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I don't get it. Really I don't. I mean... I think it's good were at war.. it's not like I'm happy about men and women dying for our country but it would be worse if these countrys just kept kicking our butt....
what are your opions about him?

2007-02-23 07:34:40 · 34 answers · asked by Kritsi Nicole 3 in Politics & Government Politics

well i disagree with u bush h8ers...
he's a strong leader... i dont think you could do any better... by being a strong leader you have to make tough choices, and sacrafices... u cant please everyone.... plus what you people dont seem to think about is that it's like the president's at complete control... are we forgetting about congress and all them?
yeah..... so uhhhh bush rox my sox

2007-02-23 07:47:16 · update #1

34 answers

Anyone worth forming an opinion about will have his share of both supporters and detractors. Personally, I think Bush should wear his 39% approval rating as a badge of honor considering how worthless our last President was who I remind you left office with a 66% approval rating, the highest in history.

We now know the peril of trusting and endorsing popular and likable Presidents like Clinton who are far too apt to put the nation at risk while protecting themselves. Whenever I hear the rhetoric of the left, all I can envision are the countless failures like the unanswered USS Cole bombing, Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down), and the 1st World Trade Center attack, leading up to 911 that occured on Clinton's watch.

Please bear in mind, that the people who are inclined to scream "Bush lied, People died", are the same lapdogs who defended Bill Clinton who was impeached for lying under oath.

Whenever you're baffled by the left's hatred of Bush, all you need to do is remind yourself of who they deem worthy of honor, and what values they hold dear. The left couldn't spot decency or integrity if they looked it up in the dictionary.

2007-02-23 08:44:50 · answer #1 · answered by Jarhead 91 2 · 0 1

Just because some one is a strong leader does not make them a good leader.

We've been in Iraq this second time around about as long, or longer than, our involvement in the Second World War. Big difference is, this one is as murky and seemingly never-ending as Vietnam (upon which Congress never authorized the Constitutionally necessary Declaration of War either), only with - so far - less of a body count. America will go full tilt for a war that is publicly viewed as legitimate, such is not largely the case these days. Compare history to now, and learn...

And since 9/11, no country has been kicking our butt, period. We are the aggressor nation in Iraq, not the protector of freedom and democracy. Get Congress to sign off on a declaration of war - as far as I am aware, there hasn't been a formal declaration of war since World War 2 and the first Gulf War. At least with Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm there was a UN Resolution and unanimous world agreement that Hussein commandeering that much of the world's oil supplies was a Bad Thing. The current "war" (undeclared) is viewed as illegal by the United Nations ... not exactly a good way to win friends and influence people throughout the rest of the planet eh ?

2007-02-23 08:13:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The thing is Bush is acting like he is in complete control. There is only one word for someone like that: megalomaniac. As for Bush being a good leader, do some research on his background. He has failed at every venture he personally directed, and was bailed out of every one by either his daddy or his daddy's friends. It's no wonder that he was only allowed to be the managing partner of the Texas Rangers, rather than the CEO of that organization. Do you think his partners trusted him to make good decisions? Not on your life!

2007-02-23 08:17:06 · answer #3 · answered by MathBioMajor 7 · 0 0

BAAAAAAA.... BUUUUSSSSHHHHH LLLIIEEEEDDD! Come on Sheeple, it wasn't lying when the DEMOCRATS were saying the SAME THINGS about Iraq and looking at the SAME INTELLIGENCE!! So, how come it's lying now? Oh, that's right, Bush is SO intelligent that he TRICKED every Democrat into voting for the war! That kind of falls in the face of the "Bush Bad", "Bush is an Idiot" crowd, doesn't it?

I think that President Bush will be shown to be correct in the end. I think that once the whining stops, and the Democrats have their way, we will see an increase in terrorist activity right here in the US of A. And then, the Democrats will have to find a new excuse for why they are so soft.

2007-02-23 08:09:31 · answer #4 · answered by Amer-I-Can 4 · 2 0

Unfortunately i got to this question late but,

what country was it that was "kicking our butt"? Really you should read a little about the events that led us to war. People don't dislike Bush because they just woke up this morning and got tired of the War segment on Fox News.
They're mad because we shouldn't be in there in the first place....

2007-02-23 08:18:36 · answer #5 · answered by Rick 4 · 0 0

I don't like him because his justification for the war was, at best, totally incompetent, and at worst, a pack of lies. As far as I am concerned, 3000 US men and women have died needlessly in Iraq.

I also don't like him because, in just six years, he has doubled the national debt from 4.5 trillion dollars to nearly 9 trillion. This debt is a huge drain on our economy, which makes it harder and harder for us to get other things done. He did this in order to give us all tax breaks, but those breaks primarily benefitted people who didn't need them, people who were already rich. Our children and our grandchildren will have to pay the price of his prodigal ways for decades to come.

I don't like him because he never compromises. He vowed in both campaigns to solve the problem with Social Security, but when his first proposal wasn't eagerly accepted, he just gave up. He didn't keep working to try to find an acceptable solution, he just blamed his plan's failure on the Democrats and stopped trying. He has a very 'my way or no way' mentality, which is a serious flaw in a leader.

I don't like him because his foreign policy decisions, particularly those dealing with Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, have made the United States an international pariah. He squandered the tons of goodwill we received after 9/11 and today, our international popularity is as low as it has ever been.

I'm not happy that terrorists were able to use planes to attack the WTC, either. And I don't blame that attack on Bush, or Clinton, or anyone other than the men who planned and executed it. I supported the invasion of Afghanistan, since that's where the 9/11 masterminds were hiding out. But Iraq was and is a mistake.

And that's the last reason I don't like Bush - he never admits his mistakes, and if he can't admit them, how can he correct them? In the State of the Union, he said "If there have been mistakes, they were mine." But he never said that there WERE mistakes, he only said that he would take the blame for them if there were any. There's a big difference between that and actually admitting a mistake.

When John Edwards talks about his vote to authorize force in Iraq, he says "I was wrong," not "if it was wrong, I take responsibility." I think you can see the difference.

2007-02-23 07:50:50 · answer #6 · answered by Chredon 5 · 2 3

Before the war in Iraq, almost every country in the world (including England) knew that there were no WMD's in Iraq and that the real problem of terrorism, and most of the terrorists, were in Afghanistan. The real problem was, and still is there {Afghanistan), and that is where the world is now focusing. We may conclude that there was an alternative reason to invade Iraq and that is greed/control over oil. Many people believe that Bush and his cronies did it for personal gain (albiet for the better of the American people) but that it was done through a blatant lie.

2007-02-23 07:52:57 · answer #7 · answered by Derrick L 2 · 1 3

Alot of people do like him, you just don't hear about them. Just the loud braying of lefties. The media is slanted both here and abroad. They will never paint a middle left conservative as a good guy. They WILL put him up as a far right extremist. Our President is not a far right conservative, much less an extremist.

Also, he is not a great orator. President Bush does have some very good moments, when he really is in his stride and getting his message out. I think that's been the biggest problem for his entire presidency. They're not getting the message out. Tony Snow is great though as press secretary.

President Bush is a good man, I don't agree with all his policies, but I do support him.

2007-02-23 07:42:46 · answer #8 · answered by smatthies65 4 · 4 3

because he has done NOTHING to help our country

he has sent us to war
he creates tax brakes for his rich friends

his "NO Child Left Behind" has made student HATE school
Learning is no longer fun because everyone is stressed out by tests
also he provides no funding
tell me this how are school supposed to provide better education if they get funding taken away?
school SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because of NCLB
NCLB is leaving student behind especially minorities
also maybe he could give school funding to PAY teachers more

without teachers no one would have an education!

so frankly bush has done everything wrong

2007-02-23 08:34:20 · answer #9 · answered by umm 1 · 0 0

That's the problem. Iraq never "kicked out butt" as you said. I don't have a problem with Bush, just his policy of going headfirst into war. America was built on diplomacy and only using war as a last resort.

2007-02-23 07:39:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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