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14 answers

This is a simple one to answer, as long as there are elections taking place, the ANC will remain in power regardless of how incompetent they get.

You say that "People aren't educated due to people like you, Brad, and that's why they don't make decisions necessarily based on performance". Would you care to elaborate? I thought certain people aren't educated since they burn their books, vandalise their schools or are more interested in making a living out of crime.

Kay T:
If you are not familiar with South African politics rather do not comment please. You are terribly ignorant of the current situation.

You write with passion but some of your comments are unwarranted. You say that "Just one thing I want to ask you... The soldier who worked in Iraq, who raped a 14 year old girl and killed her family, who's got 100years sentence to jail, and by the way, who's an American, does that justify his wrongdoing because he's a USA citizen..... ?"
I can assure you that Brad does not think that the soldiers actions are justified since he is an American. But the difference is that this sort of thing happens in SA on a regular basis. Furthermore, the soldier, as you say, was sentenced to 100years. This is quite contrary to SA where there is only a 5% conviction rate for rapes. Additionally, those that do go to jail are there for a fraction of the time they should be, often being released early so that they commit the same crimes that put them in jail in the first place.
Also, try to understand what is actually going on in the world which has resulted in America's war on terror. Do you think that the countries the US has attacked would have left the Western world alone in peace? If you believe that, then you are among the many that are extremely ignorant of the world you live in.

It's sad indeed that SA has come to the point that it has.

2007-02-25 17:14:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I want to be truthfull, so here goes...

I have been a supporter of the ANC for as long as I can remember. And I have just recently given up my membership. I don't belong to any political party at this moment. But I have no regrets being an ANC member, because I've worked with the most caring and understanding people during my term as a member of a small group within our municipal district. I can no longer participate there, because I'm no longer in the country. But I also do not wish to continue there, because of personal reasons.

I have previously asked if South Africans are gullible and got many answers that said the opposite. But I do believe we are. Because we do accept spam e-mail as true mail and forward it on. (That was what my question was based on.)

And now to answer your question, Brad! I wanna say that "the time will never come". Even though a small percentage of people I know in the Western Cape have stood up against the policies of the ANC and eventually given up their membership, this is but a drop in the 'Kimberley Big Hole'.

A revolution is at hand and it has been made clear by the people in the Western Cape by their struggle to keep the ANC out of the Cape and their neighbourhood watches to keep the bad out of Cape Town. And if you read up on the crime in Cape Town you'll see how many perpetrators are from outside the Cape! Almost 60% of them!

The Afrikaner Revolution seems to be in place with (from what I've heard) the white Afrikaners getting ready to defend the country from a total onslaught! I am told that when the song (De La Rey) is played in pubs and drinking holes in the Free State and other towns and villages in SA, young and old Afrikaners jump up, do the right-hand-across-the-chest salute and sing along, full throttle.

This is sometimes followed by the singing of Die Stem, the previous national anthem, though Van Blerk has publically disassociated himself from the old flag, which is occasionally waved at his concerts.

And therefore I feel that it's time for us as South Africans to stand up against bad leaders and be the Proud South Africans that we are to recognize the faults of our leaders and step in to become the power!

The ANC isn't a bad organization! It was made bad by greed!

2007-02-25 12:26:11 · answer #2 · answered by Porgie 7 · 2 1

Hopefully not long. Currently every day the apathetic ANC is in power more than 50 people in SA DIE.
The situation in my country is such that those who condone the ANC's actions (or mostly lack thereof) is either (1) unsympathetic to the point that they don't respect human life, (2) deaf and blind or (3) has an IQ of less than 35.
The rhetoric of "give it time" is untrue and old hat. Over time the situation in SA has deteriorated (crime, education, health care, AIDS, electricity supply, the military, etc.). The economic growth of 4-5% p.a. doesnt mean real progress - a growth of at least 5% is neccesary to stay in the same position in world economy. Anything less is slipping economically.
Different people has different motives. I say this coz I passionately love my country and can't stand watching this ragtag gang destroying what's so dear to South Africans. I may not agree with your motives, Brad (as you know) but I have to admit the validity of most of your arguments.
I do believe many people are waking from their anc-induced hypnosis, though. (IMOTEB...IMOTEB...hahahahaha!)
Let's hope it's not too little too late.

Unfortunately it will be too late for another 50 South Africans by this time tomorrow...

2007-02-24 08:25:15 · answer #3 · answered by Vango 5 · 1 2

I don't think that it's a matter of the South Africans being "gullible".
Just look at the situation the very unfortunate Zimbabweans are in. Their president, Robert Mugabe and his party ZANUPF have ruled since April, 1980. The country keeps trying to change over to the opposition party MDC but cannot. WHY??? I really hope that what happened in Zimbabwe will not happen to South Africa. It IS up to the people there........NOW.

2007-02-26 01:10:40 · answer #4 · answered by Commodore 5 · 0 0

Ag Brad, I don't even want to answer!

And by the way, you yourself say we are such a negative country, we don't need you to feed us some negative nonsense as well. And if you've got such a problem with the ANC, why don't you come over to cast a vote in the elections. No, instead of standing your man, trying to make South Africa work, you pack up and leave like a mouse to the "Country of Movies' and close your eyes to what is happening around you in the whole world, while it’s bombed by your “new” country USA!

Just one thing I want to ask you... The soldier who worked in Iraq, who raped a 14 year old girl and killed her family, who's got 100years sentence to jail, and by the way, who's an American, does that justify his wrongdoing because he's a USA citizen..... ? No matter where you are, you will get idiots like you NOT SEEING YOUR OWN COUNTRY'S WRONG!!!!

Thanks for the 2 points!

PS.. I’m not a supporter of the ANC!!! They suck!!!

2007-02-24 02:23:15 · answer #5 · answered by poepies 4 · 5 0

After reading that misguided drivel from Kay T seems they are also outside South Africa. I honestly believe it is ANC Policy to keep them gullible through a distortion of historical facts,denialism and obfuscation. Sort of a variation on Verwoerd's Policy of keeping them uneducated. In the past few weeks they have accused the BBC and Australia of being racists and of course anyone who criticises the ANC is immediately attacked and discredited. They never deal with the real issue.Mbeki is in denial about crime and boldly states that the majority of South Africans would agree with him. So his logic is that if you take a vote on it and he wins then crime goes away or never existed. Nevertheless he builds a R90 million wall around his property and has a R35 million security upgrade to another.
I feel South Africans have lost any opportunity they had to get the ANC out of power through democratic means and it will take something else to free the Country.The recent debacle in Cape Town over the Mayoral position is an example of ANC democracy and only International intervention prevented them from throwing her out.The White population,particularly the Afrikaaner, remain a threat to ANC domination and so recently there have been a number of issues arising in the psychological warfare being conducted to get Whites out. The murder of and attacks on high profile Whites and the disinformation on Mandela's death are good examples of creating fear and uncertainty amongst Whites and may drive a few more thousand out as is the ANC's wish.
It has all the potential to become another African war zone or a new communist China.

2007-02-24 02:28:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

forever, its seem, cos there's just no end to the frigging idiots. its a pity 75% of the south african population left there prefer to live like ostriches instead of giraffes - if they held their heads up closer to the sun, they might "see the light', but they prefer to keep it buried in the dark like a mushroom fed on feces so they can pretend thier little comfort zone is ok... and everytime you say so, you're reported for violation for "hating " them or something equally stupid, instead of this simply being an honest opinion that has been asked for, and susequently expressed. so good luck. its an example of the mentality out there. let the mushrooms keep feeding the ANC. you're right brad - thugs they are, and thugs they will always be.

2007-02-23 20:35:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Interesting that one, but really mob mentality is to follow and to choose the devil you know rather than the devil you don't - Would be good though to have a new bunch in and clean sweep.

It would have to be the civil servants as well then of course, they are the ones who perpetuate the rotten core, are they not?

2007-02-23 11:45:37 · answer #8 · answered by london.oval 5 · 1 0

The ANC "represents the people". Don't expect them to lose a government sponsered election.

2007-02-23 12:55:39 · answer #9 · answered by ElOsoBravo 6 · 1 1

Brad Morris is an American who left South Africa many years ago and still regrets having left - that's why he's still so concerned. SA does not need his racism though. People aren't educated due to people like you, Brad, and that's why they don't make decisions necessarily based on performance. As a result, politicians are not normally held accountable for their performance, which is unfortunate, and will hopefully clear up sometime - but we need to give it time, it cannot happen in 12 years! By the way, why is the American political system a mess? Republican vs Labour.....and actually all about money. Anyone who knows something and can think is in business (as we are capitalist america!!!), so it's again only the mediocre underperformers who try make something of government. When will that improve, Brad?

2007-02-23 13:00:59 · answer #10 · answered by mail_my_nou 1 · 4 5

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