it is the beginning of the end , hopefully americans will wake up and see what is going on before it is to late
2007-02-23 02:51:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's certainly irritating, but it's not the end of the world. Societies, like all other things, have a tendency to operate in cycles. The United Kingdom went through a large socialist trend for about 25 years after Churchill left office, and it wasn't until Margette Thatcher that they started turning things around. Of course, they still have a serious immigration problem, but their hybrid public/private heath care system seems to be working out well for everyone. I think that one of the primary things that needs to be communicated to the socialist front is that if heath care is nationalized, it will have the compassion of the IRS and the efficiency of the post office. That's why Canadians come to the US when they get really sick or they need to go to the emergency room.
What we're seeing now in the US is a push toward two extremes. The democratic leadership is trying to institute more socialistic programs, but the republican leadership is moving toward the other extreme and instituting fascist/police state initiatives. As an example, look at the Patriot Act. Protections against unreasonable search and seizure are a protected constitutional right, and shouldn't be infringed without due process of law. Since when did it become ok to wiretap US citizens without a warrant, or permanently detain terror suspects without charging them with anything? Don't get me wrong, I have no love for Islamic extremists (I even fought and was wounded in Iraq), but if we are truly a nation of laws, then we need to use our legal process. This includes not wet nursing illegal aliens. This isn't some liberal poppycock, this is the constitution.
2007-02-23 02:59:50
answer #2
answered by godofsparta 2
It is apparent that our form of government is morphing into something else. But I'm not sure if it could be considered socialism. Maybe it is a new form of government altogether - like a hybrid. I think it will be something new and different - but not based on a new theory or philosophy.
As for it being the end of the world as we know it - yes and no. Think about the history of the world. Nations have been formed and dissolved. Single countries (like Britain) have ruled over huge empires. Governments have been formed. People have revolted. So even though the world may seem unfamiliar to us in the future, it will not last. There will be continuous change. Watch the European Union - it's progress or decline will say alot about the future of the world and economics.
2007-02-23 03:12:14
answer #3
answered by smellyfoot ™ 7
Unions, Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Rights, Freedoms, and Small businesses are all on the DECLINE, while prisons are becoming over crowded....How long have you been making these observations? I have for over 50 damn years. Socialist State? I don't think so. The people won't come together until we all are chewing off the same bone.
2007-02-23 03:02:48
answer #4
answered by twostories 4
A little melodramatic this morning, aren't we? While unions, welfare and medicare are social programs, doesn't make us a socialist country. When we have national health care, everyone can go to university and our income tax is at 50%, then you can worry. Until that time, don't get so worked up.
And, these programs don't cater to criminals. Yes, they get abused and they have been working on reforming least they used to. But, they are necessary to help people in need. Unions are becoming too powerful, placing the cost on consumers, but they are also necessary. Workers have rights too.
2007-02-23 02:50:59
answer #5
answered by Groovy 6
coaching history or exposing it, rather has little result until eventually the morals at the back of it are additionally defined and that has no longer been the fad by way of fact the previous due 60's, while liberal instructors and professors made their inroads into our bigger academic faculties. Like with Vietnam, the emphasis became no longer how "such" a warfare became incorrect, in dropping youthful lives on a lost reason for Philosophies ( Domino result ), yet how imperialistic the USA became, with their plans to triumph over different international locations. by utilising the mid 70's the protection rigidity forces took the brunt of the disdain and contempt felt for the government. the genuine "ethical lesson" of this conflict became lost. pay interest in 2011, while the "new" and revised college books, extraordinarily history are to be released by utilising the Feds. i'm unsure "who" has propagandized or bastardized our history greater, the Christian Fundamentalists or Liberal Progressives. the two way, the unquestionably "discovering from history" will go through a extreme compromise, back.
2016-09-29 12:38:11
answer #6
answered by ? 4
We are closer to becoming a Fascist state thanks to Bush. All the cuts are coming from the poor and going to the rich hoping some of their own money trickles back down, but never does, starting with Reagan and David Stockman!
About 1/2 of out budget goes to the military and to pay off the deficit, including the additional 3 1/2 TRILLION that Bush has added!
And as far as the poor, I guess God was a socialist!
“Then the King will say to those on the right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.' Then these righteous ones will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'” (Matthew 25:34-40).
2007-02-23 02:53:33
answer #7
answered by cantcu 7
Democrats accept socialism openly.
Republicans accept socialism reluctantly.
Yes, the U.S. is gradually passing Socialistic policies. Anyone who doesn't see this should open their eyes.
The debate lies in whether these policies are good or bad for our country.
2007-02-23 02:49:47
answer #8
answered by Time to Shrug, Atlas 6
It certainly wouldn't be good for the rest of the world if America falters.
2007-02-23 02:48:50
answer #9
answered by baby1 5
I love how people try to make socialism sound good and facism sound bad. They are both bad.
you say slowly? i say QUICKLY.. daily.. both parties are pushing us into it.
Do we have the balls to stop paying our taxes? (oops. they TAKE those from us at gunpoint already.. cant object that way)
Should we VOTE them out of office.. oops.. both parties are the same... no choice...
yes. we are crashing into socialism. and i see no way PERIOD to stop it... libs lie.. conservatives dont vote... and if they do.. they get libs in sheeps clothing.
its a mess
2007-02-23 03:01:04
answer #10
answered by kent j 3