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...organized the first womens rights convention at seneca falls new york? (1848)

2007-02-23 14:48:05 · 5 answers · asked by ~_~ 2 in Arts & Humanities History

5 answers

Lucretia Coffin Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Sorry, don't know the third one.

2007-02-23 15:00:30 · answer #1 · answered by ♥yuki 5 · 0 0

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a distant relative of my husband. :)
Lucretia Mott.

2007-02-23 22:56:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Susan B. Anthony is the last one you are looking for. She and Elizabeth Stanton were exceptionally close

2007-02-23 23:04:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

same here i am even clue less too!

2007-02-23 22:54:07 · answer #4 · answered by PiNk_sLiP 4 · 0 0

The third one is Bloomer, Amelia Jenks
born May 27, 1818, Homer, N.Y., U.S.
died Dec. 30, 1894, Council Bluffs, Iowa

née Amelia JenksAmerican reformer who campaigned for temperance and women's rights.

Amelia Jenks was educated in a local school and for several years thereafter taught school and was a private tutor. In 1840 she married Dexter C. Bloomer, a Quaker newspaper editor of Seneca county, through whom she became interested in public affairs. She began contributing articles to newspapers on various topics and was an early and staunch member of the local women's Temperance Society. Bloomer attended but took no part in the Seneca Falls Convention organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott in 1848. In January of the following year, however, she began a newspaper for women—probably the first to be edited entirely by a woman—The Lily: A Ladies Journal Devoted to Temperance and Literature and opened its pages to women's rights advocates as well as temperance reformers.

Although she was rather slow to embrace the cause of women's rights, Bloomer by 1853 had become quite active, making speaking appearances in New York City and elsewhere. She became involved in a dress-reform movement as well when she began appearing in public wearing full-cut pantaloons, or “Turkish trousers,” under a short skirt. She attracted considerable ridicule for appearing in the costume, and the pantaloons came to be called “bloomers.” Although she had not originated the costume—among others, actress Fanny Kemble and reformer Lydia Sayer (Hasbrouck) had worn it as early as 1849, and Elizabeth Smith Miller had actually introduced it to Bloomer and Stanton early in 1851—Bloomer's defense of it in The Lily linked her name with it indissolubly. The episode had the unfortunate effect of distracting attention from her reform efforts, but she continued to publish The Lily in Seneca Falls, where she was also deputy postmistress, and later in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, where she assisted her husband on the Western Home Visitor. In 1855 she sold the newspaper, but her interest in reform, expressed in writing and lectures, continued untilher death some 40 years later.

About the The other Two
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
born , Nov. 12, 1815, Johnstown, N.Y., U.S.
died Oct. 26, 1902, New York, N.Y.

née Elizabeth CadyAmerican leader in the women's rights movement who in 1848 formulated the first organized demand for woman suffrage in the United States.

Elizabeth Cady received a superior education at home, at the Johnstown Academy, andat Emma Willard's Troy Female Seminary, from which she graduated in 1832. While studying law in the office of her father, Daniel Cady, a U.S. congressman and later a New York Supreme Court judge, she learned of the discriminatory laws under which women lived and determined to win equal rights for her sex. In 1840 she married HenryBrewster Stanton, a lawyer and abolitionist (she insisted that the word “obey” be dropped from the wedding ceremony). Later that year they attended the World's Anti-Slavery Convention in London, and she was outraged at the denial of official recognition to several women delegates, notably Lucretia C. Mott, because of their sex.She became a frequent speaker on the subject of women's rights and circulated petitions that helped secure passage by the New York legislature in 1848 of a bill granting married women's property rights.

In 1848 she and Mott issued a call for a women's rights convention to meet in Seneca Falls, New York (where Stanton lived), on July 19–20 and in Rochester, New York, on subsequent days. At the meeting Stanton introduced her Declaration of Sentiments, modeled on the Declaration of Independence, that detailed the inferior status of womenand that, in calling for extensive reforms, effectively launched the American women's rights movement. She also introduced a resolution calling for woman suffrage that wasadopted after considerable debate. From 1851 she worked closely with Susan B. Anthony; together they remained active for 50 years after the first convention, planning campaigns, speaking before legislative bodies, and addressing gatherings in conventions, in lyceums, and in the streets. Stanton, the better orator and writer, was perfectly complemented by Anthony, the organizer and tactician. She wrote not only her own and many of Anthony's addresses but also countless letters and pamphlets, as well as articles and essays for numerous periodicals, including Amelia Bloomer's Lily,Paulina Wright Davis's Una, and Horace Greeley's New York Tribune.

In 1854 Stanton received an unprecedented invitation to address the New York legislature; her speech resulted in new legislation in 1860 granting married women therights to their wages and to equal guardianship of their children. During her presidency in 1852–53 of the short-lived Woman's State Temperance Society, which she and Anthony had founded, she scandalized many of her most ardent supporters by suggesting that drunkenness be made sufficient cause for divorce. Liberalized divorce laws continued to be one of her principal issues.

During the Civil War, Stanton again worked for abolitionism. In 1863 she and Anthony organized the Women's National Loyal League, which gathered more than 300,000 signatures on petitions calling for immediate emancipation. The movement to extend the franchise to African American men after the war, however, caused her bitterness and outrage, reemphasized the disenfranchisement of women, and led her and her colleagues to redouble their efforts for woman suffrage.

Stanton and Anthony made several exhausting speaking and organizing tours on behalf of woman suffrage. In 1868 Stanton became coeditor (with Parker Pillsbury) of the newly established weekly The Revolution, a newspaper devoted to women's rights.She continued to write fiery editorials until the paper's demise in 1870. She helped organize the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869 and was named its president, a post she retained until 1890, when the organization merged with the rival American Woman Suffrage Association. She was then elected president of the new National American Woman Suffrage Association and held that position until 1892.

Stanton continued to write and lecture tirelessly. She was the principal author of the Declaration of Rights for Women presented at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. In 1878 she drafted a federal suffrage amendment that was introduced in every Congress thereafter until women were granted the right to vote in 1920. With Susan B. Anthony and Matilda Joslyn Gage she compiled the first three volumes of the six-volume History of Woman Suffrage. She also published The Woman's Bible, 2 vol. (1895–98), and an autobiography, Eighty Years and More (1898).The Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Susan B. Anthony Reader (1992), edited by Ellen Carol DuBois, collects essays and letters on a variety of topics. Additional documents are available in The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (1997– ), edited by Ann D. Gordon.
Mott, Lucretia
born Jan. 3, 1793, Nantucket, Mass., U.S.
died Nov. 11, 1880, near Abington, Pa.

née Lucretia Coffinpioneer reformer who, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, founded the organized women's rights movement in the United States.

Lucretia Coffin grew up in Boston, where she attended public school for two years in accordance with her father's wish that she become familiar with the workings of democratic principles. At age 13, she was sent to a Friends' boarding school near Poughkeepsie, New York, where two years later she was engaged as an assistant andlater as a teacher. It was then that her interest in women's rights began. Solely because of her sex, she was paid only half the salary male teachers were receiving.

In 1811 she married James Mott, a fellow teacher from the school, and the couple moved to Philadelphia. About 1818 Lucretia Mott began to speak at religious meetings, and three years later she was accepted as a minister of the Friends. She joined the Hicksite (Liberal) branch of the Society of Friends when a rift occurred in the 1820s, andin that decade she began to travel about the country lecturing on religion and questionsof social reform, including temperance, the abolition of slavery, and peace.

In 1833 Mott attended the founding convention of the American Anti-Slavery Society, and immediately thereafter she led in organizing its women's auxiliary, the PhiladelphiaFemale Anti-Slavery Society, of which she was chosen president. She met opposition within the Society of Friends when she spoke of abolition, and attempts were made to strip Mott of her ministry and membership. In 1837 she helped organize the Anti-SlaveryConvention of American Women, and in May 1838 her home was almost attacked by a mob after the burning of Pennsylvania Hall, Philadelphia, where the convention had been meeting. Rebuffed as a delegate to the World's Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 because of her sex, Mott still managed to make her views known.

In 1848, taking up the cause of women's rights, she and Elizabeth Cady Stanton called a convention at Seneca Falls, New York, the first of its kind, “to discuss the social, civil, and religious rights of women.” The convention issued a “Declaration of Sentiments” modeled on the Declaration of Independence; it stated that “all men and women are created equal . . . .” From that time Mott devoted most of her attention to the women's rights movement. She wrote articles (“Discourse on Woman” appeared in 1850), lectured widely, was elected president of the 1852 convention at Syracuse, New York, and attended almost every annual meeting thereafter. At the organizing meeting ofthe American Equal Rights Association in 1866, she was chosen president. The following year she joined Robert Dale Owen, Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, and others in the organization of the Free Religious Association.

A fluent, moving speaker, Mott retained her poise before the most hostile audiences. After the Civil War she worked to secure the franchise and educational opportunities forfreedmen; since passage of the Fugitive Slave Law in 1850, she and her husband had also opened their home to runaway slaves escaping via the Underground Railroad. She continued to be active in the causes of women's rights, peace, and liberal religion until her death. Her last address was given to the Friends' annual meeting in May 1880.

2007-02-24 00:28:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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