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I didn't look the OC's last chapter so you pleaaaaase can tell me about it!! what happened??

2007-02-23 11:32:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Television

4 answers

Personally, I was very disappointed with the O.C. during the series finale and just this whole season overall. But, in the last episode, they fastforwarded 6 months. Kirsten is very pregnant and apparently, so is Julie(but a lot less pregnant). She is about to marry Bullet. Seth and Summer are living together upstairs in the Cooper house, all the Cohens are since their house was destroyed, and doing nothing. Summer never joined GEORGE and they literally sit around and do nothing but watch t.v. all day. Then, the Cohens find out that their house can't be rebuilt and they have to find a new one. Taylor was in Paris, but now returns for Julie's upcoming wedding. She and Ryan had broken up, but then discover that they still have feelings for each other. Seth and Ryan realize that moving to a new house in Newport wouldn't be a good idea, so they fly to Berkely to try and see if they can buy the house back from the current people living there. They are a fun gay couple. They of course, say no. So, Ryan and Seth enlist their parents' help in convincing the couple. Bullet flies them to Berkely on his jet, since Kirsten is 9 months pregnant and can't fly in a regular airline. Then, when they get there, Kirsten gives birth before they are able to convince them to give up the house. She gives birth inside the house. Then, Julie is in her wedding dress and is ready to get married, but says she can't because of Kirsten's absence. So, the whole wedding flies to Berkely. In the midst of all this, Kaitlin has a talk with Julie and Julie tells her that she is pregnant with Ryan's father's child. She says that she told him she was pregnant, but he panicked and left her. Julie tol Bullet she was pregnant with another man's child, but he still wanted to marry her. They get to Berkely adn they are in the middle of the wedding ceremoy, when Ryan's father calls and tells her she is making a mistake and not to marry Bullet. Julie thinks about this and makes a decision not to get married, but to stay single. The gay couple give Kirsten and Sandy the house. They are packing up their old house adn Ryan has a moment alone to say goodbye to the building. He is very sad adn all these memories flood him of when he first came to live there and how lost he felt. There are clips from the past. There is one of Marissa as he is driving out of the driveway. She is standing on the driveway of the old Cooper house. Then, Ryan and Taylor get back together adn Taylor leaves for Paris again. Seth tells Summer that she shouldn't be doing nothing with her life, bur instead doing what she loves. She goes and joins George. She leaves on a bus and Seths waves goodbye. Then, Julie realizes that since she has no man to support her, she needs to do something with her life. She goes to college. They fastforward about 5 years or so and there is Julie getting her diploma.The children that Kirsten adn Julie had are alot older. There is Frank sitting with a little boy in his lap, his son. Summer and Seth get married and Ryan is an architect. Ryan see's a boy that reminds him of how lost he was when he was his age and in his situation(this is in Chino) adn he asks that boy if he needs some help. Then, it ends with Ryan standing there looking at the boy.

That was all that happened. I found this episode unsatisfying. I personally think the whole show went downhill after Marissa died, but I keot watching because I was very loyal to it. Hope this helps you and explains everything. I dont think that I missed anything...

2007-02-23 12:00:02 · answer #1 · answered by Dana Mulder 4 · 0 0

Well, here's the inherent flaw in your assertion. I have, in my hand, Atlas of Human Anatomy Ed. 3 by F. Netter, MD (the preeminent medical illustrator of our time as I'm sure you'll agree) and this was the Anatomy Atlas used when I studied Human Anatomy at the Graduate level. In Section V: Pelvis & Perieum, Female Structures are listed on plated 354-362 whilst Male Structures are listed on plates 363-371. So this clearly opposes your assertion. Next, I'm looking in Sobota and again, the female genitorurinary and reproductive anatomy are listed prior to the male. I'm not sure which text you used to study, but I've provided evidence that you can easily confirm on your own to demonstrate that the basis for your assertion is entirely false. If your CNA text listed it differently, consider checking it out with the publisher if you find it so upsetting, but in Grant's Netter's and Sobota's texts (the ones Med Students learn from, the female reproductive anatomy comes first). I don't have any problem with this, nor do I offend to it. My primary concern is that if I need to refer to this, I can find what I seek quickly. I would hope that as a CNA you will take more interest in seeing accurate information than concern yourself with the order in which anatomic structures/systems are listed. But I don't think this is the answer you wanted, yet it's true.

2016-05-24 03:55:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can read all about it here: http://www.fox.com/oc/recaps/
they detail it a whole lot better than i could ever do... Sorry you missed it! :(

2007-02-23 11:44:57 · answer #3 · answered by jade 2 · 0 0

It was interesting.


Ryan and Sandy make crepes for breakfast, following Kaitlin’s instructions. Through the chatter, we quickly learn that it’s been months since the earthquake, Taylor is back in France – which is where the crepe griddle came from – Ryan hasn’t thought about her since she left and is fine with it being over. Oh, and the Cohens are living with Julie and Kaitlin now. Julie comes down for breakfast and she and Kirsten discuss morning sickness and Julie’s impending wedding. And then her fiancé walks in. The Bullit.

An inspector visits the Cohen home for an inspection. He’s got bad news. The cost of repairing of the home is more than the home’s market value. There’s no saving it. So the Cohens go house shopping. Sandy and Ryan lament that none of the places they’ve seen have felt like a home, but Kirsten is ready to make an offer on the latest place anyway. If every house in Newport looks the same inside, who cares which one they buy?

Seth and Summer are up in Summer’s room, where they’ve basically spent every minute of the last two months watching television and sitting in recliners. They’re packing for Providence when Summer notices an old flyer for a sea otter rally. Ryan comes to Seth in need of a plan which involves leaving the city. He needs to leave because Taylor is coming back to Newport and neither wants to see the other.

Summer picks up Taylor at the airport, and Taylor quickly makes it clear that she has no desire to see Ryan. Too bad for her, because Ryan and Seth are at the airport too. Awkward conversation ensues until Ryan and Seth walk off to their gate. And it’s at this point that Taylor and Ryan realize they’re still in love with each other.

Ryan and Seth arrive in Berkeley, specifically at the old house Sandy told Ryan the Cohen family started in. The boys knock on the door and tell the all-male couple that lives there that they would like to buy their house. The men laugh and close the door. Seth hammers the doorbell until the men open the door again and he launches until a full explanation of what they’re doing on the porch. This is the house the Cohens started in, they moved when Seth was two, their current home has been condemned and they want to buy this one. The men are touched, but explain that this is their home now and isn’t for sale. Ryan and Seth think they need to get Sandy to make this argument for them.

But Sandy’s busy signing the papers on his new house. Just before he puts pen to paper, the Bullit bursts in and tells him to stop. Ryan and Seth called from Berkeley with an emergency, so Bullit has his private on standby for the Cohens. Kirsten points out that she shouldn’t be flying in her ninth month, but Bullit mentions that his son Amarillo is a female doctor and he’ll be flying up with them.

Taylor discusses Ryan with Summer and thinks they can make things work even with Taylor living in France. Summer is more interested in reading about The Valley, which sets Taylor off. She berates Summer for no longer being passionate about the environment or active in…anything. It’s time to get off of that recliner. The girls hear a noise and when Summer looks under the bed, she finds a bunch of baby bunnies. She had no idea Pancakes was pregnant. Or female.

Ryan and Seth tour Berkeley and Seth ponders the future. Including the future of Ryan and Taylor’s relationship, since Seth realizes Ryan’s quietness since seeing Taylor at the airport means he’s still in love with her. Ryan smiles and just asks if Seth wants some coffee. Seth then bumps into some guy handing out flyers on behalf of GEORGE. When Seth mentions that his girlfriend, Summer, turned down GEORGE, the guy gives Seth a flyer for Summer before remarking that he’d hate to see somebody like Summer waste her passion.

Taylor calls Ryan with an invitation to get together and discuss their relationship. Ryan says he’d love to, but he’s in Berkeley right now. Taylor realizes the house shopping means Ryan would never be in Newport during her breaks from France and is crestfallen.

Julie and Kaitlin are preparing the chapel for the wedding when talk turns to Julie’s embryo. Kaitlin is shocked to learn that the baby is actually Frank’s, but Julie assures her that the Bullit is well aware of that fact. Kaitlin asks Julie if she really loves the Bullit, and Julie replies that she does.

The Cohens stand in front of the Berkeley house. Sandy rings the doorbell and the men, Todd and Patrick, answer once again. The guys again state that they’re not interested in selling, but they do allow Kirsten to use the bathroom. And when she’s inside the house, she screams out in pain. Her water has broken. She says there’s no time for an ambulance, this baby is coming now. Fortunately, Patrick is a midwife. Unfortunately, Todd is disgusted by the thought of what this means for his bedsheets.

After a successful birth, Kirsten and Sandy recover in Todd and Patrick’s bed. Back in Newport, Kaitlin intercepts Frank on his way to work and asks why he bailed on Julie. Frank admits that he initially panicked, but by the time he was ready to be a dad, Julie was having dinner with Bullit. Kaitlin says she thought Frank was a good fighter before walking off.

Outside, Seth and Sandy talk about life, with Sandy wondering why his son is in such a rut lately. Seth observes that it’s been too much change lately, although he and Summer might need a change in relationship status. Being together these days might not be the best thing for them. But Seth is afraid to let her go.

Wedding time. Behind the scenes, Summer talks to Julie about lengthy relationships, and Julie says she got married too young to really learn what she was like or what life was all about. Summer’s a great girl and she should get out there and see what the world has to offer. Don’t settle for comfortable. Summer then pulls out of a gift for Julie. A locket with a photo of Marissa in it. Bullit comes in and tells Julie it’s time to start the wedding and they’ll have to do it without Kirsten. Julie is adamant that she can’t get married without her best friend present, so…

…when Todd and Patrick answer the doorbell once more, an entire wedding party is standing on their porch and in their front yard. Fortunately, Todd is a wedding planner. The wedding’s going to be in the backyard. You know, Taylor’s at this wedding. Looks like Ryan and Taylor will have to chat it out. They decide to be just friends, but passion gets in the way. Their tear each other’s clothes off and go at it until Todd comes in and interrupts.

In another room, Seth and Summer are analyzing their own relationship with much less passion. She wonders if they’re stuck in a rut, so Seth pulls out the GEORGE flyer he was given earlier. He implores her to go work for GEORGE. For both of them.

The wedding commences and Frank runs to the chapel in a scene reminiscent of The Graduate. Only, in that movie, the wedding wasn’t moved to Berkeley without anybody telling Dustin Hoffman. Frank can only yell at an empty chapel. So he calls Kaitlin’s cell phone, tells her to put him on speaker and begs Julie to come back to him. Bullit throws the phone away, but Julie asks for a minute and runs inside. Kaitlin chases after her and tells her to just be sure whatever she decides is what she really wants.

With the wedding on hold, Todd and Patrick tell the Cohen they can’t fight fate. They’ve just been keeping the house warm for the true owners. They’re going to sell.

Days later, the Cohens are packing up their old home. Julie and Kaitlin eat some cereal and put off the future until later. Until Julie sees an undergrad class catalog and maybe has some thoughts. At the beach, Seth, Ryan and Taylor are saying goodbye to Summer, who is about to board the GEORGE environmental college bus tour, which we must assume, is powered by biodiesel. Taylor hugs Summer, saying she’s the only real girlfriend she’s ever had. Ryan and Taylor retreat so Seth and Summer can have a moment. Summer assures him that this isn’t goodbye because he’s her destiny. They kiss and she boards the bus.

That night, sitting on the train Taylor is taking to New York, Ryan and Taylor wonder what the future holds for them. They both thank each other for the happy memories. As they’re saying goodbye, the train leaves the station, giving them one last hour together before San Bernardino.

The next day, the house has been fully emptied. Sandy and Kirsten pull out, leaving the boys behind. This will probably be a kiss-free goodbye. The boys wish each other luck, hug and Seth hops in a cab to the airport. Ryan walks back into the house for one last look and the memories come flooding back. Curiosity satisfied, Ryan walks out of the house, starts his car and heads north to a new life.

Everybody settles into their new lives. Ryan registers for classes, Summer joins in a protest, Seth hangs a newspaper photo of said protest in his new dorm room and Sandy lectures his new class at Berkeley.

Years later, Julie graduates from college. Frank, Kaitlin, their son and Bullit all cheer wildly from the audience. Seth and Summer get married, with Ryan standing in as the best man. The maid of honor, Taylor, smiles at him knowingly.

Ryan leaves his job at a construction site. His white collar foreman job. Heading to his car, Ryan notices a sullen young boy sitting on a wall by a pay phone. The troubled boy looks a bit like a young Ryan. Ryan calls out to him, asking if he needs any help. His expression indicates that he most likely does.

And then it was over. For good.


2007-02-23 11:41:45 · answer #4 · answered by talkative_57 2 · 1 0

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