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Im amazed people really beleive the moon landing really happened- its been proven fake- - What, were we more advanced in 1969 than we are in 2007?
Here are a few examples of proof the moon landing was fake
*The flag waved as if by a breeze- with no air on the moon, that should not have happened.
*A rocket cannot propel an obect in the vacume of space, with nothing to push against.
*With no atmosphere on the moon, the sky should have been filled with stars, but there were none...
*Interesting how the astronots were prefectly illuminated, the lights focused on them- as if they were on a SOUND STAGE
*If we had the ability to fly to the moon- why cant we go back? *If men had landed on the moon, the radiation from the sun should have killed them...*It took all those rockets boosters to get to the moon, but the lander itself easily flew back to earth The moon landing was a hoax to make the rusiians believe we were years ahead of them in technology. If we did go to the moon-

2007-02-23 09:41:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

20 answers

1) Twelve 12 American astronauts have walked on the moon.

Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin
Apollo 12: Pete Conrad & Alan Bean
Apollo 13: << failed to land on the moon >>
Apollo 14: Alan Shepard & Edgar (Ed) Mitchell
Apollo 15: David Scott & James Irwin
Apollo 16: John Young & Charles Duke
Apollo 17: Eugene (Gene) Cernan & Harrison Schmidt

2) Why haven't we been back?

a) American astronauts visited the moon on six occasions.

b) The "moon race" was an extension of the cold war. It was mostly about national prestige. We got there first and achieved our primary objective. There was some good science: surveys, measurements, sample collection. But it was mostly about being there first. Once we achieved our primary objective, there was no political will to go back. There still isn't. Perhaps, if we discover He3 or something else valuable, there will be.

c) I used to travel to Crested Butte, Colorado every year to ski. Because I don't go anymore, does it mean that I never went?

3) What about the Van Allen radiation belts? Wouldn't it have killed the astronauts?

The existence of the Van Allen radiation belts postulated in the 1940s by Nicholas Christofilos. Their existence was confirmed in *1958* by the Explorer I satellite launched by the USA.

The radiation in the Van Allen radiation belts is not particularly strong. You would have to hang out there for a week or so in order to get radiation sickness. And, because the radiation is not particularly strong, a few millimeters of metal is all that is required for protection. "An object satellite shielded by 3 mm of aluminum will receive about 2500 rem (25 Sv) per *year*."

"In practice, Apollo astronauts who travelled to the moon spent very little time in the belts and received a harmless dose. [6]. Nevertheless NASA deliberately timed Apollo launches, and used lunar transfer orbits that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to minimise the radiation." When the astronauts returned to Earth, their dosimeters showed that they had received about as much radiation as a couple of medical X-rays.

4) The U.S. government scammed everyone?

In 1972, there was a politically motivated burglary of a hotel room in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. There were only about six or eight people who knew about it. However, those people, including Richard M. Nixon, the President of the United States, failed to keep that burglary a secret. It exploded into a scandal that drove the President and a number of others from office.

If six or eight people couldn't keep a hotel room burglary a secret, then how could literally thousands of people could have kept their mouths shut about six faked moon landings? Not just one moon landing, but six of them!

5) What about the USSR?

Even if NASA and other government agencies could have faked the six moon landings well enough to fool the general public, they could NOT have fooled the space agency or military intelligence types in the USSR. The Soviets were just dying to beat us. If the landings were faked, the Soviets would have re-engineered their N-1 booster and landed on the moon just to prove what liars Americans are. Why didn't they? Because the landings were real and the Soviets knew it.

6) Why does the flag shake? Where are the stars? Who took the video of Neil Armstrong?

Take a look at the first two websites listed below. They deal well with all of the technical questions.

7) Finally, please tell us what you would accept as definitive evidence that the six moon landings were real. Is there anything?

2007-02-23 11:44:58 · answer #1 · answered by Otis F 7 · 2 0

*The flag waved as if by a breeze- with no air on the moon, that should not have happened.

Yeah, and if you watch it closely, you'll notice that each time the flag waves, it's been hit by one of the astronauts. It's being disturbed by them, not by any sort of breeze.

*A rocket cannot propel an obect in the vacume of space, with nothing to push against.

You can't be serious. Please learn about physics. Oh, and space is not a vacuum. It is filled, albeit sparsely, with gases and other particles.

*With no atmosphere on the moon, the sky should have been filled with stars, but there were none...

Firstly, there is an atmosphere on the moon, albeit a very thin one. There are a lot of reasons you don't see any stars in the sky, but the primary one is the reason you don't see stars in the sky here at times - it's daytime and the sun obfuscates them.

*Interesting how the astronots were prefectly illuminated, the lights focused on them- as if they were on a SOUND STAGE

Were they really perfectly illuminated? What does that even mean? The sun can illuminate things pretty perfectly.

*If we had the ability to fly to the moon- why cant we go back?

We can go back. We haven't for a myriad of reasons, most having to do with the lack of support our space program has received in the past 30 years and it's shift in focus to the space shuttle program.

*If men had landed on the moon, the radiation from the sun should have killed them...

Sure, if they were naked. But that's why they have those bulky suits which are designed to protect the astronauts from radiation poisoning.

*It took all those rockets boosters to get to the moon, but the lander itself easily flew back to earth

It took all those rocket boosters (those same rockets you just claimed couldn't actually be used in the vacuum of space - please be consistent) to leave the Earth. Once they got far enough away from the pull of earth, they didn't need those all those rockets any more. The moon has less gravity than the Earth, so the escape velocity is much lower.

For god's sake, please do some research instead of regurgitating the same half-baked arguments that have been bandied about for decades.

2007-02-23 19:33:37 · answer #2 · answered by abulafia24 3 · 0 0

How can people believe it was fake? I guess since I lived through it I know it was real. People who were not alive when it happened have NO IDEA how much attention it got. It was one of the most public, well documented, most covered by the TV events of all time. It makes the super bowl hype look like professional bowling in comparison. The first source gives you some idea of the amount of information available.

There are so many people who could have and would have blown the whistle if it was fake, with the Soviet government being #1 on that list, and nobody did.

The "proof" it was fake is all fake itself.

The flag did not wave except when the astronauts were holding the pole and shaking it. The second source shows the flag not waving.

Rockets propel satellites into the vacuum of space all the time, and nobody calls that fake.

There are no stars in the pictures from the Shuttle in Earth orbit, because stars are too dim to show in a normal photograph (they need a time exposure) and nobody calls that fake.

Not all pictures are perfect, but they only show the perfect ones. If you searched, you could find lots of badly illuminated and focused pictures.

We can go back, and will go back, but rocket technology has not advanced nearly as much as electronic technology, so it will still be expensive.

2007-02-23 18:46:28 · answer #3 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 0 0

*The flag waved as if by a breeze- with no air on the moon, that should not have happened.

>>>>>I saw it and it was not breezing

*A rocket cannot propel an obect in the vacume of space, with nothing to push against.

>>>>> there was not propel it was a jet engine motor.

*With no atmosphere on the moon, the sky should have been filled with stars, but there were none...

>>>>>CCD imaging was not that advanced

*Interesting how the astronots were prefectly illuminated, the lights focused on them- as if they were on a SOUND STAGE

>>>>> they were illuminated by the sun, with no clouds and atmosphere it looks like they were on a stage

*If we had the ability to fly to the moon- why cant we go back?

>>>>> huh ? they did come back

*If men had landed on the moon, the radiation from the sun should have killed them...*
>>>> they wear protection suits

It took all those rockets boosters to get to the moon, but the lander itself easily flew back to earth The moon landing was a hoax to make the rusiians believe we were years ahead of them in technology.
>>>>> there is no atmosp[here and eveerything wieghts 6 times lighter on the moon , that makes it easier to get waway from moon then from earth.

If we did go to the moon-
>>> no no no no

2007-02-23 17:52:05 · answer #4 · answered by gjmb1960 7 · 2 0

Wow. How terribly naive you are.

First, do you really think that our government could keep that kind of secret for that long of time?

Second, the flag did not wave because of a breeze, it waved because the astronaut shook it. It continued to "wave" because there was no atmospheric friction to slow it down quickly.
A rocket can propel an object in the "vacume" of space.....for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.....
The sky was filled with stars but because the foreground was so bright you cannot see the stars on the picture because they are so relatively dim.
The astronauts were perfectly illuminated because the sun is a perfect illuminator....
We have had the ability to go back to the moon but there has not been a pressing need to do so.
It only took all those booster rockets to escape from the deep gravity well of earth. the gravity well of the moon is much less therefore it required much less thrust to escape.

I think that that should answer all of your "proof".

2007-02-23 18:05:34 · answer #5 · answered by tipp10 4 · 4 0

1) Astronauts inserted wires into the flag so it would appear upright.

2) You have no concept of aerospace engineering or Newton's laws of motion. Go to the airport and watch a plane take off - which will hopefully give you an idea about jet propulsion.

3) TV broadcasting technology was pretty poor in 1969. Not to mention beaming TV signals from the moon into your living room from 186,000 miles away.

4) Many of the original engineering documents are no longer legible, as they were written on somewhat primitive paper, and have succombed to acids, handling, etc. Furthermore, as the moon has so little to offer in the realm of exploration, building more massive Saturn V rockets isn't included in the NASA budget.

5) The lander didn't return to earth. They left the surface of the moon, docked with the capsule above the moons surface, and then jettisoned the lander.

2007-02-23 18:01:38 · answer #6 · answered by wheresdean 4 · 3 0

And there are still people who believe the earth is FLAT.
Some people are just too stupid to know anything. All your questions have been refuted by professionals.

All the buzz about the fake moom landing began on February 15, 2001 when Fox television aired a program called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Shows like Conspiracy Theory ought to be as tongue-in-cheek as they sound. Unfortunately, there was an earnest feel to the Fox broadcast, enough to make you wonder if the program's makers might have fallen under their own spell and convinced others of their folly.

FACT: A dozen astronauts (laden with cameras) walked on the Moon between 1969 and 1972. Nine of them are still alive and can testify to their experience. They didn't return from the Moon empty-handed, either. Just as Columbus carried a few hundred natives back to Spain as evidence of his trip to the New World, Apollo astronauts brought 841 pounds of Moon rock home to Earth.

2007-02-23 17:59:55 · answer #7 · answered by Jerry 7 · 4 0

1. The flag doesn't wave -u idiot
2. Uuhh it propel itself from the ground on Earth-duh
3. They didn't have a good enough camera to probably to see the stars with-doi
4. Lights from the rocket-think outside the box
5. Costs a ****-load of money and we're already in debt from the war in Iraq-think about it
6. They had special suits-u think that they didn't think about that
7. It just had to push off the moon and float back into earth's atmosphere-come on

2007-02-27 15:33:18 · answer #8 · answered by Danielle 2 · 0 0

*The flag waved as if by a breeze- with no air on the moon, that should not have happened.

It didn't. Any motion of the flag was by momentum caused from movement by the astronauts (and in a couple of occaisions, exhaust from the landers taking off).

*A rocket cannot propel an obect in the vacume of space, with nothing to push against.

You obviously have no idea how rocket propulsion works. If what you say is true, then how in the hell do we keep going into space today? Or is it your position that all space missions are faked, and all those hundreds of satellites in space really don't exist?

*With no atmosphere on the moon, the sky should have been filled with stars, but there were none...

It was filled with stars. However you obviously are not well versed in how photography works. Cameras (both film and digital) have a much smaller dynamic range than the human eye. Because of this they need to be set to a certain exposure level. They were set to daytime exposures because they were in broad sunlight on the moon. As such, they were not sensitive enough to capture the relatively faint stars in the background. Have you ever taken a picture of someone inside a building with a window in the background during the day? The picture will usually be too dark, and the light from the window will wash out the picture. Most consumer cameras try to autoset expoxure times based on the light in the scene, which tends to screw up the photo. It's this same principle that causes this.

*Interesting how the astronots were prefectly illuminated, the lights focused on them- as if they were on a SOUND STAGE

The sun is very bright. They took photos and videos from perspectives that would show the scene directly illuminated so it could be seen well. Just because they did their best to take good pictures and movies doesn't mean they had to do it in a stage. They did rehearse their activities quite a bit after all. They knew that these were going to be some of the most important pictures and videos ever taken by humanity, so they didn't just go there with no filming practice and wing it.

*If we had the ability to fly to the moon- why cant we go back?

No one says we can't go back. The apollo program was ended and the last two missions cancelled partly because public interest in going to the moon dwindled after a couple of missions (we did land there 6 times you know, plus one failed attempt). The program cost trillions of dollars, so after having beat Russia there and realizing the public stopped caring as much about it, the financial expendeture was no longer balanced out by the benefits of going so we stopped sending people there. It took the largest and most powerful rocket ever built (even to this day) to get people there. Even today sending men to the moon would be a challenging venture.

We will actually be going back in 2020 or so too, hopefully to establish a permanent base there.

*If men had landed on the moon, the radiation from the sun should have killed them...

If you're referring to the van allen radiation belts, they did not spend enough time in them to receive even mildly dangerous doses of radiation. It took about 30 minutes to pass through them during which they only took a dose of radiation similar to about what we get in one day here on Earth. If you really mean radiation from the sun, then you don't know much about stellar physics. If a solar flare that sent material toward Earth (and the moon) occurred during a mission then the astronauts would have been in danger but no such thing ever happened during any of the apollo flights.

*It took all those rockets boosters to get to the moon, but the lander itself easily flew back to earth.

Lifting off from the moon into lunar orbit is much easier than getting into Earth orbit for many reasons. First, the moon has no atmosphere to speak of to cause drag. Second, it's gravity is only about 1/6th of that of Earth's, making it much easier. Third, when they took off they only had to have the fuel required to get into orbit with them, whereas when lifting off from Earth they had to have enough fuel for the whole trip coming with them which is more weight to carry requiring a very powerful rocket. Also, they did not need rockets to brake into Earth orbit because Earth's atmosphere took care of that.

Do some reasearch and try not to talk about things you know nothing about before you start making claims of things that are "proof". You make yourself sound unintelligent.

2007-02-23 20:06:49 · answer #9 · answered by Arkalius 5 · 1 0

All of these alleged "facts" you recited have been explained or rebutted already -- where have you been?

If the U.S.A. faked the moon landing, then why didn't the USSR expose us in order to embarrass us? You know that they would have certainly tried.

Did NASA fake the accidents, and deaths, of Astronauts too? And where did all of those Saturn-V rockets go that we all watched taking off?

And if rockets don't work in space without air to push against, then how does the Space Shuttle fire its retrorockets to bring itself back down?

And so on....

2007-02-23 18:05:00 · answer #10 · answered by Randy G 7 · 2 0

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