This gentleman sees the truth ...
He told the facts everyone else is oblivion to the existence of the elephant in the corner of the room.
Israel is just existing to be tormented... for they have disobeyed God's commandments:
Thou shall not Lie
Thou shall not Kill
Thou shall not Steal.
Jews (around Bush's decision making) Lied about Iraq WMD.
Jews Killing Iraqis, killing Palestinians, killing Lebanese.
Jews Stealing US tax dollars channeled for illegitimate WARS.
Yes , they must be punished for eternity homeless and shameful!
You say Christians do not hate back?
Is that why they dont hate back Jews?
Then why they hate "back " moslems the sam way Jews Hate moslems?
Or is it the line between JUDAISM and Christianity has been blurred by people like Pat Robertson and Swaggart?
2007-02-23 03:53:42
answer #1
answered by WO LEE 4
Both Israel and Palestine were created by the UN. Therefor Israel have the right to exist if Palestine have the same right. But so far Israel want to keep occupying land that was never part of Israel and wars go on forever Iraq war, Lebanon war and the next war Iran war and so on all the wars in the Middle east are for Israel.
2007-02-23 11:52:17
answer #2
answered by DAVAY 3
Of course it does. The UN voted and approved the measure granting recognition of Israel, so what's your point? The Natives? Canaanites? They were largely wiped out, and Israel then proceeded to exist as a state for several centuries, before the Romans saw fit to remove them... Entirely too complicated for a cut and dry answer, really. But, I do stand by the UN resolution.
2007-02-23 11:33:53
answer #3
answered by sjsosullivan 5
Abraham came to Israel and settled there. He is the father of the Jews. After many years and a rise in Jewish population, the land became infertile (no food).
So the Jewish people went to Egypt and lived there. Meanwhile, other tribes occupided the places the Jews left from. When the Exodus happened, the Jews came back to THEIR land and found it inhabited by the occupying Cannanites.
So, they fought back and got back the land.
To Wally: Yes, Jews hate Christians but Christians follow the love of Jesus Christ and DON'T hate back. I agree when you say they are being punished for their crimes. They have broken important commandments and now God is bringing them Iran as punishment.
2007-02-23 11:56:19
answer #4
answered by United States 2
Read the Bible, the Jews were prophecied to return to this land thousands of years ago (in Ezekiel 36 for example). If the "natives" had chosen to read the bible instead of the quran, they would have known the Jews were coming back and not got too attached to the land. They made a big miscalculation, yet stubbornly persist in sticking with the quran.
2007-02-23 11:32:25
answer #5
answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7
I think, bible aside, that if you were to check your history...most people living in countries today were deported, reassigned, or migrated out of their original birthplaces (either by new unions/states forming, by intimidation, or physical bullying/killing off). To say that a certain country doesn't deserve to exist because of this would be the same as saying that California shouldn't exist because it used to be Mexico...
2007-02-23 11:34:46
answer #6
answered by longleggedfirecracker 3
You said that it is not true that they went to Israel because of anti-semitism. How is this not true? This is the reason why the Jews went to Israel in the first place, because they had no place to go because they were being massacred and killed. I recommend you read this book.
2007-02-23 11:34:32
answer #7
answered by go 2
Israel has the right to exist and to live there peacefully.
2007-02-23 14:07:26
answer #8
answered by cynical 6
israelis who disobey god's
commands deserve to exist in
eternal torment.
my mom and nancy grace
are southern baptists.
it would help the ebony
community if they sought
to abolish slavery in sudan,
honduras and everywhere slavery
under the sun where slavery exists.
so, the dhs is trying to whack me.
they caused an accident on hwy 1247
and accidently killed or maimed 3 people
trying to get me.
evil, bumbling nazis...
the helicopter came and
went 3 times while the traffic
was backed up for about 45 minutes.
i didn't hear anything about it in the
news, either. everybody's pretending like
they don't know anything. and every night,
i identify the lighted aircraft flying outside
as military issue ufo's.
they could be et's i suppose, but i think that shyt
is all just a hoax to foment profits of the airline
let there be lie detection for the dhs and president.
my mom and nancy grace are southern baptists.
constitutionally protected bearing false witness should only be allowed for non-judeochristians. judeoxians should be forced to obey the ten commands plus the most important one against blasphemy of the holy ghost. blasphemy of the holy ghost will not be forgiven in this life or the next.
better yet, the constitution should be amended to exclude the dissemination of untrue information.
opinions are detrimental when the truth is available.
and those who say they are jews but are not (rev 2:9) should also be forced to follow the eleven commands and punished with the eternal torment penalty until they are dead.
and all public officials and news media executives should be required to have lie detection equipment in all of their communication devices, for the sake of national security.
my mom and nancy grace are southern baptists.
waroc seizer
john allan tate, iii
red rod order, 33o
for president now
and '08.
2007-02-23 11:30:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's people like you that need to be marginalized out of existence for their idiocy on such matters.
2007-02-24 17:45:39
answer #10
answered by Emma 6