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when your bishop just bought a sports utility vehicle (toyota fortuner)?

2007-02-23 10:41:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Asia Pacific Philippines

18 answers

I wish I could defend the Institution of the Church since I have devoted my life to it, but unfortunately I cannot. There is obviously abuse. As long as humans are involved in any organization or institution there will be abuse because the nature of man/woman is greed and must be managed. The people are responsible to see that abuse does not occur.

If people are going to point out the abuse then they should take time to gather facts and respond with their brains and not their emotions.

The truth is the Catholic Church is wealthy in assets such as art, etc., but cash poor. The Catholic Church appears to be wealthier than other denominations because they have one central goverment located in Rome. The Proestant's are far wealthier if you would combine all their income and had one central goverment overseeing them.

Catholic's give far less money to the Church than their Protestant counterparts. The Catholic Church does not teach it is mandatory to give a 10% Tithe to the Church as Protestant do. The Catholic Church teaches 10% should be given to charity.

I have been the Pastor of many Catholic Churches especially in the U.S.A. where we did not collect enough money to even maintain the property. I have seen times when I did not have adequate funds in the Churches account to pay the utility bills.

What is wrong with a Bishop or a Priest having a good vehicle to drive? Not all Priest take vows of poverty. The Priest spends years getting an education (8 minimum) so he can serve the people better why shouldn't he be compensated properly for it? Why do people think the Priest should be the poorest person in the community? When the people of the community live well they claim to be blessed by God why should the same not be true for the Priest and Ministers.

Protestant Ministers live far better than Catholic Priest and I am thankful the members of the Protestant Faith are generous to their ministers and compensate them fairly. Protestants believe their ministers should receive compensation equal to a similar role in the public sector. My last parish consisted of over five thousand families, a school with over 600 students, employees to manage, property to maintain, bills to pay, wages to pay, accounting to oversee, investments to manage, laws to abide by, etc. A good Priest today must be knowledgeable in Religion, Theology, Cannon Law, Scripture, Culture, Business, Phychology, Politics, Sociology, Common Sense, Philosophy etc.

I was one of those Priest who early on realized the time would come when I would need to take care of myself because the men of the Church and the people I had given my life for would not be interested in how I lived when I was too old to serve an active role in the Church. I also realized the greed of the people would make them jealous of anything I did have. Now because of my understanding of mankind those $25 to $100 a month investment with Compound Interest for over forty years allow me to live VERY well! I do not live an extravagant life style although I could, but I do not care what anyone thinks about the home I own or the car I drive.

The majority of the Mega Churches in the U.S.A. (Churches of over 3500 members) have mega facilities that include swimming pools, basket ball courts, bowling allies, etc. I oppose these items as long as there are hungry and homeless people. Many of the Pastors of these Mega Churches make salaries exceeding one million dollars a year and I believe it is shameful for ANYONE regardless of their profession to make more money than they need to live comfortably as long as there are hungry and homeless people. On the other hand a Priest and most Protestant Ministers are professionals and should be compensated as professionals.

2007-02-23 22:10:02 · answer #1 · answered by tom1941 4 · 0 0

I appreciate your question, But your insulting way of asking is trying to the patience to say the least.. Sigh.. God said the tithe was His (Leviticus 27:30). He showed us through the Old Testament Law, and never said otherwise in the New Testament. Tithing is God's method of supporting His ministry on the earth in and earthly way.. First Corinthians 9:14 says those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel "even so" as the priests of the Old Testament lived from their temple service. God gave the tithe to them (Numbers 18:21). To be "even so" today requires tithing to continue. We tithe because it is the right thing to do. Do you folks not get that The houses of God do more for the hurting, hungry, homeless, disasters here and abroad than any other organization in the word including the governments than anyone else? We tithe to pay the electric so they can turn the air conditioner on while we gather in God`s name. We tithe so that the Pastor, Priest, Minister etc. and his family have a home and food to eat while they tend to us. We tithe so that we can assist those who are hurting in our neighborhood. We tithe so that the Homeless folks have something to eat. We tithe because it is the RIGHT thing to do. It is never wrong to assist another creature if at all possible. While I may not have enough money to feed 25 homeless people, My money added to your money will increase and then we have enough to feed 100 people. Doing the right thing is what we ALL are suppose to be doing. Do unto other`s as you would have them do unto you.. Peace and blessings from Texas <>< †

2016-05-24 03:42:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing - absolutely nothing. Churches are the biggest industry going on this planet - the catholic church is the biggest company. They are the richest organization in the world.

Religion is about nothing more than money, but the heads of the church keep this info in a tight circle. If more people would realize this, they would lose business!!

2007-02-23 11:46:27 · answer #3 · answered by Sanmigsean 6 · 1 0

If I were to ever set foot inside one of these buildings, I would stick my hand in, take the money out and give it straight to a charity helping unwanted kids trying to survive, a situation not of their doing, but due to the church' ridiculous ideas on the propagation of this species in order to further enrich their already overflowing coffers. The catholic church does not need any more money, it is the richest corporation on Earth !!!!!!!

2007-02-23 11:04:12 · answer #4 · answered by fed up with stupid questions 4 · 2 0

It's "SUPPOSED" to be 10% but I don't give em squat cuz I don't go to church, why? Exactly that reason the corription of it all. This money is supposed to go to the good of the church and instead it lines the pastors pockets.

2007-02-23 10:45:54 · answer #5 · answered by stillnes12 1 · 0 0

5 pesos

2007-02-23 12:35:06 · answer #6 · answered by tre 1 · 1 0

We tithe 10% to our church, but we tithe under the assumption that it's going to go to the original intention of tithing--to support widows and orphans/those who cannot support themselves.

2007-02-23 10:44:47 · answer #7 · answered by FaZizzle 7 · 0 0

Who is this bishop please who just bought a Fortuner? I give only 20 pesos.

2007-02-23 11:33:02 · answer #8 · answered by chelsea 3 · 0 0

i only go to the Unitarian church, only occasionally

$1 to $5

2007-02-23 10:44:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are supposed to put 10% of your gross . me,i don't . my last new vehicle was in '78 .

2007-02-23 10:48:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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