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4 answers

there are alot of cmd command, here are some basic command :

1) ipconfig >> to show ur IP address, subnet mask and gateway

2) cd... >> is to go up 1 level of the directory, equivalent as up button in windows explorer

3) cd\ >> is to go to the root folder, if u were in c:\windows\... with this command u will go to c:\ root folder

4) dir >> is to list all files and folder in the current directory

5) exit >> is to quit cmd program

2007-02-23 13:27:19 · answer #1 · answered by jchris 3 · 0 0

My favorite is attrib.exe. I case your not familiar with it, every file has the ability to be defined as a hidden file, a system file, a read only file or the standard type, archive. These definitions are a called attributes. If you type from the command prompt attrib file.name you will receive a response that looks like this
A SH D:\pagefile.sys
This means it is a archive (can be written to), it is a Stystem file and it is Hidden(from normal viewing when you look in the directory).
What all this is leading up to, is when a file gives you problems inside of windows, like it can't be deleted or you can't rename it, you can change its attributes from the command prompt and do what you want with it. This is particularly usefull on getting rid of some of the peskier virus's. I hope I haven't gone to far beyond simple, it's such a good tool I thought you'd like to know about it.

2007-02-23 14:20:27 · answer #2 · answered by THE ONE 6 · 0 0

To change between drives type the drive letter followed by a colon then enter

a: i.e. changes to the floppy

once in the drive of your choice you can use either cd or chdir
to change to a specific directory

cd \ switches to the root directory
cd \program files changes to teh program files directory

to see what is in a given directory use the dir command
dir also has switches to modify its behavior (output)
a switch is the / following the command followed by a character(s) dir /? the /? usually will give you help on a command. multiple switches may be used

dir /ad /on will list directories in alphabetical order by name

some useful commands

copy a:\*.* c:\*.* will copy all files in teh root directory of A; to the root directory of C;

This introduces the concept of wild cards * and ?
h*.bat will identify all bat files which begin with h

ren is a renam command

del is a delete command.

2007-02-23 13:32:50 · answer #3 · answered by MarkG 7 · 0 0

The ones i use most are:

xcopy, Type "xcopy help" for info. Typical for all commands


ipconfig /all
dir*.* /p

You can also type "HELP" which is probably the best command, because it shows you all of them.

2007-02-23 13:24:36 · answer #4 · answered by SnowXNinja 3 · 0 0

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