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Just how do the "terrorists" plan to take over the U.S. government and implement their own? I highly doubt that with all the power our army and military have, the odds of this happening are extremely low. Do the terrorists honestly believe they even have a chance? Can anyone explain this for the rest of us.....Im still confused about how they plan to do what they say they will!!!

2007-02-22 14:59:51 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

27 answers

al qaeda never existed in the sense that is does now, it was a propaganda tool of the administration. Now that the terrorists have seen the impact of such a terrifying idea, they have decided to become that idea. If the fear mongers keep coming up with such powerful and terrifying ideas and scenarios, who knows what can be achieved by an avid and angry audience?

2007-02-22 17:03:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It's not a matter of a "violent take-over". Radical Islam has been gaining strength slowly over time. Palestinian immgrant, Sirhan Sirhan, who murdered Robert Kennedy for his support of Israel, said, “The real battle has just begun." That was in 1968.

There were terrorist attacks, highjackings all throughout the 70's and 80's. There are over a dozen violent radical muslim groups all over the world involved in violent conflicts with nonmuslims at this very moment, including in China and Russian.

And likewise, huge populations of muslims have immigrated all over the world. Europe and Commonwealth countries needed immigrants because of low birth rates in their countries.

Take the UK, for example. Everyone knows the UK has had even British-born radical muslim terrorist, as has Canada. They are having trouble with assimilating their muslim populations.

Yet, amazingly, the British government has set up 'Sharia law' counsels in some communities, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=Y3UZA1RZGTHK5QFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ0IV0?xml=/news/2006/11/29/nsharia29.xml, and UK police must consult an all-muslim panel before going on terrorists raids in muslim neighborhoods, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article648982.ece. There are 'no-go areas' all over Europe, where muslim populations don't allow outsiders in their neighborhoods, even police.

And all the while, everyone else is busy trying to be 'tolerant'. Some European countries even have 'hate speech' laws that have been used in defense of muslims. UN members and world leaders even sympathize with their plight.

They are easing their way in. If they had tried a violent take-over, they would have never gotten as far as they have (with still a good protion of the population clueless or in denial). A very intelligent and formidable enemy.

2007-02-22 15:59:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Actually, these losers have been saying this for many years. The problem now is that our dumbass government has let 4million muslims into our nation. All it will take to seriously do some damage that will bring us to our knees from within is for these muslims to get their hands on four or five nuclear devices and set them off in major cities. Don't think for a second this is just some scenario from Fox channel's 24- last year three muslims with ties to al-quaeda were captured coming across the boader from Mexico (they were trying to pass themselves off as mexican illegals) and two of them had schematics for building nuclear devices as well as the building blueprints for a middle school in Sacramento, California. Now what could these douche-bags have had in mind, I ask you?

2007-02-22 15:38:00 · answer #3 · answered by 4everamusedw/humanity 2 · 1 0

Aha...Who is really making the biggest noise about "terrorists" or Isalmofascists taking over? The Right Wing Radio and TV pundits and Administration mouthpieces who want people to beleive that is a feasible scenario. It's an attempt to scare people into supporting their polcies.

Just because some guy in a turban in a cave says he's going to bring back the caliphate, restore the glory of Islam and subugate the infidels doesn't mean he has the slightest chance or the wherewithal to carry out his patheteic, absurd fantasy -- heck they have been threatening to destroy Israel for 50 years they have 1, 000 times as many people and they can't pull that off.

2007-02-22 15:16:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

They are winning...it is sad to say...not in Iran but here at home They are using propaganda to influence the persons that get elected with help from their supporters the libs and their press...When a soldier is attacked and his buddies fire back into a house where the shots came from...the press reports..1 the death of the soldier. 2 any civilians that were in the house acting as shields ...that's it...rarely when there is a large capture of leaders it gets a one line or 15 seconds on the news...They actually have the young folks in this country believing that the majority of our soldiers on a regular basis kill and rape the civilian population over there....It a poor commentary on the press reporting such a one sided story as they do....but these reports bend public opinion in the way that the terrorists want....they did not win the war...we took their leaders out and control most of the land..they resort to sneak attacks and bombing their own people....then the press and libs blame GW as if he planted the bomb......didn't you find it funny that the terrorists congratulated the Democrats on their electoral victory....That's how they will bend the Government here to their way of thinking....

2007-02-22 15:10:54 · answer #5 · answered by Real Estate Para Legal 4 · 2 2

The goal of the terrorists is not to take over our country directly by cause us to basically self-destruct from with-in. This can be seen so clearly by what happened following 9/11. After one day of vicious attacks, instead of addressing the REAL issue and the REAL enemy, the US government started imposing massive restrictions on the freedoms of the typical Americans. We are walking all over the Constitution, spitting on the graves of our founding fathers by implementing Big Brother to watch everybody but the enemy.

The goal of these people (and they have been very clear about this on the videos they release) is none other than the murder of as many of us as possible, the destruction of our way of life and our culture, and the implementation of Islamic Law. These people are willing to do anything to reach that end. The only way to deal with them is to meet them on their level, find them and kill them before they kill you. Negotiations will never work except to allow them time to prepare to kill you.

I am not saying this to scare anyone. I am not using this as a fear tactic for some agenda. My job is to know who the enemy is and I do. I love the US with a deep passion and I wish to protect her. Therefore, I must know the enemy, and I DO.

2007-02-22 15:15:32 · answer #6 · answered by Wookie 3 · 1 1

Your confusion stems largely from the fact that the terrorists have never said that's their objective. That's just Bush's asinine rhetoric.

The terrorists are criminals and fanatics--who want to force their way into power in their part of the world. We are just the boogeyman they hold upp to frighten people intosupporting them--jsut as they are the boogeyman would be dictators like Bush and his cronies are using to frighten people into supporting their bid for power

2007-02-22 18:08:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

no ... and the tv tells u that ... the fact of the matter is terrorists have neither the means nor the desire to take over the country ... terrorism is a propaganda tool used by ur own govt against you to get u to support there exploits ... the truth of the matter is if there actually were terrorists then the govt and the people of the united states are doing exactly what the terrorists actions are designed to invoke ... be afraid and act irrational .. so kudos ... ur a poster child for them ..

2007-02-22 15:05:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I think they have two goals. The first is to get us out of the Middle East so they can more easily implement their vision there. That is a more immediate goal. There second is to spread their vision to the rest of the world. They understand they are in a war that may last centuries. In their minds, they have already been in this war for centuries.

2007-02-22 15:07:52 · answer #9 · answered by Rick 2 · 3 1

... well really... the key here is Afghanistan and the Russian conflict in the 80s...

it's a bit long, but I think it's the answer...

the soviets took Afghanistan and those that we consider "terrorists" now fought them off to get them out of the country... but the key is how they did it...

they didn't win by beating them in battle, because they couldn't win with inferior weapon, strategy, training and more...

but what they did do is attack them enough, for long enough (incurring great losses mind you), so that eventually the war was costing more than Afghanistan was worth to Russia...

and Russia's economy overall was much weaker than the U.S. economy, so it really, really hurt it... and, the terrorists believe it was one of the issues that eventually led to the break-up of the Soviet Union...

so, you have one example of a gorilla war being fought against a "super power" (at the time) that eventually not only led to the super power leaving, but led to the super power's eventual downfall...

and of course, Osama was involved in this war, and ironically enough, was probably funded in part by the U.S. CIA... since Russia was our enemy...

now, this is probably why Osama did 9-11... to drag us into a long, expensive war in Afghanistan, where he was hiding, hoping it would lead to the downfall of the U.S.

only, we didn't really do anything but heavy support in Afghanistan (a few troops, but for a whole country, not that many compared to most invasions)... it wasn't a full out invasion, much to Osama's sadness, most likely...

but then, we gave him a huge gift by falling backwards into Iraq, which was the war that he wanted originally, just in a different place...

but, as I said before, our economy is much stronger than the Soviet one was... and, overall, they of course know they don't stand a chance (or even have anywhere near the money or resources) for any type of invasion... that's why they are trying to do it in this "around the back, trying to get us to spend ourselves to death" way

overall, Iraq its self is of no importance, and the U.S. leaving anytime soon would be a very sad day for Osama (of course he wouldn't say that), since he would know we didn't spend ourselves to death... of course if we spend 10 more year's there, who knows...

what real use would have have for another big bunch of sand? he seems to have plenty of support from most other countries in the region, both financially and logistically... what's another little country? nothing compared to the U.S. overall..

I mean there is oil, but there is oil everywhere and his supporters have tons already... saudis and Iran are flush in it...

so, that's the situation as I see it... and why I think that's the way it is... look into it yourself... see what you think...

2007-02-22 16:52:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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