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6 answers

Born: February 12, 1809
Died: April 15, 1865
Famous for: Was the 16th U.S. President. Led the Union during the Civil War, 1860-1865. Issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in the rebel Confederacy, January 1st, 1963. Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in Ford's Theater, April 1965.

2007-02-23 09:24:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. He passed the Illinois bar and was considered a country -wise lawyer. He was a member of the Whig party when he served in Illinois as a house representative. He had the famous Lincoln-Douglas debate in which Douglas won the battle per se but lost the war to Lincoln in 1860 due to his stance on popular sovereignity. Lincoln served as president during the Civil War, announced the Emancipation Proclamation , the Gettysburg Address and won re-election in 1864 defeating his once for general of the Army of the Potomac Georgr McClellan. On April 14, 1865 , Lincoln was shot by the actor John Wilkes Booth. He died the next morning at 7:22 am on April 15,1865.

2007-02-23 17:21:59 · answer #2 · answered by Dave aka Spider Monkey 7 · 0 0

Please tell me you are not an American citizen, and that you do not live in America. Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States. He was president during the Civil War (you have heard of that, haven't you). He is remembered for lots of things, among them "freeing the slaves" even if he didn't. Google Abraham Lincoln and get the rest of your report.

2007-02-23 17:17:15 · answer #3 · answered by istitch2 6 · 0 1

he is remembered for emancipation proclamation. I am not sure on birth and death.

2007-02-23 17:17:40 · answer #4 · answered by woman01234 2 · 0 0


2007-02-23 17:13:01 · answer #5 · answered by luhb u much!! 4 · 0 0


On the stormy morning of Sunday, February 12, Nancy Hanks Lincoln , wife of Thomas , gave birth to a boy. He was born on a bed of poles covered with corn husks. The baby was named Abraham after his grandfather. The birth took place in the Lincolns' rough-hewn cabin on Nolin Creek near Hodgenville, Kentucky. Thomas Lincoln was an uneducated carpenter and a farmer. Nancy Lincoln had little or no schooling and could not write.


In 1811 the Lincolns moved to a farm on Knob Creek which was also near Hodgenville. In 1811 or 1812 (possibly as late as 1815) Abraham's younger brother, Thomas, died in infancy.
Abraham spent a short amount of time in a log schoolhouse. He began to learn his ABC's from a teacher named Zachariah Riney. He attended school with his sister, Sarah. Sarah had dark hair and gray eyes, and she was two years older than Abraham. Abraham attended school dressed in a raccoon cap, buckskin clothes, and pants so short that several inches of his calves were exposed. At home young Abraham heard the scriptures read from the family Bible.
Young Lincoln was saved from drowning by playmate Austin Gollaher. Abraham and Sarah briefly attended school taught by Caleb Hazel, a neighbor. Late in the year the Lincoln family moved to southern Indiana and settled near present-day Gentryville. A cabin was constructed near Little Pigeon Creek. It measured 16 X 18 feet, and it had one window.
Abraham's mother, Nancy, passed away on October 5th. She died of 'milk sickness,' a disease contracted by drinking milk from cows which have grazed on poisonous white snakeroot. In later years, Abraham would recall helping to carve pegs for his mother's coffin. Thomas Lincoln hauled the coffin, which was made of green pine, on a sled to the top of a thickly wooded hill and buried her without a formal funeral service. In Lexington, Kentucky, Mary AnnTodd, Abraham's future wife, was born on December 13th.
Thomas Lincoln married Sarah Bush Johnston on December 2nd. Sarah's first husband, Daniel Johnston, had died in the summer of 1816. She added 3 new children by her former marriage to the Lincoln household - Elizabeth, 12; John, 9; and Matilda, 8. Abraham grew to be much closer to his step-mother than he was to his father. During 1818 or 1819 young Abraham was kicked and almost killed by a horse.
Abraham began borrowing books from neighbors. He read "Pilgrim's Progress," "Aesop's Fables," "Arabian Nights", and "Robinson Crusoe."
Abraham attended school taught by James Swaney for about 4 months.
Abraham attended school taught by Azel Dorsey.
Abraham borrowed a book titled "Life of Washington" by Parson Mason Weems. When the book got soaked with rain, he worked off its worth for his neighbor from whom he had borrowed it (Josiah Crawford). This was the very first book Abraham ever personally owned.
Abraham's sister, Sarah, married a neighbor named Aaron Grigsby on August 2, but she died in childbirth 1 1/2 years later on January 28, 1828, just 3 weeks before her 21st birthday. Sarah was buried with her baby boy who was still-born.
Abraham earned his first dollar ferrying passengers to a steamer on the Ohio River.
Using a flatboat as transportation, Abraham took a load of farm produce down the Mississippi River to New Orleans with Allen and James Gentry.
The Lincolns moved from Indiana to Illinois. Abraham drove one of the ox wagons. They built a log cabin on the north bank of the Sangamon River about 10 miles southwest of Decatur in Macon County. Later the family moved southeast to Goose Nest Prairie in Coles County, Illinois.
Young Lincoln decided to leave his family and go off on his own. His anti-slavery opinions may have been formulated when he saw the abuse of slaves during his second flatboat trip to New Orleans. In July he moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he boarded at Rutledge's tavern and became acquainted with the owner's daughter, Ann. New Salem was a frontier village consisting of one long street on a bluff over the Sangamon River. On August 1 Lincoln cast his first ballot.
Lincoln joined the Illinois militia for the Black Hawk War. He was elected Captain of the volunteers but saw no military action during approximately 3 months of service. On August 6th Lincoln was defeated while running for the Illinois State Legislature. Lincoln began to operate a general store in New Salem along with William F. Berry.
Lincoln became Postmaster of New Salem on May 7th. The store he operated with William Berry failed. In the fall he learned surveying and was appointed Assistant Surveyor in the northwest part of Sangamon County. Lincoln met a young woman named Mary Owens. She was 4 months older than he was, and she came to New Salem to visit her sister.
Again Lincoln ran for the Illinois State Legislature, but this time he was elected. During the summer, John T. Stuart advised Lincoln to study law. On December 1 Lincoln took his seat in state government in Vandalia (Illinois' capital prior to Springfield). He became a member of the Long Nine (the nickname for the delegation from Sangamon County because their combined height was exactly 54 feet).
When the state legislature adjourned in February, Lincoln returned to New Salem and resumed his legal studies with great determination. Additionally, he continued surveying. On August 25th Ann Rutledge passed away. Although it's unproven, some felt Ann was Lincoln's first love.
Lincoln was re-elected to the Illinois House of Representatives. On September 9th, Lincoln was licensed to practice law.
Lincoln, 28, was admitted to the Illinois Bar on March 1, and he moved to Springfield on April 15. He became a law partner of John T. Stuart and lived with Joshua Speed. Lincoln now had income from a law practice as well as a state legislator. In the fall Mary Owens rejected Lincoln's marriage proposal.
Lincoln was elected for a 3rd time to the Illinois House of Representatives.
Lincoln met Mary Ann Todd who had moved to Springfield from Lexington, Kentucky. Mary was living at the home of her older sister, Elizabeth Edwards. Most likely, the two met at a ball. Despite great differences in background, they became interested in each other.
For the 4th and last time, Lincoln won election to the Illinois House of Representatives. In the fall Lincoln became engaged to Mary Todd.
Lincoln and Mary Todd broke off their engagement. Lincoln became a law partner of Stephen T. Logan on May 14th.
A proposed duel with James Shields on September 22 never came off. Lincoln married Mary Todd on November 4. James Harvey Matheny was the best man. Abraham gave Mary a gold wedding ring with the words "Love is Eternal" engraved inside the band. Mary wore this ring until the day she died. The marriage took place in the parlor of the Edwards' home, and the ceremony was performed by Reverend Charles Dresser, an Episcopal minister. The Lincolns moved into the Globe Tavern, a two story wooden structure in Springfield, where they boarded for $4.00 a week.
The first son of the Lincolns, Robert Todd, was born August 1 at the Globe Tavern. He was so-named in honor of Mary's father. Late in the year the Lincolns moved out of the Globe Tavern and began renting a 3 room frame cottage at 214 South Fourth Street in Springfield.
Abraham and Mary purchased a home from Dr. Dresser in Springfield for $1500. It was located at the corner of Eighth and Jackson. The family moved in on May 2nd. Lincoln visited his former home in Indiana while campaigning for Henry Clay, the Whig candidate for President. In December Lincoln accepted William Herndon as his law partner.
The Lincolns had their first photograph taken. Abraham and Mary's second son, Edward Baker, was born on March 10th. On August 3rd Mr. Lincoln was elected to the United States House of Representatives. He took his seat the next year and spoke out against the Mexican War.
The Lincolns boarded at Mrs. Anna G. Sprigg's boardinghouse in Washington (nowadays the Library of Congress is located on this site). On December 22nd Lincoln introduced the "spot" resolutions in Congress (having to do with his opposition to the Mexican War). Lincoln also became known for his opposition to slavery.
Lincoln campaigned for the Whig Presidential candidate, Zachary Taylor, throughout New England. His opposition to the Mexican War was not popular in Illinois. During the summer the Lincolns, with the two boys, traveled through the state of New York, visited Niagara Falls, and took a steamer from Buffalo across the Great Lakes.
Lincoln failed in his attempt to be appointed commissioner of the General Land Office, and he returned to a full time law practice in Springfield as his term in the House of Representatives had expired on March 4th. On March 7th he was admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court. Also, he received a patent for his device that would lift vessels over shallow spots by means of inflating buoyant chambers. Nothing ever came of his invention.
Lincoln's son, "Eddie," died on February 1. His third son, William Wallace ("Willie") was born on December 21st.
Mr. Lincoln's father, Thomas, passed away from a kidney ailment on January 17th. He was 73 years old and died in Coles County, Illinois. Abraham did not attend the funeral.
The fourth and last son of the Lincolns, Thomas ("Tad"), was born on April 4th. His nickname stemmed from the fact that his father thought he looked like a tadpole.
Lincoln was elected to the Illinois legislature, but he declined the office on November 27th to become a candidate for the U.S. Senate. (He was defeated in this attempt early in 1855). His re-entry into politics was fueled by his opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Lincoln jotted down his famous quote on slavery and democracy: "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master - This expresses my idea of democracy - Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy - " (The exact date of this quote is uncertain. Some sources put its origin in 1858. It was written on a scrap of paper and is not known to be part of any speech or special occasion. Mary Todd Lincoln gave it to her friend Myra Bradwell who had helped get Mrs. Lincoln released from the Illinois sanatorium she was sent to in 1875).
Lincoln helped organize the new Republican Party in Illinois. In Bloomington he gave his famous "Lost Speech" on May 29th. Although he wasn't nominated, he received 110 votes for Vice-President at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia. During the Presidential campaign, Lincoln gave over 50 speeches in support of the Republican nominee, John C. Fremont. The Lincolns added a second story to their Springfield home.
Lincoln spoke out against the Dred Scott decision.
Lincoln was nominated by the Republicans to run for the U.S. Senate against Stephen Douglas. He gave his famous "House Divided" speech.

The Old State Capitol in Springfield where Lincoln gave the House Divided speech.
During the summer, Lincoln and Douglas engaged in a series of 7 debates throughout Illinois. On November 2nd Douglas won the election.
Lincoln gave political speeches in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Kansas Territory.
"If any personal description of me is thought desirable, it may be said, I am, in height, six feet, four inches, nearly; lean in flesh, weighing, on an average, one hundred and eighty pounds; dark complexion, with course black hair, and grey eyes - no other marks or brands recollected."
Abraham Lincoln, in a brief biographical sketch, December 20, 1859.

Lincoln gained national fame because of his powerful speech at Cooper Union in New York City on February 27th. He toured New England making more speeches. Regarding the presidency, he wrote a friend on April 29th that "The taste is in my mouth a little." On May 18th he was nominated for President at the Republican National Convention in Chicago. In July the Lincolns' eldest son, Robert, enrolled at Harvard University. On October 15th 11-year-old Grace Bedell of Westfield, New York, wrote Lincoln a letter suggesting he grow a beard. He decided to follow her advice. On November 6th Lincoln was elected President over 3 opponents (Stephen Douglas, John Breckinridge, and John Bell) winning 39% of the popular vote but nearly 60% of the electoral vote. The Lincolns rented their home for $350 a year and sold most of their furniture. Much of the furniture was purchased by L.L. Tildon of Chicago, and it was destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
Abraham visited his beloved step-mother, Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln. On the rainy Monday morning of February 11th he left Springfield by train bound for Washington. He had roped his trunks himself and labeled them, "A. Lincoln, The White House, Washington, D.C." Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as the provisional President of the Confederate States of America on February 18th. Lincoln arrived in Washington on February 23rd and was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States on March 4th. The Civil War began with the Confederate attack on Ft. Sumter in April. On April 15th Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve for 3 months. The Union met disaster at the Battle of Bull Run.
On January 13th the President appointed Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War. On February 20th "Willie" Lincoln died in the White House of typhoid fever. Lincoln proposed a plan of compensated emancipation for slaves in states that remained loyal to the Union. On September 22nd the President announced the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation after the Battle of Antietam. On October 2nd the President visited General George McClellan and other Union officers at Antietam.
On January 1st the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the rebelling areas, took effect. On March 3rd Lincoln approved the first draft law in U.S. history. In early July the Union won two major battles at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. A huge anti-draft riot took place in New York City, and many were killed. On October 3rd Lincoln issued a proclamation creating Thanksgiving Day. On November 19th Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address which dedicated the battlefield there to the soldiers who had perished. He called on the living to finish the task the dead soldiers had begun. He spoke for about 2 1/2 minutes following a 2 hour speech by Edward Everett. On November 26 the first national observance of Thanksgiving was held.
Lincoln nominated Ulysses S. Grant as the first full lieutenant general since George Washington. Grant assumed his role as General-in-Chief of Union armies. Lincoln received the Republican (National Union Party) nomination on June 8th to run for a 2nd term as President. Andrew Johnson was his Vice-Presidential running mate. On November 8th he easily defeated Democrat George B. McClellan in the Presidential election. Later in November General Sherman set Atlanta on fire and began his destructive "march to the sea." On December 6th Lincoln nominated Salmon P. Chase for Chief Justice.

Pictured above is the Lincoln Cottage at the Soldiers' Home - where the Lincolns often stayed to avoid Washington's summer heat. Once a shot was fired through Lincoln's hat (possibly by a hunter but probably by a sniper) while the President was on horseback near the Soldiers' Home. The President asked that no mention of it be made to the public. He said, "It was probably an accident and might worry my family."

A peace conference at Hampton Roads, Virginia, failed. On March 4th Lincoln was inaugurated as President for the second time.
This is a Library of Congress photograph of Lincoln speaking at his 2nd Inauguration.

Richmond was abandoned by the Confederates, and Lincoln walked through the streets of that city on April 4th. On April 9th Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox. Lincoln gave his last public speech on April 11th. He told a crowd at the White House that he hoped for an early return of all the seceded states to the Union. The Lincolns attended the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre on April 14th, and Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at about 10:15 P.M. The President died the next morning at 7:22 A.M. + 10 seconds. He was 56 years old at the time of his death. Andrew Johnson took the oath of office as the 17th President on April 15th. On April 21st a nine car funeral train that included 300 dignitaries left Washington, D.C. and began a nearly 1700 mile journey back to Springfield. During the afternoon of May 4th, Lincoln's body was buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery .

2007-02-23 17:22:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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