By being strong, loving and involved parents.
2007-02-23 01:35:03
answer #1
answered by Fee_Slice 4
They're looking for something better. They're looking for identity and affiliation. A sense of belonging. Give them this and more, give them a vaible, obtainable future and they will come.
Who's responsible? Funny you should ask. In my old sociology books, they were still trying to unravel the skinhead thing and generally looked at blaming the disenfranchised auto/factory workers. What a hoot!
It begins with home and parenting -- or lack there of. If a child is raised by only one parent, who doesn't have much of an education and is struggling to make ends meet, chances are, the child is left to fend for themselves and is without guidance. If the child is being raised (more or less) by two adults and one or both just don't care... Now, put all of these kids together and what will you get?
We have an education system in place that offers the same core curriculum nationwide. The teachers, while coming from different institutions of higher learning, have all met the same basic requirements, the administrations and text books are generally all the same -- it's all very much cookie cutter format, it becomes a matter of minimizing distractions and getting the parents to become active participants in a team effort to educate. Discipline is not punishment, it is teaching people to do what is right and rewarding that behavior.
When I lived in a military town, my kids went to school off base. It was a huge mess. There were drugs and gang violence even in the elementary school. They had a uniform policy, but it was unenforcable. Certain special interest groups had threatened to bring suit against the school administration if they tried to enforce that policy -- which by the way, was voted on and agreed upon by the people whose children attended the schools. The permise for the policy was to make all students equal by removing the prospects of soem wearing designer fashions while others were wearing whatever their folks could afford. My son got the snot beat out of him daily for having worn the uniform.
We transferred him to a school that was on the military base. Taught by the same pool of teachers, governed by the same administration, the difference being, that the majority of the students had parents in the military and as such, their parents all bought into the same basic belief system. Discipline. And amazingly enough, the kids all chose to wear the uniform and learning actually took place. The sociol-economic make-up and racial make-up were almost identical... It begins at home.
2007-02-23 02:06:03
answer #2
answered by Doc 7
It requires a lot of input the parent or parents are not able to give. Most gang members, but not all, have a crappy home life. How can we change that? It seems the more and more poor the more the rebellion. Gangs in many ways are like nations - ready to do battle at the least provication.
2007-02-23 01:40:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I feel that the parents need to take a more active role in the lives of their kids.
To reject the 'gang' culture, let the kids spend two days and nights in a correctional institution to show them what life could be like.
2007-02-23 01:47:14
answer #4
answered by jasgallo 5
it's to late to do any think, there are gangs every where, and i don't blame the parents a lot of the time, little Johnnie grew up in a great family house he got what he wanted most of the time if his mum and dad could afford it, but when Johnnie got older and met some mates he started staying out late and started bad mouthing his parents, his mates thought it was a right laugh, and that made him think it was he got older the gang he was in thought it would be a laugh to frighten people and make them look the tough guys, and things escalate from there.... i blame the kids them self's they know what they are doing and just carry on... also rappers, also some of the parents have not grown up and really need to.....
2007-02-23 01:49:28
answer #5
answered by missnicedell 3
Sign them up for extra curricular activities. Make them so busy until they don't have time to doing anything but go to school, come home, get dress for the activities such as karate, jazz dance, instruments, ballet, kick boxing, clown dancing, anything that the child might be interested in. By the time they go to school all day, go to their activities, do their homework, feed them dinner, watch a little TV, take a bath, they'll be so tired all they'll want to do by 10:00 PM is fall to sleep. And then on the weekends give them another activity on Saturday. If you can't afford it, make them clean the garage or the yard. But continue to just keep up with where they are. And if they get aggressive about it then beat their @ss! OK first talk to them and if they don't listen then beat their @ss! I'm a mother of a daughter and a son and I didn't have these problems with my kids because they know......Mama will knock you out! :~)
You be the parent or parents! We parents have a saying which I am so sure you've heard before "I brought you into this world and I will take you out!" Sometime you have to inject fear into the ones who think they're going to try to run the household. It's not even that type of party going on in my house! Hell to the no! To the passive can pretty much handle them, their easy to be shown the right path to take. To the mediocor ones.....they kind of bare watching and to the aggressive just have to take a kick boxing class and have you piece loaded and ready just in case they jump into your zone. Hey I'm a realist! I'm a black mother always living in the urban community. And we as black mothers don't play! We're not gang members but I tell you one thing, we're not punks either! We will stand up for our kids. Plus these new gang members can't begin to even get close to what the mob is. I grew up around mob members and these gang members are not even close to being bad @sses! Please!
2007-02-23 01:39:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Parents are ultimately responsible for not teaching their children respect, morals and values.
Education system needs to be revamped... too many people think their way out is through sports. We need to really push science and mathematics if we are to continue to excel as a country in the future.
Too many kids are more worried about bypassing firewalls and proxy servers so they can myspace while at school and that has to stop.
2007-02-23 01:37:32
answer #7
answered by Pitchy 5
Listen to them when they come to you with a problem.
Don't simply punish, discuss why things are wrong.
Help provide for other, better activities.
Who do I think is responsible for the way gangs have risen in this country? Parents that do not take an active role in their child's life.
2007-02-23 01:36:23
answer #8
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
Its mainly on the parents. You cannot raise another person's child. It needs to start with the parents, they have to portray more positive images to their children, give them things to do after school, and spend more time with them. Kids that have no direction tend to follow negative crowds. You cannot blame the entertainment industry because parents are more responsible than radio stations for what their children listen to. Kids shouldn't be allowed to buy music or watch movies and television that promote violence and drug use. Also parents seem to have become more liberal, more lenient afraid to discipline...I think there should be more programs directed toward educating youth, workshops where they can express themselves. Instead of our tax dollars going to build prisons and aid other countries we should build more entertainment and educational centers.
2007-02-23 02:04:13
answer #9
answered by Annabella Stephens 6
why is this in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered???
I think educating kids about gangs and providing alternative places for these kids to hang out are good ways get them to reject it - many kids don't have places to go or people to go with so they join gangs for the camaraderie.
2007-02-23 01:35:43
answer #10
answered by erindrozda 4
The Divorce Courts , Child support agency. Mothers who prevent Fathers seeing or having contacts with their children. Slurring caring Fathers with the Absent Father syndrome. Money is all of the preceeding named aspirations. As for Mr Cameron he does not choose his words wisely.
2007-02-23 01:42:58
answer #11
answered by katrinasfather 3