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Please put what political party you now suport.

2007-02-22 14:45:40 · 24 answers · asked by shawnn 4 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

24 answers

I'm a registered republican, but I disagree with some of their stances. Here is what I would change from the top to bottom.

1) Immigration- We need to tighten to boarders and somehow send the illegals packing back to Mexico. Also to be a citizen one would have to speak the English language.

2) End all diversity programs- An example would be affirmative action. We do not need this program and I am tired of hearing about how blacks and Mexicans are deprived blah blah blah.

3) Cut social and corporate welfare- It is not the government's job to support you.

4) Create a flat tax system where everyone would pay a 10% tax- It is fairer, and gives someone an incentive to want to better in life.

5) Tax businesses who ship their jobs overseas- This is America and if businesses want to ship their jobs out of this country to make more $, then they can do business somewhere else.

2007-02-22 15:01:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I would start the Constitutionalist Part (if not already here) and the top five political issues that I would deal with first would be:

1.) Restore ALL Constitutional Authority/Law that has been undermined by both Reublicans and Democrats (no more Uniform Commercial Code crap)
2.) I would immediately seize both the Federal Reserve Board and the IRS, put them on trial for treason against the American Republic, and have them executed. I would then write an Exececutive Order commanding Congress to once again resume it's role as maker of our currency(after a few changes to the wording of the Constitution that allowed international bankers to gain control of our currency and government as well), and print United States notes interest free(no more "income tax" at any level) and pay that into circulation so that hard working Americans would never again be held in financial slavery to the Federal Pig.
3) Build a 100 foot highx50 foot wide wall the entire length of the America/Mexico boarder(all Mexicans currently on US soil who do not have valid papers/green cards would be immediately sent back to Mexico.
4) Order the construction of 10,000 upgraded ICBM's with the capacity to carry ten nuclear warheads each. Then, I would announce to the nation that America will never again be the world's "policemen". Of course I would protect American interests overseas, but problems here at home would come first.
5.) Get a hell of alot tougher with our global trading partners and tax the hell out of all American corporations who closed up shop here and went there.

2007-02-22 15:15:26 · answer #2 · answered by 4everamusedw/humanity 2 · 1 0

I am currently a Democrat

My party in order of priority would support:
1. Reversing irresponsible globalization such as Nafta, Gatt and WTO.
2. Healthcare for everybody.
3. Re-establishing regulations of energy, communication and other monopolies that are part of necessity of life.
4. Reversing Bush Sr.'s cancellation of television laws no longer requiring x % of time to political/governmental issues on the news.
5. Implementing a national recall power much like California has with their recall that gave Arnold the governorship. This would give power to the ppl in times that Congress isn't listening.

2007-02-22 16:35:49 · answer #3 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 1 1

A new political party needs to return power to the people as soon as possible.
The basics:

1. Dramatically reduce the size and scope of government.
2. Strike laws from the books that don't deal with punishment for inflicting harm on others, theft, or the enforcement of contracts.
(I.E. get rid of "blue laws" and other ridiculous **** like that).
3. End government deficit spending, and buy back our debt from foreign governments - it's a sword of Damocles waiting to plunge down on our necks.
4. Reaffirm the rights to life, liberty and property. Clarify that Habeas Corpus is fundamental and applies to all.
5. Repeal the thousands of unnecessary and unworkable gun laws. Allow concealed and open carry after a criminal background check, and a few hours of safety training.

Part of this would be mandating, if Constitutional, that every US state eliminate the farking ridiculous "county" layer of government bureaucracy.

2007-02-22 14:50:53 · answer #4 · answered by Aaron W 3 · 3 0

I support some republicans, more than I support democrats mainly because of the moral issues like abortion. I feel like the 5 most important issues I would work to resolve is :
1. Health Care
2. Prison reform
3. Housing for middle and low income families
4. Bringing Our Troops Home
5. Taxes
I will give my vote to the candidates that have a real solution to the problems and can back them up with action!

2007-02-22 14:59:54 · answer #5 · answered by moose on the loose 3 · 0 2

I don't support any political parties I vote based on the issues not party. my 5 most important issues would be.
1) close off both borders
2) remove the US from the UN
3) eliminate the federal reserve and the IRS with it.
4) a national health care system
5) dissolve the current electoral system and start fresh

2007-02-22 14:50:01 · answer #6 · answered by jwk227 3 · 1 1

I tend to vote republican--- in most cases----if I could form a new party this would be the top 5 priorities:

1:) National Defense (would not be into playing sheriff of the world however)

2:) The Economy-----would like to impose tariffs on imports to encourage entrepreneurship in America.-take a real close look around your house at any and all non perishable items you have purchased in the last five years and then tell us exactly what percentage was Made in th U.S.A.-----I think that most honest answerer's would agree the percentage is real close to zero---I would endeavor to change all that thus creating more jobs and a shift of money.

3:) I would like to encourage energy Independence.Let's be smart and harvest our own natural resources---if we have to drill in Alaska and alter a pristine ecosystem so be it! We can do it and exercise logic and good sense...let's encourage entrepreneurship for the people who are endeavoring to develop alternative fuels. There are several very good ideas in the planning stage at this time----just look how a growing number of people are harvesting used cooking oil from restaurants and converting their diesel vehicles to run quite well on waste vegetable oil ----an item that was expensive to dispose of can now be easily converted to a useful commodity..---there are also other plans in the making.

4:) Nothing would please me more than finding a way to make a justice system that is fair to everyone. I would like to see less government intervention in some areas-------BUT--on the other hand-I would like to see the laws that are of a nature where people are harmed by a perpetrator
be enforced with an iron fist. The 2nd conviction for rape would be castration-----if brutality was involved castration for 1st offense----illegals had better hit the bricks under my system I will come down on law breakers and I will come down hard. We welcome you into our country------but only if you do things the right way.---get convicted of stealing once too often and you might risk having that arm chopped off in front of the court house with the media present. (blubber all you want to). We want a safe country to raise our children and we do not want you to molest them---or us!

5:) I want to declare a new National Holiday ------let's call it------National Defense Awareness Day. ------(NADA) lol

----on this day time is taken to encourage people in the arts of self defense----Gun Safety programs will be encouraged and federally subsidized nomenclature will be available---free targets for pistol shoot--free downloads of printer friendly rifle and pistol targets will always be made available.-we will encourage small business people to consider creating gun firing ranges where we can go and stay and practice ---since gun control should be the accurate placement of your bullet and being fully aware of where your bullets will go and what they will and won't do. The successful completion of extensive gun safety and accuracy training will entitle the public to tax breaks and other incentives. We will also make strong efforts to change the states that have been of the anti-gun faction with strong incentives to comply with our initiatives.
-On NADA day (kidding here) folks who are just too gun shy may instead choose to enjoy other areas of defense. we will encourage swordsmanship and of course----the martial arts.
all in all it should be a fun day for one and all.

2007-02-22 16:05:56 · answer #7 · answered by EZMZ 7 · 1 0

No particular order.

Research alternate energy sources.
Flat-Tax. Why are we punishing the rich because they make more. The same percentage of a higher number is a higher number.
Stronger(more unified) government. Are we the UNITED States of America anymore? We battle each other so much I wonder if we'll ever advance.

2007-02-22 15:16:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. Controlling executive power
2. Federalism, self determination and and loss of States rights
3. Removing foreign trade issues from the executive to a new body
4. Stopping the fed from collecting money to give back to the states.
5. Environment


2007-02-22 14:50:17 · answer #9 · answered by Ron H 6 · 0 1

When a company makes huge profits, I would make it so
the employees salary would reflect the success & not just
the CEO.
Take steps to clean up the enviroment
Stop the out sourcing of jobs
Fund research to find an alternate fuel source so we could
break all ties with the middle east
End poverty - I know there's got to be a way
Pull out of Iraq - if they want to stop killing each other & rebuild,
we have companies who are willing to help them
Put a cap on how long Congressmen & Senators can stay in office.
Put a cap on the salaries of Congressmen & Senators.
Forbid earmarks - they would have to be a bill & not hidden in one.
Give incentives to improve our educational system.
Universal health care - with limits. If you want something
extra, you would be able to purchase a separate insurance.

2007-02-22 14:59:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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