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....was drunk at someone else's house would you:
A. Be an understanding parent and say ok but don't go anywhere else. Afterall teenagers get drunk
B. Go over to that other parents house angry as fire to pick him/her up
C. Be an angry parent and say ok but we will talk about this tomorrow when I pick up up! And hopes that he/she has a hangover.

2007-02-23 14:48:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

19 answers

if it's the first time, ill give them the get out of jail free card. but if this is not the first time, ill ground them from going to anymore parties for a month

2007-02-23 14:59:29 · answer #1 · answered by nαrcíssα [misses being a TC] 6 · 2 4

A is out because the excuse that "all teenagers get drunk" is ridiculous.
C is out because allowing the teen to stay is the same as saying what he or she is doing is okay.

B is the winner. I would go pick him (or her) up. The police would be involved because what they are doing is illegal, and if the other parents were involved, well, Heaven have mercy because I would do everything I could to make sure they were punished to the full extent of the law. It is not okay for kids to drink. Period. How many young people have died or been disabled for life because "all kids do it". Rubbish. As for my son, he would be doing community service, working around the house, and donating any monies he has to charities, etc. for a very long time.

2007-02-23 15:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by Abby 5 · 2 1

For safety of your child and to truly know what condition or state he's at, I'd go over there and either take him home or leave him be. I'd be more concerned about alcohol poisoning and/ or suffocation (on his own vomit) if he's passed out and nobody noticed . Upon arrival I'd say a few things like, who provided him with the alcohol and how much but unfortunately your kid decided to try it all on his own. The true lesson he will learn will be the day after.
Make sure you have something for him to do and wake him up bright and early to do it (the hotter or noisier the better). Ask him after the day's work why he chose to drink last night and if today has taught him anything. Tell him that fun is fun but to be drunk and beyond functioning normally is not acceptable at his age or any age.
Believe me, my daughter had to work the next day ( ill and looking it and begging to get a ride home). She learned her lesson and she has not had a drink since (one year ago). I'm sure she'll try it again but at least I know she'll think twice before having too many.

2007-02-23 17:01:22 · answer #3 · answered by trojan 5 · 1 1

First I would hope my son wasn't at someone's house drunk. We have had many many conversations about just this topic.
I want to say I would be understanding.. telling him to stay put.. however.. as I said he and I have had many many discussions about this.. I would not want him to drive NOR get into a car with someone that had been drinking... We have an agreement.. he calls, I come get him.. and give him crap the next day. He know's just how irresponsible it would be to drink and drive.. he also know's how not only does he need to worry about the penalties from the state to his driver's license, but the risk that I will take it as well. He would have a much easier time getting it back from the state.. ....

I love my son's.. all of them.. and would not want to loose one of them to something as stupid as drunk driving.... as for the parent that allowed the kids to drink... well I don't think I would be letting them go over there again in the near future... I would not allow their child to drink in my home, and would think they were smart and responsible enough not to allow it in theirs.

Yes teen's will experiement.. but think about it.. is it really worth it?? Think of all the what if's... what if you get behind the wheel.. what if when you do, you loose control.. hit a tree.. or god forbid another vehicle with a family in it... what if they die??? could you honestly live with yourself???

Even as an adult.. I do not drink and drive.. I have had my father pick me up at a bar... or the DD bring me home and then someone take me back to get my car the next day. I just know I couldn't live with myself if I hurt someone else...

2007-02-23 15:05:50 · answer #4 · answered by gin_in_mi 4 · 2 1

Actually that happened toi me and my Mom did A, then she gave me the talk like MamyLaly said the next day. Which was cool because I knew she was bing reasonable and just trying to look out for me.

I don't think it helps to get angry at your kinds becuase they will just get angry back and do what they want anyway. I know that if I'm ever in trouble I can call my Mom because she won't freak out and start screaming at me or something. My friend got drunk once and fell in a snowbank walking home because he was too scared to call his house and say come pick me up. He could have died so I think it's important your kids trust you cause then they can tell you what's going on with them.

2007-02-23 15:06:15 · answer #5 · answered by kyla_bean 4 · 1 3

uhh i would be pissed and i would be going over to that house and picking my kid up and cussing out the mother who let that happen to my kid. And i tell u what my kid wont be going anywhere for a very very long time and the trust would be out the window untill she proved to me she can be trusted. Ohh and not all teenagers get drunk btw.

2007-02-23 14:54:52 · answer #6 · answered by cudybug 3 · 3 1

None of the above.... I would sit down and talk to him/her. Tell him/her the realities of getting drunk. Cause it might be fun for them but it can have nasty consequences drunk driving, rape, blacking out , etc. I think about some restrictions with your kid. And I would call the parents /owners of the house he/she got drunk in.

2007-02-23 14:53:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Go over and get my kid...The next day call the parents and let them know what happened. Take the measures that need to be taken based on the response of the parents...Did they know...Did they contribute etc... Talk w/my kid about his/hers actions and put them on restriction based on 1st time repeat etc...

2007-02-23 15:19:49 · answer #8 · answered by rmamjm 1 · 1 1

None...dont throw a fit unless it was the parents gining it to them!! takl to ur kid...all teens are going to experience it sooner or later...i know the first and only time i got drunk was when i was like 12 and it wasnt on purpose...i never wantto feel like that ever again adn refuse to drink!!!

2007-02-23 17:50:04 · answer #9 · answered by Kita 4 · 1 1

how about D. call the police and have the parent arrested from underage consumption and never let my child over there or be around anyone that lived there anymore. on top of this i would throw a couple of weeks to be grounded along with taking my kid to a detox (rehab) center and let them see what that does it their bodies and family. good luck.

2007-02-23 16:25:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Definatley B and then have charges placed against the parents (at the house) for contributing to the deliquency of a minor - which is extremely illegal.

2007-02-23 14:54:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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