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If Christians--I mean the Jewish people who BECAME Christians-- TOTALLY accepted the Bible as the WORD OF GOD, and all that, then WHY didn't they accept the interpretation of EVERYONE who was Jewish had, when they said that Jesus, while a great man, was NOT the son of God.
I mean, if you TOTALLY believe the Bible, then you ought to believe the way most people who believe it interpret it, don't you?
Jesus MAY have BEEN the son of God (I am NOT disputing THAT, OK?!). What I am asking is: HISTORICALLY, they should have respected the rabbis at the time, shoudn't they have?! Why so much dissent?! If you GROW UP believing something (and without a TV or Internet), aren't you TOTALLY devoted to that belief?! Where did these people "get off" totally disregarding their own societal upbringing?! What caused that?!

2007-02-22 18:38:09 · 5 answers · asked by joe m 2 in Arts & Humanities History

5 answers

Do conservatives accept everything Bush says? Do liberals accept everything Hillary or Obama says? No.
As for historical reasons here are a few.
In the OT a Messiah was promised, all the way back in the garden of eden God HImself said He would put emnity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, and the serpent would bruise His heel, but He would crush the serpents head.
When Jesus came He clalimed to be that Messiah, and many people followed Him, but they were thinking in the terms of an earthly king (like David) who would overthrow the Roman Empire and set the Jewish people free, as time went on Jesus clarified that was not His meaning at all. Throughout the Gospels you read Jesus saying things like, "You have heard it said, but I say unto you..." What He was doing there was clarifying the difference between Jewish traditions that had been built up over the years and the true intent of Gods word. For many devout Jews the traditions were just as important as Gods Word, just as is the case with many Christians today. However there were some Jews who when showed how things had been misinterpreted they became followers of Jesus, and not just ignorant fishermen, but also some prominent Jewish leaders and teachers of the Law (read John Chapter 3 for a perfect example of this).
In other words, the Jewish people who converted to Christianity did have respect for their rabbis, they were told by Jesus Himself, "Do as they say, but not as they do." Just as today many so called Christian leaders can preach a good sermon but their private lives are just as sinful, if nor worse than secularists. They did respect them, but when they were shown to be wrong how can a person continue to follow teachings that are wrong and they know good and well that they are wrong?
To tie it in to today's standards is a whole other affair, yet I assume that is what you are trying to do. After all we have a whole society today that rejects the traditional Christianity and what it teaches.
There is a fundamental difference between today and what took place in Israel 2000 years ago. That being that those who converted to Christianity did not reject absolute truth, absolute right and wrong, and morality in exchange for hedonism and relativism. They still believed that there was a God, and that they simply had misunderstood what He said, easy to do because of their sinful nature. Today there are those who reject Christianity because it interferes with what they want to do, and how they want to live their lives, not because of rock solid proof that it is wrong, but because they don't want it to be right.
Hope that answered your question

2007-02-22 18:55:40 · answer #1 · answered by AirborneSaint 5 · 0 0

The Jewish people were looking for an earthly king who would overthrow the Roman government who had occupied Jerusalem and subjected them to their own version of oppression rather than the "eternal" king that the messiah was meant to be.

Also, there was always the occasional zealot who would persuade a group of people to follow them and that they posessed the power I alluded to above.

As far as everyone being convinced, a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night was not enough to convince the whole of the Jewish people about anything as they spent 40 years in the wilderness--shoes and clothing that did not wear out and bread straight from heaven did not convince them of God's omicience and/or miraculous provision for them so that they did not turn to idols of stone and wood, so how could "a mere man" convince the whole of the Jewish people of anything?

Now...I mean no slant upon the Jews--I have yet to see any group of people 100% united on much of anything!!

2007-02-23 02:57:28 · answer #2 · answered by purplepinkanddots 3 · 1 0

essentially the bible was put together around half a millenium AFTER the pieces were written. The reason not all interpretations were included is the same reason why Mohammed didnt incude what the Meccan;s were writting about Islam during the early years...

Why would you put things that dont agree.

i can understand your take on this. but i get the impression you are an anti-christian. Whilst that is not a bad thing - its your life - i dont see why you need to make yourself feel better by attacking the beliefs of others... i think that is sad...

if you were to write your own holy book/s would you include the bible to give "perspective" its all about faith mate... dont try to attack peoples faith thats just sad pathetic and leads to conflict

2007-02-23 05:16:16 · answer #3 · answered by max power 3 · 0 0

The Apostle Paul was first a Jew named Saul who persecuted the Christians of his day. He was very sincere and zealous about his Jewish thinking but was wrong and was corrected by Jesus himself. The old testment pointed toward Jesus Christ as our Savior by all the prophesies about him Isaiah chpt. 53 is just one example. Just because a person is taught a specific way does not mean that it is correct. The Jews that did not accept Jesus Christ were wrong in doing so because it was fortold in the Hebrew (Old Testament).

2007-02-23 02:54:07 · answer #4 · answered by pamela l 2 · 1 0

because the diciples spend a century writng the crhistian religon and the bible. Jesus never wrote a word of it. It was his diciples that wrote it. Then every king and bishop to come would tweak it to adjust it to fit their benafit. Like from its bad to kill, to its bad to kill other cristians but u go to heaven for going on a crucade.

that kinda stuff. I don't understand y ppl believe anything even modernliterature, muchless a 2 melenium old document that has been changed and currupted over the years.

also the whole christ thing is kinda a mistranslation from the hebrew. the old testamit has the messia coming from a young gril. The diciples needed to make jesus into a christ to get ppl to believe in what he said, so they read the word for young girl as virgin. What kind of a couple is married for 5 years and never has sex, never shares a bath...

its kina funny

2007-02-23 02:45:34 · answer #5 · answered by ahavre 1 · 1 1

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