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Cuz if God made us and gave us all life he obviously wanted us to live our lives, and be thankful to him, but not spend our lives completely devoted to him, Right?? I have no idea... i have nothing against Religion and respect other peoples devotion to it, but i want a deeper understanding of all the sides of the argument. I think, I think that if God was gratious enough to make us he must be gratious enough to let us live lives without going to church and take it as compliment that we are using his creation of life to the fullest.

2007-02-23 14:43:39 · 19 answers · asked by Diego B 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

19 answers

First we should not attribute to God (this hypothetical one you want to know about) human imperfections (like narcissism). The next mistake to avoid is presuming that His ways are your ways. If He is the eternal, omnipotent Creator, then He necessarily deserves the highest praise. And those of us who have come to know the real, non-hypothetical God, find Him worthy of praise and we find ourselves wanting to praise Him. Not out of obligation, but as a natural response to His wonderfulness. Check it out.

2007-02-23 14:56:47 · answer #1 · answered by celebduath 4 · 0 0

Good question, and more good is that your intentions are in the right direction, keep it up.

Disrepecting any religion is awful act, and way of ignorant, the presence of religions means to search and seek the best one which will lead you to the right path.

Whenever a truth question reflects in our mind, if we investigate the same honestly, then all the answers will be resolved, try this once in your life.

Particularly creation of Humans, are made for the realization of his creator, God, the one and only, alone, almighty, all knower, the truth, the most merciful, the most gracious, the unseen, the apparent, the friend, and having many gordious names, so call Him with his any beautiful names, he is nearer to our juglar vein (soul), He is present others are absent, He is the real others are fake, seek guidance from him, He is the Guide.

Realizing God, is the best type of praising for truthful human beings.

Not in one day you will understand all the answers, but if your intententions are honestly right, one day you do understand all.

Just dont be prejudice, orthodox, rigid, disrespectful, and never sleep without a hope that next morning when you wake up, you will not gain the truth. Believe firmly that you will know the truth, and if you die without knowing the truth, be whatever, or name yourself anything, you will be not that, so calling by yourself as, christian, jew, hindu, muslim, atheist, liberal, scholar, pop, padri, maulvi, will not lead you to the truth.

Surely there is only one path, thought, sect, religion, group, idealogy, nation, which is right, and truthful, so keep searching and share your thoughts with honest people only, otherwise a dishonest often mis-lead.

Quote, One who realize himself, realize his God.

2007-02-23 17:47:33 · answer #2 · answered by Perceptionzzz 2 · 0 0

God made us to have a relationship with Him, and our worship of Him stems from both awe and devotion. The longer I am following Him, the more I become amazed by Him--I don't think it makes any sense NOT to be completely devoted to Him. Why wouldn't we? God made us first and foremost to have a relationship with Him, and anything that diminishes our relationship with Him pulls us away from the very reason He made us. This doesn't mean that we're always on our knees praying, but rather that we are always open to hearing from Him what He wants in our lives and letting Him make us more like Himself. I think the first link below puts things in pretty good perspective. Check out some of the other posts on my blog as well, and feel free to e-mail me at chad@jesusfreak.com if you'd like. :-)

2007-02-25 19:53:02 · answer #3 · answered by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com 6 · 0 0

What a great question. I don't think God wants or needs us to praise him. AND, I don't think there is anything WRONG with doing so. I think it's all a matter of being appreciative for your life... and all your blessings. If you attribute these things to God, then praise if you will. If you don't, then simply appreciate THAT you have these things. My idea of God is some kind of intelligent force. I don't picture God in long flowing robes. And I don't picture Him looking like man. And I can't imagine that The Almighty would have the slightest need, interest, or desire for such a staple of human need: "praise."

2007-02-23 15:03:48 · answer #4 · answered by SoCalAgency 2 · 0 0

Are you sure that God wants us to praise Him? God itself the creation of mind. You can accept or not accept if you like. Yes, You need not follow any religion or practices, if you think it is not necessary for you. But try to find an answer for the question "Who am I and the purpose of this Life I have got". That is enough..

2007-02-23 15:30:28 · answer #5 · answered by Brahmanyan 5 · 0 0

You are exactly right.
Would God create us with free wills and say, "Now praise and worship me or else!"???
Organized religion teaches all the praise and worship.
It's great to praise your dog when he learns a new trick.
It's good to praise your husband when takes out the trash without being nagged.
God does not need praise and he IS gracious enough to let us live our own lives. God does not judge. Religious people are the ones judging.
The people who truly know Him understand this.
The others do not really know Him. They are just repeating what they heard in Sunday school or from the preacher. They have never listened to the silent voice of God.


2007-02-23 14:53:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I believe it was meant to teach us humility and how to be grateful. I do not believe God needs or desires praise. She is omnipresent and omniscient, therefore she knows, sees and wills all things. We cannot do anything that she has not already willed. Even with free will-- whatever choice we make, God already knows and it's OK with her. This is our journey of self-rediscovery.. she has only to look on and help us when we think we cannot go any further. God does not judge, she is love and in order to be love, she will not judge us.

Religion is an institution for man to control each other.. it is built to power the few and keep the masses in check.

2007-02-23 15:50:56 · answer #7 · answered by choc_sweety 1 · 0 0

He is called our Heavenly Father, and the parental word picture makes sense. As a dad, I want my kids to be appreciative of what my wife and I have done for them, but we do want them to live their lives and show kindnesses to others and such. God does want our praise and appreciation, but we show that by using our gifts and skills as well as by singing and praying and going to church.
God gave us complete devotion through creation and through offering salvation, so it is not unreasonable to expect devotion in return. Yet, that devotion for the Christian is not obligatory, but a natural outgrowth and by-product. I love God because He loved me first and loved me more than I can understand.
God wants our praise, but God also wants us not to be soooo heavenly-minded that we are no earthly good.

2007-02-23 14:56:25 · answer #8 · answered by Bob T 6 · 0 0

Sit with the notion that there is no GOD. What does it mean to you when you talk about "living your life"? What I'm asking is what are "you" following" that defines this? Really sink into that till you finally get the hint that all of this is open for exploration. Life as you know it will open up once you've questioned your assumptions of truth...about everything!

2007-02-23 15:12:14 · answer #9 · answered by fauxdude 2 · 0 0

God did not make churches--men did.
God did not write the Bible--men did
God did not make religions--men did

What God did make was His Ten Commandments, and we should be appreciative enough to follow them. He gave His Son to die for our sins--should we not be praising Him?

He expects us to lead lives that involve Him--in our thinking and in our actions. He wants us to love our neighbor--not bash them. He expects us to observe a day of Sabbath (Saturday or Sunday), and few people do that any more.

2007-02-23 14:53:18 · answer #10 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 1 1

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