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A flammable hydrocarbon such as jet-A burns under optimal conditions (with air forced into the combustion chamber) at 1,800F. In an open air fire it will burn at about 1,200F. Structural steel doesn't melt until 3,332F. Video footage shows molten steel pouring out of the gaping wound in one of the towers. Statements, recorded on video by the Naudet brothers' documentary, of firefighters on the scene that day talked about "molten steel running down the channel rails" and how it was "like being in a foundry". Sturctural steel CAN NOT be melted by a hydrocarbon. Period. How did jet-A melt sturctural steel? If a building suffers a pancake collapse, the fastest rate of destruction possible is 6 floors per second. That would mean that the 110 story buildings should have taken at least 18.3 seconds. Newton's 2nd Law applied to an object dropped from a 110 story building would take 9.4 seconds to hit the pavement. WTC 1 fell in 8.6 seconds. WTC 2 fell in 10.4 seconds. How?

2007-02-23 05:16:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

14 answers

The alleged 'terrorist attacks' of 9/11 were mearly a false flag event, planned and executed with military precision by Bush and his friends at the PNAC. The Project For The New American Century is an ultra elite group of far right, self proclaimed, neo-conservative reactionary statists who do not believe in the rule of international or domestic law and don't think they need to tell the truth. Go to their web site and read their thinly veiled manifesto on how to control the world through military superiority. Bush, Cheney, Quayle, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and many top adminisration officials are members. There are several documentaries available which show strong evidence that the towers at the WTC, and building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. Larry Silverstien, who owned the lease on the WTC has admitted, on video, that bldg.7 was, in fact 'pulled'. Some Bush supporters say he is referring to 'pulling the rescuers' out of the building'before it collapsed' which is just not true. The word 'pulled' is a civil engineering term for explosively demolishing a structure in a controlled fashion, and had nothing to do with getting anyone out of the way. It is a federal offense to remove debris from the site of a collapsed building, yet all the steel from the WTC was quickly hauled to ships waiting to ship it to Asia for immediate smelting. The company that owned the trucks used is called Controlled Demolition Inc. Coincidence? Need more convincing? Go to the link below. And remember, the laws of physics need not be enforced because they cannot be broken. The 'official' story defies the laws of physics.

2007-02-23 05:57:51 · answer #1 · answered by rick m 3 · 4 4

The critical point for structural steel is around 550C, at which point is strength is reduced by half or more. There was no molten steel at the WTC site this is a story that was based on misreporting, and has grown with the telling. It's untrue. The photos that you see on the net are photoshopped, I find them deeply and personally offensive. Ask people who were really there.

If WTC 1 fell in 8.6 seconds (it didn't), then a miracle has happened. It would assume an acceleration greater than gravity. Obviously, your have your facts wrong once again.

I have no idea how you figure that a pancake collapse would have taken 18.3 seconds, this seems to be another number pulled out of your a**. L'Ambiance Plaza, a building in Bridgeport CT, suffered a pancake collapse at approximately freefall rates. It happens. Get a life.

2007-02-24 09:11:46 · answer #2 · answered by anywherebuttexas 6 · 0 3

I've seen a documentary film about the fall and if there is a vacum then the building would have dropped faster than what it should have. Second fire fighters have been filmed talking about secondary explosions how can a jet have secondary explosions. Third if the steel was that hot then how can the guy on the side of the building hold on to the steel girder. Fourth the building had two structures in one, an out side steel structure and an in side steel structure. The steel structure ( I-beam) was 6 feet long 5 feet wide and 2 to 4 inches thick. The I beam was built like a box with 4 sides. All 4 sides were 2 to 4 inches thick with a hollow centre, just like a box. A friend of mine said that that if it would have colapse on it's own then it would only colapse up to where the building was hit and no further. If the building did fall, it wouldn't have dropped like a pancake. People inside heard explosions and when the building dropped you could see puffs of smoke coming from the sides of the building indicating explosions. The Al Quida do not have the right to claim they took down the WTC there escape goats to the I really hate to say it but the U S government and who ever planted the bombs. From what I learnt the reason the buildings came down was to fast forward the future so that the government can implant the verichip in every body. Check this out go to www.youtube.com in the search box type in mark of the beast 666 and go through the clips there is a lot of interesting stuff (films) on the verichip, Prince charles & the coat of arms. Also you might want to read John Twelve Hawk the Traveller this book talks about every thing that's happening now. I really recommend to every one to read and to also go through the youtube films Every thing that's talked about in the Traveller I watched on youtube.There's also film clips on the WTC blast proving it was a controlled demolition.

Alright people you have to check this out this is why the twin towers were allowed to collapse.

Go to www.youtube.com in the search box type in verichip click on search when that screen pops up. The first video on top called IBM, Verichip,and the Fourth Reich 8 minutes 29 seconds. After you watch this. Go to the right in related vidios scroll to 911truth:RFID deHUMANization Squared 7 min 47 sec. After watching these two clips, go back to where the list of videos pop up the first time after you type in verichip. Go to the bottom and you'll find "Conspiracy Goes Mainstream CNBC"S Big Brother, Big Business" 10 min 01 sec. After you watched this go to related on the right find "Ras Jahmark Tafari 911: Clearly an inside job 3 min 18 seconds. I hope I explained this clear enough for every one to follow.

After you watched all this type www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com. You'll allsee 5 videos to the left watch these. Especially what they do to the bulls and the cats. LIKE MIND CONTROLL TO THE EXTREME and if they can do this to animals I HATE TO SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO TO HUMANS.

www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com/ This is what the top should have read but it was cut off when I saw it posted. Sorry for the lack of commas and periods.My writing isn't that great.

What's not coming up is chipped.com. So it should be www. we the people will not be chipped.com but "we" to "chipped" should be like one word or it won't work. I hope you find every thing I put on here if you don't understand email me and I'll change the wording on here.

2007-02-23 05:39:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

lol i think of the interior job is the funniset maximum unrealistc consipracy I definitely have ever heard of. via fact a million. i'm advantageous that on a similar time as they have been construction the international commerce centers, what returned interior the 60s or 70s? That they a approach or the different purposly confident everybody in touch to cause them to susceptible so as that years later the government ought to apply it as an exuse to invade Iraq? ya spectacular. 2. If it became an interior job, then it would not be a consiracy it would be fact. via tens of millions of greenbacks that interior human beings might gets a commission to formally say that. lol that is like the dumb those that belive that we did no longer rather land on the moon. 3. there are various tests and balences interior the yankee governmnet. no person might escape with that. only seem on the open problems with the democrats as against republicans over even much less substantial subject concerns? confident i'm advantageous this might stay below the wraps, rather. 4. If the government paid Osama or different terroists to attrack us, then why would not Osama tell the yankee human beings? What extra ideal oppertinity to coach the country he hates maximum against their own government? basically in Hollywood. even nonetheless it rather is a resourceful conspiracy. only no longer a real one. I believe what you stated, particularly with regard to the baby wearing that shirt.

2016-11-25 02:06:07 · answer #4 · answered by kirodimal 4 · 0 0

There's a lot of questions that go unanswered and I don't understand why not. I would encourage people to look at the questions raised(I know it's hard to watch the loosechange video) and look at the popular mechanics "rebuttal". Much goes unaddressed. I asked an engineering student I know-her professors told her that the steel weakened which is not possible the way the official version was presented.

2007-02-23 05:29:34 · answer #5 · answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6 · 4 0

i saw an oil truck accident on i-95 in bpt. ct. on a bridge that sagged the giant i beams of the bridge . that still don't explain WTC bld 7 having to be "pulled" and dozens of other coincidences and unanswered questions of 9-11. yes inside job.

2007-02-23 05:31:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

You don't state where your source can be found, but I haven't heard the "molten steel pouring out of the gaping wound" story before this, it would be interesting to see the video, and how they determined that if something WAS pouring out, that it was molten steel.
it appears that you beleive that this was some sort of conspiracy, and if by some way that were the case..this would STILL BE AN OPEN AIR FIRE NO MATTER HOW IT WAS STARTED, unless of course you think someone secretly built a foundry in the bowels of the building for the special effects.
btw, stell melts at 2750 degrees, yes...still well above the higest temperatures known to have occured (1832 degrees}

CLAIM: The first hijacked plane crashed through the 94th to the 98th floors of the World Trade Center's 110-story North Tower; the second jet slammed into the 78th to the 84th floors of the 110-story South Tower. The impact and ensuing fires disrupted elevator service in both buildings. Plus, the lobbies of both buildings were visibly damaged before the towers collapsed. "There is NO WAY the impact of the jet caused such widespread damage 80 stories below," claims a posting on the San Diego Independent Media Center Web site (sandiego.indymedia.org). "It is OBVIOUS and irrefutable that OTHER EXPLOSIVES (... such as concussion bombs) HAD ALREADY BEEN DETONATED in the lower levels of tower one at the same time as the plane crash."

FACT: Following up on a May 2002 preliminary report by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a major study will be released in spring 2005 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST shared its initial findings with PM and made its lead researcher available to our team of reporters.

The NIST investigation revealed that plane debris sliced through the utility shafts at the North Tower's core, creating a conduit for burning jet fuel--and fiery destruction throughout the building. "It's very hard to document where the fuel went," says Forman Williams, a NIST adviser and a combustion expert, "but if it's atomized and combustible and gets to an ignition source, it'll go off."

Burning fuel traveling down the elevator shafts would have disrupted the elevator systems and caused extensive damage to the lobbies. NIST heard first-person testimony that "some elevators slammed right down" to the ground floor. "The doors cracked open on the lobby floor and flames came out and people died," says James Quintiere, an engineering professor at the University of Maryland and a NIST adviser. A similar observation was made in the French documentary "9/11," by Jules and Gedeon Naudet. As Jules Naudet entered the North Tower lobby, minutes after the first aircraft struck, he saw victims on fire, a scene he found too horrific to film.

"Melted" Steel
CLAIM: "We have been lied to," announces the Web site AttackOnAmerica.net. "The first lie was that the load of fuel from the aircraft was the cause of structural failure. No kerosene fire can burn hot enough to melt steel." The posting is entitled "Proof Of Controlled Demolition At The WTC."

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength--and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

But jet fuel wasn't the only thing burning, notes Forman Williams, a professor of engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and one of seven structural engineers and fire experts that PM consulted. He says that while the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.

"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."

2007-02-23 05:43:05 · answer #7 · answered by raybearmass 1 · 1 6

Get a life.

Maybe you libs can ask Bill Clinton and Sandy Bergler what was STOLEN that the 9/11 commission did not see. Something that good ole billy clinton didn't WANT the commission to know???

The terrorists were behind this 100% but clinton was extremely negligent himself.

Wow, a President can concoct that kind of terror in a matter of months that he was in office?? wake up dude and all you liberal stupid conspiracy theorists.

2007-02-23 05:49:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

Why is it that I can melt a pop can in a camp fire? I highly doubt a wood fire is capable of melting aluminum, but you through a can in the middle of a tee-pee and watch it melt.

I know you like to blame Bush for everything, but seriously, go get a job and stop making crap up....

2007-02-23 05:31:01 · answer #9 · answered by Brian I 3 · 1 6

Cut the crap. All FACTUAL studies and investigations have concluded that claims of people like yourself are a bunch of rubbish. 9/11 was carried by a group of despicable, evil fundamentalists, not the U.S. government.

2007-02-23 05:25:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

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