your diploma. Life is about jumping through hoops.
2007-02-24 00:59:46
answer #10
answered by O.K. 1