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21 answers

I think we should all be concerned.

The real policy makers in the American government aren't elected officials; they are appointed officials, committees, and private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations.

Some of the most influential members of the American government that have shaped both American foreign policy and domestic policy are the CIA and Pentagon, both groups highly secretive, and neither group containing elected officials. In many ways the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff have dictated or highly influenced the foreign policy approaches of many of our nation's presidents.

In addition, the members of the presidential staff are really the main policy makers, not the President himself. Elected officials in America serve primarily as policy approvers, not policy makers. Elected officials are certainly involved in the policy making process, some more than others, but ultimately their job is to simply vote for or against policy that has been put together, often by un-elected officials.

In and of itself this is not a problem, but what has happened in America is that elected officials, especially the President, have simply become figures who take the blame for policy while the people who are really behind the policy go without public scrutiny and continue to stay in Washington and create new policy.

In this way our presidential elections have given America a false sense of change, a sense of change that is really not taking place. All of the good and bad that Americans perceive about a political situation gets pinned on a president who simply comes and goes from office, while his policy makers are usually unaffected by public stigma.

It appears to Americans as though over the past 50 years we have been through a lot of political change and that there is no way that a consistent agenda could be maintained in Washington because there has been so much change in leadership. This is false.

Though presidents come and go many of the policy makers have stayed in place and many of the organizations that have a critical influence on American policy, such as the CIA, are organizations that mentor and recruit their own members enabling them to promote their own agenda with consistent long term plans.

Freedom is a responsibility, not a privilege. It is a responsibility to remain educated. What American leaders have done is withhold critical information from the population in such a way that its very difficult for the people to be well informed enough to be able to wield the power of a democracy and very few of us have taken on the responsibility of keeping ourselves educated in our modern world of so many convenient distractions.

What is important to understand is that a society's ability to participate in a democracy is dependant on how well informed the society is. American leaders have intentionally misrepresented American history, world history, their own policies, and how American policy actually affects other countries. In the poorly informed condition that society is in, American leaders have taken advantage of their ability to easily sway public opinion with lies, religion, and emotional propaganda.

Overall, what has taken place in America over the past 50 years is that American leadership, both public and private, has become increasingly secretive. A framework of lies has been created in which American society functions, which is separate from the modern views of reality in which American leadership functions. American leaders continue to support this framework of lies and use this framework of lies as an arena within which to present ideas to us, the American people. Within this framework of lies the world appears to be a simplistic place of good and evil. The feeling of Americans that we are the most successful people on earth, and that America is the most successful country, is used to support the idea that America's policies are inherently altruistic because our culture tells us that success is the measure of goodness. What is actually the case, though, is that America is successful precisely because American policy is not altruistic.

Read some Thomas Jefferson quotes. Educate yourself. Don't be a sheep. Knowledge is power. Keep learning.

Good question!

2007-02-23 12:19:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

what scares me is the power that the government has over us. That they tell us we are free and the majority of americans actually believe that BS. It scares me that they know exactly where you are and what you are doing at any given moment in time. It scares me that they have the power to decide whether we live or die and the fact that they control our entire life by making us wage slaves. That someone who is only as much human as I am and is no better can enforce rules and has authority over me..that they feel they have a right to take the money I wrok for and call it taxes...that you don't own anything in life.. you buy a house, if you don't pay taxes on it they take it away from you..etc..we may be more free than any other country but we still are not free..it is hidden communism...watch the movie enemy of the state...it will give you a whole different outlook on the government, what they can do, and how much power they have.

2007-02-23 15:03:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The future is now. Thoses 2 border patrol agents who got lied about by our govt and thrown in jail-is that right? Look at the prisoner work force making $$ for private sectors hiring them out for 11cents/hr or so to companies like Mircosoft & many others. TheNewWorldOrder is on the agenda and the UN is part of it's planning comm. There is so much garbage going on that the media does not tell US but instead bombards US w/Anna Nicole and that we will not know the truth about anyway. Planned parenthood was actually aimed at eugenics(selective birth control) which has huge support from the 'elite' who think they are running the world. Finally, the secrecy, the consequences of the govt's (mainly cia/fbi) goofs and the standing military will gain GWB hisNWO spoken of by SR on 9/11/90 speech. I just hope not too soon. Oh and 'The Project' by the radicals is a plan to take-over the West and they are settling here in the US to do what their doctrine orders.

2007-02-23 14:54:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well, I suppose my biggest fear is of the next terrorist attack. I think it'll make 9/11 look like a walk in the park, next time,it'll be an entire city, I'm afraid.....something either biological or chemical like sarin or an organophosphate nerve agent.
I feel relatively safe till after the 08 election, however. I don't beleive terrorists want the American public back in a 9/11 mindset, fearing the election of a Republican to the White House once again, they'll lie low in THIS country anyway, until after the 08 election in the hope that a liberal Democrat will be elected, and that liberals continue to hold congress. With that done, and with the liberals almost COMMITTED lack of interest in protecting our borders, they'll pretty much be free to bring in just about anything they want....and these are the most committed people on the face of the earth, they want us removed from the face of the earth, and they WILL NOT STOP until they succeed, or are destroyed

2007-02-23 14:58:20 · answer #4 · answered by raybearmass 1 · 2 3

The fact that under the current Federal Reserve system (which is just as "federal" as "Federal Express" and holds NOTHING in reserve) we are currently $40 TRILLION dollars in debt and our money literally isn't worth the paper that it's printed on. Not a single penny of the money collected in the income tax goes to the government or any of its services. ALL of that money goes to the Federal Reserve to pay the interest on the debt.

Under the Orweillian Doublespeak named "Patriot Act", the American citizen no longer has the protection of the Constitution (Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 4th Curcuit Court of Appeals). Under the "Patriot Act", we have already been placed under a limited martial law (go read it before you bother flaming me back, because I have read it, not just the summary, and done all of the cross-referencing). Habeus corpus (presentation of evidence) and posse comitatus (use soldiers within the borders of the United States) has already been suspended. Soldiers are routinely (and now due to the Patriot Act, legally) assisting the civil police in many places throughout the US including in Belton, TX.

2007-02-23 15:52:26 · answer #5 · answered by Torin 4 · 2 2

I freakin' terrified of Hiliary getting office. If she does I'm going to emmigrate after getting my PhD. Higher taxes will bring down the economy. Pulling out of Iraq will cause terrorism in the US to increase exponentially. Increasing numbers of illegal immigrants due to sorry public policies will strain the economy, and cause an increase in crime. The push for ethonol will cause corn prices to skyrocket sending south america into Chaos due to starvation. Iran might get nukes use them against Israel and then the US. We might go to war with China because of Taiwan. Social medicine is completely asinine but might be impletmented anyway. Enviromental extremists will cause policies to be initiate which will degrade our economy and they might increase their terrorist attacks(What else do you call burning down a car lot). There are a lot more threats but those are some and liberal are causing or exacerbating most of them.

2007-02-23 14:55:13 · answer #6 · answered by Annonymas 3 · 4 0

I am scared that the National Socialist Democratic Party will take over and their wacked out, racist, hateful base (ANSWER/Code Pink/Move-On/Stormfront/WWP/ etc) will set the tone for a socialist dictatorship.

I fear the leftist dhimmi surrendering to the Islamofascists because they are too craven and cowardly to fight for even their own freedoms (just like the 90s all over again, but worse).

I fear confisculatory taxes and true loss of freedoms if the left wins.

I fear the end of free speech, as shown in Howard Dean's remarks. I fear the leftist Orweillian indocrtination in our schools. I fear the return of the leftists using the FBI and IRS to investigate and audit anyone who opposes them. THAT is a "police state". That is the left in power.

I fear a civil war comming if/when the left tries to assert full totalitarian control over the USA. I fear many more acts like Waco where US tanks were sent in against civilians (Bush has NEVER done that, but Clinton did).

I Fear that the left will either surrender our freedoms to the Islamofascists or forcably take them away from Americans in the left's own lust for power.

2007-02-23 14:58:25 · answer #7 · answered by cgalloway1973 4 · 2 2

That we are living more and more like a communist nation--are freedoms are being taken away--one by one.

Additionally, seeing the questions and answers on here from young people--most of them don't have a clue--what's for the future of our children, grandchildren, and so forth?

2007-02-23 14:50:51 · answer #8 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 4 0

The Fascist wealthy elite that buys & sells our representative government! Your vote is NOT verifiable, meaning the Rupublic of using Democracy is non-existant! The public has no provable means of its extremly limited part of Democracy! Building the wall will not have ANY effect if you don't come down hard on the EMPLOYERS with heavy prosecution & law enforcement!!!

2007-02-23 14:41:55 · answer #9 · answered by bulabate 6 · 0 2

The retribution from other countries that my children will have to deal with.

The ignorance of treating health care like an item to be bought instead of a public safety issue.

The refusal of our current government to only talk to their 'friends' while ignoring non-aligned nations or 'enemies'.

The ability to actually have a viable representative democracy in this country after decades of abuse and misuse.

*that just about does it*

2007-02-23 14:45:27 · answer #10 · answered by words_smith_4u 6 · 1 3

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