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I have beaten a few people up.Today on the bus when I was coming home I beat up this really gay kid.He's a safety at my school and he threatens people by saying,"oh im gonna write you up".Hes really stupid so I beat him up on teh bus today.Also a few weeks ago I beat up another gay kid and hes really retarted.Also I beat that gay and retarted kid up last year and he cried that time.I got sent to the principals office and got busted and my Mom had to read something telling what I did and had to sign it.Also answer this if you've been sent to the principals office before.

2007-02-23 14:39:33 · 24 answers · asked by ilovepsp1 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

24 answers

aren't you a nasty little bugger! you best remember what goes round, comes round. karma will get you and you aren't going to like it.
your mom must be real proud of you!

2007-03-01 14:56:44 · answer #1 · answered by tess 4 · 2 0

That was a cruel mean thing that you did. No one is perfect and what makes you think that what goes around will not come around. You have to be careful how you treat others, what if you had a little brother or sister, would you want someone to mistreat them because they were different. Wake up and stop being cruel to others before some bully gets a hold of you and beats the living stew out of you.

2007-02-23 14:48:17 · answer #2 · answered by myleshunt 4 · 4 0

I'm surprised you have not been at least suspended from school. You should be careful you are dangerously close to commiting hate crimes. All one of these kids parents have to do is call the police and you can be charged with assault, and then they have to prove a pattern of related crimes which you have just admitted to here. You should seek anger mangement and put your energy into positive uses, such as sports. I have been in fights before but, I was defending myself or someone else. I have been to the principles office also, but, found out it was more hassle than it was worth and looked for other ways to channel my energy. I ran track, and got a job.

2007-03-03 10:58:29 · answer #3 · answered by kf 4 · 0 0

Do you just have this thing about gays? Because you just said that you have beaten up this gay guy and the other has a mental disability and he is gay as well. Or are you just calling them gay? My advice to you is, "Grow up"! Because one day, believe it or not, you may get your A@$ kicked or killed by someone and you will be left somewhere stankin'. Any more questions? And no, I have not been to the principal's office, I've been to jail. It's a lot f#$@%&* worse than the principal's office. Enjoy your day!

2007-03-02 05:19:31 · answer #4 · answered by N0+ 3@$!Ly &R0]{3n 3 · 3 0

Some one has already told you what you are doing is wrong . This world will not tolerate your kind of behavior . Reason for yourself .You may die before you learn if perhaps you don't catch on by losing your education opportunities then your job opportunities and then find yourself dead from trying to be a successful criminal. We people live in a group called society because we are NOT EVEN UNKIND to each other.You hate others telling you what to do and how to behave, so try thinking it out on your own

2007-03-03 08:25:41 · answer #5 · answered by Lowell R 3 · 1 0

THere is a great responsibility in being big and strong and tough, and a special responsibilty for those who have the warrior spirit and are the fighters, You are special in that you have been given the gift of courage and strength,but you are misusing your powers and your skills.

First of all a warrior fighter never picks on those who are weaker or those who can not fight, for he is their protector. It is not for you to judge if another is gay or slow, or a tattle tale, or a sissy. These are children in YOUR neighborhood, And NO ONE should mess with ANYONE in YOUR Neighborhood.or school.

Instead of being know as a bully, (a bully is a coward), by all, don't you want to be know as a hero and proterctor of all children in the neightborhood? If they feel frightened of threatened they can run to you, if someone is bothering them, then can come to you, if some kids from another neighborhood are bothering any of "YOUR" kids, then the Warrior acts, ands mets out terrible punishment with his fists on all of those who would harm his charges,

So stay strong, eat right, keep the weight down, lift weights, work out, and join golden gloves - learn how to box the right way, or join a judo or Karate school. You need to develope hand speed and endurance, and hand- eye coordination and timing, - and MOST of ALL -DISCIPLINE. You can not go on to be the Captain of the football team, and and a Marine if you can not defend your neighborhood and the children in it - and those at school who are weaker or smaller that you - you need to be their Champion.

It's NEVER too early to start on the Warrior path, the path of a leader, the path of a Special Forces (Recon) Mariine. You've shown you have the guts and toughness and strength already to make it. Now you need to sjow you have the discipline and leadership, Part of the warrior code is to protect the weak, lookafter the defenseless and infirm and old, and to never shirk your duties. Marines obey the rules, until the fight is on, and then we attack swiftly, silently, and brutally - face-to-face.

So knock off swating the faries and the retards, and the goody-two-shoes for theyr part of your herd now if you are up to the Challenge and the respinsibility. Are you?

Last thing - you stay out of gangs, and stay away from them, do not mess with them, or fight with them - you're out numbered and out gunned, so stay clear of those creeps.

Good Luck and Semper Fi - Trooper.

2007-02-23 15:17:27 · answer #6 · answered by jtrall25 4 · 2 1

I haven't got sent to the principals office before. It's strange but I'm one of the kind of typical people at school who are the teacher's pets and whatever I say happened happened. I've beat up people and never got in trouble for it. But I don't do it for fun, I always have a reason. Good Luck to you and try to stay out of trouble!

2007-02-23 14:50:19 · answer #7 · answered by Naomi J 2 · 1 1

yeah i beaten someone up before but i had a really good reason to. but you little retard had reason too. those kids where just doing their jobs. he where just being a brat because they were doing what they where told to be doing and u unfortunatly were doing something bad that they would write u up. and u have to go to the principles office. i know if i was a prinicple at that school. your butt would be suspened for 10 days cause you had no right to beat that kid up.

2007-03-03 07:22:53 · answer #8 · answered by ashfry101 2 · 0 0

If what you are saying is true ... you are a one way trip to,prison and then you will find out what it is like to be abused by some punk just like you but now you will be the victim ...you are a bully , a bigot, a coward, and not worth a hoot.... try do that to someone much bigger than you and you will get dressed down quickly....the world is full of creeps like you who take pleasure in abusing the defenseless ....you are the one who is retarded ....
get lost creep.....

2007-03-02 17:18:36 · answer #9 · answered by geophys63 1 · 1 0

Wake up and stop being cruel to others before some bully gets a hold of you and beats the living stew out of you.

2007-03-03 02:06:26 · answer #10 · answered by www.saketjain.com 1 · 3 0

I'm not clear on why you are beating people up. Are you afraid of them for some reason? I'm not into the whole "physically harming" other human being thing, and I've never beaten anyone up, so I'm wondering what would make you hurt someone? Could you please explain?

2007-03-03 02:07:26 · answer #11 · answered by Kaydee 3 · 0 0

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