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They research just like the Nazi Regime. Wouldn't you agree?

2007-02-23 10:54:26 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

The PNAC (the political think tank) for neoconservatives have ambitions that are indeed imperialistic, and would not all be opposed to further weakening are constitutional rights and liberties.

"Neoconservatives" are mostly former leftists/liberals who converted to conservatism during the '70's and when Ronald Reagan became President. In domestic policy they tend to be moderate "welfare" Republicans. However, their major concern is foreign policy. They strongly favor US military interventions overseas and becoming the world’s policeman. They promoted the First Iraq War and are constantly the instigators for more confrontation with Iraq, Iran, the Sudan, and other Moslem states. They were among the chief instigators of the Kosovo War.

"Neocons" almost never explain reasons for terrorists' hatred towards America, because that would bring questions about the "costs" of having a world empire. So they "explain" terrorists as just "crazies" who enjoy killing people, just because they oppose freedom and American values. Typical is Washington's neo-con CENTER FOR STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, which released a long analysis of terrorism in December. Foreign terrorists are simply described as those who “resent pre-eminent U.S. power and/or have disdain for the West.”

In the Middle East they support the most intransigent elements in Israel and the Likud Party for occupation and new settlements (a large percentage of the settlers are Americans) on Arab lands. (the "idiotic settlements," Thomas Friedman NY TIMES, 11/24, calls them). Polls show that most Israelis want peace and compromise, but they are undermined by the American Neoconservatives who denouce any compromise peace which would allow the cutting back of American military forces in the Middle East. Among conservatives they are not alone in this position. Key leaders of the "Religious Right" also promote the settlements, some openly arguing that they will help to bring about "Armageddon" and the return of Christ. On the extreme fringe of the religious right are the Dispensationalists.

Neoconservatives are the dominant force over establishment Republicans in Congress (although here again Kosovo weakened them a bit) and in most of the major conservative think tanks. Their main base among think tanks is the AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE ( a policy paper in January, 2001, urges American attacks on Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Gaza. Others are the HERITAGE FOUNDATION (see more below--modified after Kosovo), ETHICS AND PUBLIC POLICY CENTER, and BROOKINGS INSTITUTION. Of the large think tanks only the CATO INSTITUTE and LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE actively oppose their positions. The Kosovo disaster caused HERITAGE to pull back from its former strongly interventionist positions, e.g. favoring NATO expansion. "Neo-con" power comes from their knowledge and political credentials in matters of foreign affairs (European, not 3rd World or Asian) and because of their influence over the giant Foundations (Bradley, Olin, Scaife) which provide major funding for pro-interventionist think tanks. Also some gain major financial support from many weapons manufacturers. The NEW YORK TIMES reported recently how such industries were a major factor promoting NATO expansion to East Europe and then paying for the recent NATO anniversary celebrations in Washington. There are billions to be made in outfitting weapons for new NATO members, and they'll want Washington to lend/pay for it.

2007-02-23 10:59:33 · answer #1 · answered by dstr 6 · 7 3

NeoCons are destroying out country from the inside out as well as the rest of the world. The favor the "us vs. them" mentality. They question those who do not whole heartedly support the right-wing Bush regime as unpatriotic. The have now succeeded in splitting the muslim world into two groups. Instead of Muslims - we have Sunni and Shites.
As an American born Muslim - I never cared about Sunni or Shite as most Christians dont care about Protestant v. Catholic. Christians are Christians, muslims are Muslims, and the NeoCons are splitting them at odds.

In regards to the Middle East:

Radical Islam is indeed worrisome to me as a Muslim. Yet, so is Radical Christianity, Radical Judiasm, ect... but why can our Gov't and beliefs dicatate the world?

Simply put as Americans in general we have what is known as the "White Mans Guilt". This guilt includes protecting Zionism and Israel by any means necessary. We "donate" billions of dollars yearly to a country that has more than a sufficient economy to support and defend itself. I know i may be "anti-semetic" for my views but as a Semite...How can I be anti-myself.

Semites are not Jews. Only a small percentage of Jews are Semites. Semites are those who can trace their BLOODLINE back to the Holy Land. More % of Muslims than Jews are Semites and that is fact. Alfred Lilienthal - a Jewish Scholar noted that.

NeoCons have to support this quilt in order to preserve their own dignity - while in all reality they are killing their honor by solely supporting a group of people who are just as deceitful and murderous as any that ever existed...

I only pray that one day the NeoCon ideologue will expire and all men and women will follow the basis of the 10 Commandments- and those commandments shall govern us as a whole...not Corporate Politics and Guilt.

2007-02-23 12:05:31 · answer #2 · answered by Amen Raw 2 · 4 0

Uncanny, isn't it? Though NeoCons are not Nazi, they do employ the "us vs them" tactic with great success. They spout a party line that appeals to pride and pocketbook, and lay blame at the feet to any and all who don't share the same "rightful" indignation to failures on both domestic and foreign fronts.

They do seem to be taking quite a hit on their rock solid belief that America can do no wrong though, since support has shifted in almost an opposite direction in the polls and at the voting booths in '06.

Keep the small flicker of faith in your fellow countrymen alive. Many of us have been asleep at the wheel, but the storm of reality has got our backsides moving.

2007-02-23 11:39:01 · answer #3 · answered by navymom 5 · 5 0

For those of you who have reacted so fervently against this question, I find it quite eye-opening that people are beginning to see what these neocons have been responsible for in the last several years. Actually we all just need to think for ourselves. After all, look how smart so many people have become as a result of the Internet, much less that the information we find here can be easily coupled/compared information from all over the world. I think it's wonderful. And yes, I do feel that the neocons are to be closely watched. Just like any other organization with strange agendas.

2007-02-23 11:27:57 · answer #4 · answered by rare2findd 6 · 3 2

Um... I don't know what you are referring to, but my research shows that one of the 1st things the Nazis did was to take away guns from the people, just like the Socialists/Democrats want to do in this country. People need to wake up and smell the coffee before this great country takes another step toward Socialism by electing a Democratic President. Do your OWN research, but please don't ignore the facts. And PLEASE get more information than what's given on network tv in 10 second sound bites. Turn off the tv. Pick up a book.

2007-02-23 11:24:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Neocons are not necessarily an enemy by choice, they are an immoral existence supporting immoral issues motivated by immoral backers, namely ; the jewish lobby, the religious right of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell not to mention THUGS like Jack Abramof (jew)..
NEOCONS have placed their elements in key gov position to force upon US a total foreign interest policies.

It's the natural marriage of three shameful immorals : Zionism, Nazism, Neocons.
It remain to say Neocons are more harmful to US than AIDS and other disease.

2007-02-23 14:03:55 · answer #6 · answered by WO LEE 4 · 2 1

Oh Yes, and not just for the US. Read "The Prince" by Machiavelli it is the Straussonian Bible. Use to be required reading for Poli Sci 101. In short, the Theories with which the current administration have put into law are textbook definitions of Fascism

2007-02-23 11:02:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Shuddap everyone.
1) I am no fan of the neocons, but the next person who compares *any* political regime to the Third Reich is looking for a smack in the kisser. It's not because the Third Reich was necessarily uniquely evil, it's because it's just intellectually lazy to draw such facile analogies.
2) Ditto for conservatives comparing liberals to the Soviet Union. Bother to learn a bit of history, you total chumps.

2007-02-23 11:06:20 · answer #8 · answered by surroundedbyimbeciles 2 · 3 4

We are just like the Nazis? What ever gave you such an idea?
1) We are not trying kill off people of other religions, races, or cultures no matter what you commies think.
2) We do not believe that we are a master race
3) Get some real info and facts
4) try this one,
Are the Libs the real enemy of everything that the US stands for?
5) This just proves that you guys really are intolerant and close-minded

2007-02-23 11:05:04 · answer #9 · answered by Chase 5 · 3 6

Yep,,, came to power through deception in platform, created false flag "terrorist" attack to push through legislation to eliminate consitutuional safegards, used other false flag attack to start war with poland, signed treaties with Russia and UK that they never intended to keep..... Walks like a duck,....

Interesting that the only responses you are getting is to attack you personaly, shows the cowardace of the Neocon that's why they call them chickenhawks,,, they'lll only send other peoples kids off to war

2007-02-23 11:15:42 · answer #10 · answered by oneirondreamer 3 · 3 4

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