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CLINTON HELPED CHINA join the WTO after China was caught giving nuclear techology to Pakistan. China joining the WTO has cause joblosses and bankruptcies across the U.S.. Families have lost their homes and cars. The world was reluctant to let China into the WTO because it was less than 10 after China killed thousands of its own people with tanks and guns.

Anyone care to explain why?

Clinton Launches All-out Effort For China's Entry Into WTO

2007-02-23 16:11:46 · 18 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics & Government Politics

More information:

"In 1993, President Clinton decided not to link U.S trade restrictions to China's export [NUCLEAR] policies. This removed the main barrier to Beijing's missile exports to Pakistan and Syria and its nuclear help to Pakistan and Iran. Last year, Clinton refused to punish China for human rights abuses, removing a crucial barrier to prison labor. "

2007-02-23 16:21:26 · update #1

More information:
Clinton's Flawed China Policy: Is Clinton-Style Engagement Really Constructive

"President Clinton also ignored intelligence information regarding Chinese arms sales. In 1993, a CIA report concluded that China had shipped 34 M-11 ballistic missiles to Pakistan. Under the Missile Technology Control Regime, the U.S. is required to impose sanctions upon the receipt of such information. But the Clinton Administration rejected the CIA's information, leading Gordon Oehler, then-director of the CIA's Nonproliferation Center, to note that the administration "regularly dismissed" intelligence information.6

In a similar incident in 1996, the CIA informed the President of a Chinese shipment of magnets used to make bomb-grade uranium to Pakistan. Instead of imposing sanctions (as mandated by law), the White House negotiated an agreement on nonproliferation with China.

2007-02-23 16:22:46 · update #2

The Nuclear Control Institute reported that the commitment had loopholes "big enough to push an atom bomb through."7 Indeed, only a few months later, further shipments of nuclear equipment to Pakistan were reported, but again, no action was taken.8


2007-02-23 16:23:07 · update #3

More information: The cat is out of the bag. It is not possible to kick China out of the WTO. What Clinton did cannot be undone.

2007-02-23 16:27:44 · update #4

Missile Technology Sent To China

Clinton and Chinese Missiles

"The only time an administration delivered such a report--in 1993 in response to a new requirement under the Defense Production Act of 1992--the Clinton administration did not even include China among the 12 countries it singled out for review. Taiwan was among the group.
"This is a real failure on the part of the administration to carry out the law in this regard," said C. Richard D'Amato, chairman of the U.S.-China Economic Security and Trade Commission. Congress established the commission to examine the national security implications of economic dealings with China.
Tony Fratto, the Treasury Department's chief spokesman, would not comment directly on the GAO report or the Magnequench case. "http://www.econstrat.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=144&Itemid=59

2007-03-02 09:22:07 · update #5

"A U.S. high-tech firm bought in 1995 with Clinton-administration approval by a consortium that included two Chinese companies is proving to be a threat to U.S. national security, according to senior government analysts"http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_40_18/ai_94511263

"Chinese arms exports to Iran have caused considerable concern within the international community, particularly for the United States." CHINESE ARMS EXPORTS TO IRAN (1998) http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal/1998/issue2/jv2n2a7.html

"Yet, the administration continues to overlook CIA findings that the Chinese have sold 5,000 ring magnets to Pakistan for its uranium enrichment facility. The ring magnets were transferred to a laboratory in Kahuta, Pakistan"http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/congress/1998/h980330p.htm

2007-03-02 09:29:28 · update #6

"12/8/98: Responding to a Washington Times report that China had exported telemetry equipment to Iran for the testing of Iran's new medium-range Shahab missile, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said, "China's position on the export of missiles has always proceeded from being responsible for the security in the region. . .China has honored its commitments by adopting effective and strict controls and there is no such issue as proliferation."["China Mum on Missile Technology Transfer to Iran," Agence France Presse, 8 December 1998.] "http://www.nti.org/db/China/miranchr.htm

2007-03-02 09:33:25 · update #7

7/17/99: According to a CIA report to Congress, China is continuing to supply advanced conventional arms to Iran. "China also was an important supplier of advanced conventional weapons to Iran through the second half of 1998..."http://www.nti.org/db/China/miranchr.htm

2007-03-02 09:38:07 · update #8

China Arms the Rogues
"It was only in early June 1997, however, that the State Department formally notified Congress that China had sold cruise missiles to Iran, "enhancing that country's ability to disrupt Persian Gulf shipping and challenge U.S. forces in the region."5 Such transfers would violate the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), a voluntary supplier arrangement, and would warrant U.S. sanctions under 1990, 1991, and 1994 amendments to the Arms Export Control Act. No such action has been taken, however, as of this writing.
"Middle East Quarterly
September 1997 "http://www.meforum.org/article/360

2007-03-02 09:47:12 · update #9

Book : "The Coming Conflict With China" (1997). ""When Secretary of State Warren Christopher visited Beijing in mid-March 1994, the Chinese subjected him to such humiliating treatment in private meeting....""

Book: "Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America " (2002)

2007-03-02 10:00:42 · update #10


) China controls the value of the Yuan:

"Yuan Climbs to Post-Peg High as China Seeks to Avoid Sanctions "

2) A free floating Chinese yuan will decrease our trade deficit. Many of the countries around the world agree.:

"Many of China's trading partners have complained the yuan is undervalued and gives Chinese exports an unfair advantage in global markets. Beijing revalued the yuan by 2.1 per cent against the dollar in July last year but it has since allowed the unit to rise only about 2pc more."

2007-03-02 10:04:52 · update #11

3) The IMF also wants China's currency to float:
"IMF hopes for is what it calls "the strengthened policy scenario," which would include greater exchange-rate flexibility in China and other countries in Asia to accommodate a devaluation of the U.S. dollar, a move by the U.S. to deal with its huge budget deficit through both spending restraint and tax increases, more measures by Europe and Japan to raise productive growth and additional spending by the major oil producers in their economies.

2007-03-02 10:05:54 · update #12

In 2005, America was ranked #1 in business competitiveness. In 2006, out of 50 countries, America is number 6 and ahead of Japan. American workers are the hardest workers in the world The average American works longer hours and has shorter vacations than a Japanese worker. Also, the average American gets paid less money than the average Japanese worker.
Rank Country/Economy Score
1 Switzerland 5.81
2 Finland 5.76
3 Sweden 5.74
4 Denmark 5.70
5 Singapore 5.63
6 United States 5.61
7 Japan 5.60

2007-03-02 10:17:51 · update #13

18 answers

Perhaps the question should read: Can Any Liberals Explain Why Clinton Sold Out?

2007-02-23 16:15:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

Why do people spend so much time attacking a past president? It just looks like spite since the man is no longer in power. By the way, I am not a Clinton fan... I actually voted for Dole.

I can understand attacking Bush's policies because he is actually still in office. I also understand historical questions but this is so personal that it looks like a fetish.

By the way, Bush opened the doors to share nuclear technology (including military) with India but you act like Clinton's lack of action with Pakistan is something that no Republican would do. And yet a Republican president actually gave a confrontational nation this technology.

China still has the favored nation status under the Bush administration and I can't think of the last time he condemned their human rights violations with any teeth. Let's just agree that both administrations are open to criticism on these issues.

2007-02-23 17:09:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Dear A-bush-fan,

Based on your question, and your added information, you are not looking for an answer.

You've already made up your mind, from the spin of your right wing web sites and blogs.

So, why ask a question that you have no intention of wanting an answer too?

Is it because you feel the need to impress us, with your cut and paste jobs, that you plagarize as your own thoughts?

I'd tell you to do your own research, but I doubt you'd read anything that would refute your biased view of democrats.

You made up your mind a long time ago, when your mommy and daddy told you they were republicans, and democrats are evil.

Perhaps when you move out of the house, you will one day learn to think for yourself?

Good luck to you.

2007-03-02 05:29:40 · answer #3 · answered by Stan 6 · 1 1

It seems to me that a Pakistani, having worked in England, designed a plan to make nuclear weapons for Pakistan. He also created a network of suppliers from various countries including China. The knowledge to make the bombs came from his work in England. He created a way to build bombs that went around a lot of steps. He got the pieces to build uranium enhancers to create the necessary enriched uranium for bombs. He has also helped Iran on the road to hell . Iran now has 15,000 enhancers and room for another 30,000.

2007-03-01 15:31:07 · answer #4 · answered by rcj1rcj2 2 · 0 1

frankly I don't like it... but OF COURSE YOU KNOW WHY...


playing coy... how cute....

but, I'll play along and tell you the answer you know oh so well...

BIG BUSINESS... they have made BILLIONS since Clinton did that... and continue to make BILLIONS since Bush has given China every helping hand he could...

Clinton also did the same thing with NAFTA, but not to be outdone, Bush signed CAFTA... are they in a contest or something to see who could give the most American jobs away? I'm not sure who's winning, but America is losing...

the one thing that Bush and Clinton agree on... and go figure... it's bad for everyone....

but of course, you know better than most, profits go way up when you're only paying 5 cents a day compared to $20 an hour...

this question is like Mr. T complaining about how mohawks and gold jewelry are stupid...

2007-02-23 16:38:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

China is the fastest economy because Chinese work hard. US workers are losing jobs because they cannot compete with rest of the world. How can the 4th biggest ecomony China, can be isolated from the world. WTA is for free trade.
USA cannot control the whole world. China is not a colony of USA.

2007-03-01 21:46:38 · answer #6 · answered by MAK 2 · 1 1

MAK, said it best. We do not control the world, you Republican nit wit. Perhaps it was to help a balance of power between China and Russia. I looked for the Clinton massage parlor when I was in N.Y. city, but was told that was just an urban legend, it did not exist. However, I did find the George W. Bush house of cocaine and drunken twins. Funny thing about it though, they were wearing stained, blue, lingerie.

2007-03-02 02:14:51 · answer #7 · answered by c321arty 3 · 1 1

because the rising power of china both economically and militarily made US nervous and Clinton thought it was best to engage china diplomatically and invite it into the web of world politics rather than isolate and punish for illegally doing arms trade with other countries especially pakistan.imagine if china was to be isolated like Iran the consequences that might follow. CHINA HAS VETO POWER IN SECURITY COUNCIL MY FRIEND AND I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW POWERFUL THAT POWER IS.

2007-03-01 14:59:18 · answer #8 · answered by yogi123 3 · 1 1

It's really simple. If you go to the "Rotten Apple" a.k.a. N.Y.C. go to Clintons Massauge Parlor & library. The girls working there are all mail order chinise brides that shlickster got for free.

And they probably all have a blue dress with his stain on the front.

2007-02-23 17:02:04 · answer #9 · answered by Jarod R 4 · 1 1

We are killing other countries people with tanks and guns!

I suspect it was to ease the tension between China and Taiwan and the US! And Walmart needed cheap labor that would not be immigrating!

Clinton hasn't been president for over 6 years and the Republicans controlled Congress for 12 years! What did they do about it?

And who was Reagan selling our arms to in Iran/Contra!? Who was Bush, the 1st one, allowing US companies to sell dual-use technology to? Wasn't it Saddam?

2007-02-23 16:24:55 · answer #10 · answered by cantcu 7 · 4 3

Actually, the phrase, "sold us out" comes to mind when one comprehends the $BILLIONS$ and $BILLIONS$ and $BILLIONS$ of dollars in debt that Bush has plunged this nation into. It's the largest debt in the history of mankind! And, guess who loaned it to us? That's right, boys. China holds the mortgage on the United States of America. Thanks to Bush and his lie of a war. (Conservatives aren't still falling for this moronic "Let's Blame Everything on Clinton's BJ" silliness anymore are they?)

2007-02-23 16:40:58 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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