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I just don’t understand how emotionally scared a human being can be to post these ridiculous photos. I mean, pro-Bush or anti-Bush, you must be a psycho to post anything similar to these pictures. These following pictures are the reason that we have terrorism, and a war with the Middle East. People have access to the internet all around the world, not just here in America. So when an Arab sees “Bomb Islam” (which by the way how would you go about bombing an idea or topic of a name, and not a person or place?), that Muslim may get a little fearful and defensive; taking such action as the Middle Eastern countries are taking today. You conservatives complain about 3rd world countries being inhuman, yet what do you classify yourself by posting these comments and pictures; People of modern day civilization? I think not!


More in extension!

2007-02-23 13:43:31 · 18 answers · asked by alco19357 5 in Politics & Government Politics


I can't seem to find the other ones from the stupid ignorant Conservative. But if you got more just add them!

Star this question if you think that conservatives are the real threat in the world today!

2007-02-23 13:46:39 · update #1

Here, I'll show you where I found them.


and it was under a comment. Check all those comments out. And even better here's the horrible site too: http://bombislam.com/

2007-02-23 13:51:53 · update #2

18 answers

Wow those pictures are horrible.

I just want to say though, for the record, that I consider myself to be somewhat right of center, and that I do NOT agree with the message that those images send. I honestly don't know if those pictures were made by extreme right-wingers or by extreme left-wingers who want to make conservatives look bad. Probably either is equally possible. Regardless, most of this country doesn't agree with what they say I'm sure, regardless of what party one might be.

As for Arabs having access to the internet, yes that's true, although I've also heard conservatives accuse liberals of spreading anti-American propaganda on the internet and getting them to hate us more, etc. Ultimately I think that both arguments are probably true, and that's why it's probably best if politics were to end at the water's edge. All of this crap on the internet is harming our image in the world, and quite frankly you posting these images on Yahoo answers isn't helping, since Arabs can read stuff on this website too of course.

The bottom line is that we need to come together as a nation and present a united front in the international community. These pictures don't help, nor do statements like "conservatives are the real threat in the world today" I'll admit that there are some idiotic and closed-minded conservatives out there (Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, etc.), and that I don't agree with those people, but I also feel like you are only telling half of the story here. What about the idiotic things that Michael Moore and Jesse Jackson say? If you're going to complain about ignorant conservatives, please at least acknowledge that there are liberal jerks out there too. Ultimately, as a country we need to acknowledge the idiots on both sides and write them off as such. That's the only way that we're going to come together and accomplish anything as a nation.

On an unrelated note...

After reading Tom's response, I just want to respond by saying that he probably doesn't have any conservative friends if he really believes all that crap about us.

2007-02-23 13:58:52 · answer #1 · answered by eardis 1 · 1 3

I worked 14 years in the Middle East and I'll tell you straight out, The world has a very real and dangerous Muslim problem. They are bent on world domination and there's little you can do to convince them that their ways are not all correct. They say they respect all world religions but it's all just talk. If you're not a Muslim, then you're an infidel.
Sadly enough, I've come to believe the picture is the only real way to deal with the problem. It's terrible to feel this way but I don't see any other way of dealing with Muslims. We've been kissing up to them for hundreds of years and they are getting stronger. Remember the Crusades, It was Christian against Muslim. It's the same today except it's the the world against Muslims.

2007-02-23 13:55:27 · answer #2 · answered by notadeadbeat 5 · 7 1

Oh wah wah wah freaking wah.

Cry me a river and bleed some more toilet water out of your heart for me. Its people like YOU that must be emotionally scarred, with a skin no thicker than dryer sheets and a knee-jerk compulsion to go nuts over the smallest things -- like the Atlanta Braves fans chopping their hands through the air, an Arby's commercial in which a figure skater gets dropped on the ice, or this.

No wonder half the US is in psychotherapy!!!

As far as I'm concerned, we need more cartoons like that. What you're advocating is nothing more than intimidation through fear, and it hardly fits into "modern day civilization." If you think they're any more civilized in Iran, go over there and spout your crap.

You'll get strung up, hung out to dry, and the last thing you do will be to beg for a ride back over to the US.

Take your PC dogma and shove it.

one of your "ignorant and foolish Conservatives."

2007-02-23 14:10:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

As disturbing as those pictures are the ones I seen on my TV on 9-11 were much worse.What people need to understand is that the extremist Islamics,want us dead or converted to Islam.In order to combat them we need the peaceful Muslims to stand up and denounce the violence in their own religion.The difference between a Muslim and an extremist Muslim is like the difference between Christians and White supremest Christians.See how stupid it is for the regular Muslims not to stand up and denounce them.

2007-02-23 14:34:37 · answer #4 · answered by shawnn 4 · 2 0

These pictures are the reason we have terrorism? Wow. We had terrorism long before the internet, you should learn some history. We have terrorism because Islam teaches that the only 100% sure way to get to heaven is to die in Jihad against infidels. Stop blaming the victims. I know you have a real hard time believing that everyone on the Earth doesn't just wanna give peace a chance, but wake up and smell the tnt. They danced in the streets when 3,000 Americans died, do you remember? I guess you will say that is our fault too. I know you libs never learn.

2007-02-23 13:51:46 · answer #5 · answered by 1,1,2,3,3,4, 5,5,6,6,6, 8,8,8,10 6 · 3 4

And where in the world do you get that this is the work of conservatives????? I really have a problem with this cause conservatives don't usually go to these sites, liberals like yourself spend hours, days, months soaking up this kind of stuff. Don't even try to blame it on us!!

2007-02-23 13:51:36 · answer #6 · answered by Mercadies2000 7 · 5 1

Chief Sitting Bull would shed many tears to know that this is what America has deteriorated to.

Jesus Christ is crying in Heaven.

Republicans are proud.


2007-02-23 14:13:04 · answer #7 · answered by Brotherhood 7 · 0 3

um...actually, i've never seen anyone posting those pictures, ever!
i'm conservative and i think that those pictures are disgusting. whoever posted those is an idiot.
i went to that myspace and some of 'em were actually pretty funny. but the few that you posted were pretty bad.

2007-02-23 13:49:16 · answer #8 · answered by DeceptiConservative 4 · 2 3

You think conservatives are the problem...Why don't you have a look at some of the pictures the idiot liberals use..


Thats just a few..quite a bit more on that site

2007-02-23 13:51:21 · answer #9 · answered by . 6 · 9 4

I agree. It was probably Pat Robertson. Nothing makes him ashamed...

2007-02-23 13:54:27 · answer #10 · answered by Constitution 4 · 0 3

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