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This is a question not framed in a hostile way.
I dont have a problem with Gay marraige,In fact I propose that Gay scociety should create a ceremony of thier own, and it should be recognized by States and Federal Laws applicable to any Legal marraige.
I do have a problem with bringing God and churches into the fabric of the ceremony.Especially when the Institution of Marraige , reguarded ,and set forth by God, clearly states, that this kind of union, is an abomination to Him.
Help me understand, in a non-hostile way, how the Gay society can not understand the non- gay public views on this?

2007-02-23 06:00:15 · 19 answers · asked by iwild 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

19 answers

I appreciate that you are asking without hostility. Honest dialogue is really being replaced by ranting. I applaud you. First, let's look at your premise. You say that you have a definition of marriage "set forth by God." That is your belief. You feel that whatever you are reading, most likely the bible, is the word of God. Then, you have to add onto that supposition, the intrepretation of what is written in your version of the bible, that has been re-written, re-interpreted, and revised many, many times. Many people believe in a Creator, (for brevity, let's call this entity God, but understand this does not mean the Christian God exclusively), but believe that creator is a God of love and acceptance. They also don't believe that an omnipotent creator is going to bring someone on this earth and then punish them for being who they are. Homosexuality is not a choice, it is an orientation, and just like you were never given the "choice" to be heterosexual (assuming you are), homosexuals weren't given a moment in time to choose. They just are what they are. People (like myself) who believe that love and kindness are the best attributes that humans can aspire to, wish homosexual couples a long life of committed loving, with their union joined anyway they see appropriate. To continue your premise, you are basically saying that God does not approve of homosexuals, therefore they are excluded from the love of the creator, and they themselves are excluded from the Christian belief, as well as a union blessed by their creator. I don't believe this is true.
EDIT ADDITION: I read some of your answers to other questions, you make the point that you are a heterosexual female, and can't imagine what it would feel like to be a homosexual. Now, imagine you are in a predominantly homosexual society, and are shunned and discriminated against, and found loathesome by their interpretation of "God" because of your sexual orientation. Feels rotten doesn't it?

2007-02-23 06:18:07 · answer #1 · answered by Caper 4 · 0 0

Hey, bub. God didn't set forth and state anything about marriage. See the following:
The notion of marriage as a sacrament and not just a contract can be traced St. Paul who compared the relationship of a husband and wife to that of Christ and his church (Eph. v, 23-32).

Marriage as we know it is a recent event. It was in ancient times that the idea of a contract was divised as a way to join two or more tribes or families. It was strictly a contract between the FAMILIES and not between the two involved. Most of the time it was an arrangement made by the fathers or tribal leaders and those involved didn't have anything to say about it. There are still arranged marriages today in some cultures.

Marriage today is a CIVIL matter. A judge or justice of the peace can perform this CIVIL act. The church doesn't have anything to do with the legal part of a union. It is strictly for show......

I might turn your last question around and ask you why you cannot understand the gay view and the right for two people to enter into a legal, CIVIL union and, if the church THEY attend wish, they can then have a non-binding ceremony. A so-called church wedding is nothing more than a CIVIL union with meaningless frills.

2007-02-23 07:48:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They do understand the view. But they find it to be prejudicial (as it is). That doesn't mean that the church, as a private organization, should not be allowed to restrict gay membership. So, gays do understand, but are hoping that prejudiced people won't be so disdainful. By the way, how do you know that God doesn' t like gays?

Also you mention that gays should have a ceremony of their own. Well, that is also prejudicial. Gays should be allowed to marry under the law, and enter into a marriage, not just a civil union. OR, all marriages could just be called civil unions from now on, and marriage should be a term used within a church.

2007-02-23 07:16:31 · answer #3 · answered by balisarius 2 · 0 0

My guess is these people don't necessarily worship the same God you do. Even if they go to the same church, God is different for every person. My God for example is not worried who you love, its how you love that person that counts.

Now according to the Bible, I hear, as I've never read the whole thing, God says that homosexuality is an abomination. Now according to this same book he says slavery is ok and it is ok to sell my daughter into a marriage of not her own choosing. These practices are no longer practiced by any "good" Christian I know, and yet they choose to sit on the fact that God called homosexuality an abomination.

Let me ask you this, do you pay attention to all of God's laws as written in the Bible? Because if so, should you not stone and kill anyone who works on the Sabbath. I can understand people not wanting to call a union of gays a "marriage" as that is the sacrament into which Christians enter, however, they do deserve to have the rights of marriage as seen through government's eyes, which I applaud you for pointing out.

As far as I'm concerned, God is the most intelligent and enlightened entity in the Universe, and there is little or no way we could know of his intentions for us. If you're of the belief that He sent His only child here to die for our sins, then does that not include the sins of the homosexuals? Especially Christian homosexuals?

These people deserve fair and equitable treatment on this planet even if God is going to damn them to Hell. Because this planet is not Hell at least not for most of us, nor is it Heaven. It is the real world where myth and fairytale and Bible stories should be used as a guide to life and not taken literally as we have seen change in what we are supposed to believe over the years and that change will continue for the rest of humanity until we all perish and meet our so-called maker.

All in all I feel that people should not pick and choose the parts of the Bible they want to listen and adhere to. Although that is impossible as some of the things God says were ok are outlawed now. But if you are going to pick and choose lets try not to be bigotted about it. You will always fear what you do not understand and for that reason I recommend you go out and meet some homosexual people as you just might change you opinion of the abomination these people commit. Then again maybe not but at least you will have some evidence and understanding of their way of life and may not be bigotted forever. Thanks and have a nice day.

2007-02-23 06:18:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. Your Church does not marry you, they perform a ceremony. Without the License sold by the State your marriage has no legal benefits tied to it whatsoever. So long as someone legally recognized by the State signs the Marriage License, as far as the State is concerned, you are married. Any ceremony and religious trappings tied to it are completely superfluous. 2. Contrary to popular belief, the church did not start marriage nor do they hold any sort of copyright on the word or term. Marriage has been found in civilizations for thousands of years, throughout the world, in many places that existed before and alongside of Christianity. 3. There are legitimate denominations which have no problem with performing a same-sex marriage. Your personal interpretation that homosexuality is an abomination is no more or less true than the interpretations that do not believe that way. You have no right to dictate to others what that can or cannot say or believe when it comes to their ceremonies and beliefs. 4. Weddings that are performed in Las Vegas and the same-sex marriages that have been performed in Massachusetts are every bit as legal and legitimate as your own, as are those marriages performed by Shinto Priests, Wiccan High-Priests, and Jewish Rabbis. 5. Up to date, as far as I know, there are no legal plans to attempt to force any Church or Denomination to perform any ceremony which they feel is counter to the doctrine of their belief. What it boils down to is this. Religion is a choice. Your interpretation is not the only interpretation of your Bible out there. No interpretation is "more correct" than the other. You do not "own" the word "marriage". "We" have ever bit as much right to be married and have that marriage legally recognized as you do. To form some union, even with the exact same rights, privileges, and obligations, and use a name for it other than Marriage is setting a standard for legal segregation which is Unconstitutional.

2016-05-24 02:53:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because they want the same things as we do and I don't blame them for that. Everyone deserves happiness in life. They want to be treated the same as everyone else. I''ve work with and know some gay people and I've never treated them any different then others. They are people like the rest of us.

God still loves them. He loves all his children no matter what they do. He just doesn't approve of the choices they make. That is why God gave us free will. To serve him and live by his guidelines.

However, I do agree with you. It clearly states in the bible that marriage is between man and woman and that unions between the same sex is an abomination in the eyes of God. People are taking what the bible says and twisting the words to suit their purpose.

God created Adam (man).He then saw that man was alone, so he created Eve (woman) to serve as a mate, companion to Adam (man) and to bear offspring(children).

If Gays want to be united, then they need their own kind of marriage ceremony, but it should not be recognized by the church. It would be a mockery to what God intended for marriage to be, between man and woman.

But if they want to share their lives, I have no problem with it being recognized by the state as long as the same rules that apply to regular married people apply to them.

2007-02-23 06:23:32 · answer #6 · answered by cajun24 5 · 0 1

You've received some calm and thoughtful answers here; and no one has pointed out that calling the union "abhorrent" is, indeed, hostile.

And just wanting to pick some nits here--if you're going by the one sentence (and the only time) in the bible that talks about homosexuality being wrong, it only says don't "lie" with each other. It says nothing about marriage.

2007-02-23 06:10:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Biblically homosexuality is wrong. Socially however it has became somewhat accepted. The religious beliefs of a homosexual are personal to them the same as they are to a heterosexual. I do not personally have a problem with a legal form of homosexual union but it shouldnt be called marriage. As far as reaching the homosexual community on this topic all I can say is they are differrent and they have to understand that and quit whining about it. I am a socialist in a capitalist nation. I dont fit in and I dont get my way but I understand that society will not cater to my needs.

2007-02-23 06:42:59 · answer #8 · answered by john c 2 · 0 1

If we all took everything in the Bible as literally as the gay issue, we'd have to make A LOT of changes.
Gay isn't a choice. They deserve to be welcomed into the church like any other. Let them feel accepted. A ceremony of their own only accents the discrimination against them.

2007-02-23 06:06:55 · answer #9 · answered by mediamanmail 4 · 2 0

Some churches do consider gay marriage to be legitimate. Should these churches not be allowed to practice according to their interpretations of scripture? I don't believe churches should be forced to perform marriage ceremonies. (I don't think anyone is really making this argument.) But the churches that do, should be able to do so.

The non-gay public does not share your views, they do not support recognizing civil gay marriage.

I hope you are contacting your elected officials and letting them know how you feel about government recognition of gay marriage.

2007-02-23 06:07:02 · answer #10 · answered by Vegan 7 · 1 0

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