I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time. We had the same problems with my son, now 21 months. It sounds like you are doing everything right, but maybe just a couple suggestions: Make sure you are doing the massage correctly and for long enough. The massage should move air and food through his intestines from his right to his left, which is the natural flow of the intestines. Also, you may want to try doing it close to bedtime, the same time each day: it helps the baby relax and creates that routine. After you feed the baby, be sure to burp him for long enough. My son, who was breastfed solely, would not burp well. It took quite a while (up to 20 minutes sometimes) to get a burp out. Also, we stopped laying our son down right after he ate. Even if he fell asleep, he went into his swing or he was held upright on our arms and shoulder for about 20 minutes to make sure his tummy settled. Good luck and stay patient. This too shall pass.
2007-02-23 02:09:34
answer #1
answered by Barbara B 4
This may sound crazy but I used this
when my daughter was an infant she went through a fussy time every night and they thought it may have been a slight case of colic I read about some natural remedies and running a vacuum is supposed to calm the fussiness it worked for my daughter
we would put the vacuum just outside the doorway of the room we were in and ran it and it seemed to calm her right down I do not know if this works on every child but anything is worth a try for the baby's sake and for your sanity.
2007-02-23 01:45:02
answer #2
answered by Kim and RIcki V 2
First off, I feel for you - this must be very trying for you. It can be so easy to feel that you have failed as a parent when you have a colicy baby. Rest assured, this is not true. Sometimes colic (or extreme fussiness) is caused by digestive problems, sometimes my an immature nervous system, and sometimes you just can't ever figure it out - just remember that its not your fault!
As far as another tummy-focused solution goes, many mothers swear by something called "Gripe Water". I've not used it, but my lactation consultant approves of it as well.
If the fussiness is always at the end of the day, you might have a baby with an immature nervous system, which just means that he has trouble shutting out all of the stimulation of the day and just goes on overload at the end of the day. Crying would then be his coping mechanism - a way to shut everything out. Usually colic peaks at week 6, then is gone by week 12, so you won't have to endure this too long. In the meantime, I would use the techniques described in "Happiest Baby on the Block" (can't remember author). This book saved us with our first child. It involves swaddling the baby very tightly, giving him something to suck on while laying him on his side, swaying or bouncing him, and saying "SHHHHH" very loudly in his ear (or use a white noise machine). These conditions remind him of being in the womb abd seem to flip some sort of calming switch in the baby. This has worked 90% of the time with both our kids for evening fussiness.
Good luck! - and remember to take care of yourself!!
2007-02-23 01:50:09
answer #3
answered by Redwing 1
My daughter is almost 3 months and she still has colic. I believe that patients is the best thing. It's so hard at times, I know. I've tried gripe water, ovol....and im going to start trying this new product that i talked to my pharmacist about. It's called Bio Gaya. It's a natural product. It's a little pricey...$20 for a tiny bottle. But if it saves headaches and stress, then its worth it, right? Also, a friend of mine who is a nurse, said to wrap her up tightly in a blanket. like swaddle her. and that seems to work a little bit. And like someone said about, the vaccuum!!! It's a miracle with her. If shes screaming, we turn it on and not another sound comes out of her....until we turn it off....but it may help....give it a try
But I still think that best thing is to just wait it out. IT's not going to last forever....
Good luck and be patient!!!!
2007-02-23 02:33:51
answer #4
answered by dreamcatcher 2
One of my daughter's was real colicky even on soy formula. What helped her most was walking holding her facing outwards, with my arm around her abdomen applying a little pressure. Also holding her with her laying down on my knee and bouncing a little bit may help also. Also try a vibrating seat. Good luck, and the times will pass. You may want to try a little Rice Cereal too, if these don't work.
2007-02-23 07:13:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know this sounds crazy but its an alternative. I always took my duaghter for a ride in the car when she got colicky, the vibrations calmed her a lot.
Also another thing to do is to run the vacuum until he falls asleep.. Sounds weird but it worked for me. Plus in a few weeks it will all be over and he will be fine. :-) Good luck and hang in there. I know its not easy.
2007-02-23 02:15:46
answer #6
answered by babygyrl_nyc 5
it might artwork, extraordinarily in case you squeeze from front to diminish back like a tube of toothpaste, to help flow the obstruction or gasoline alongside. i stumble on the main suitable treatment for gentle colic is a short trailer experience. that often seems to set off pooping.
2016-09-29 12:32:51
answer #7
answered by bebber 4
patience it will go away when it does. my sons never went away till he was almost 41/2 months
2007-02-23 01:36:37
answer #8
answered by miraclebaby_2006 5
Hope these help...they sure did for my colicky little girl :)
2007-02-23 02:13:43
answer #9
answered by totspotathome 5