What style is that tank? A hex or long, what shae could influence which fish are best for that size and does influence how many you would want to try to keep.
2007-02-22 14:32:15
answer #1
answered by magicman116 7
Hmm...lots of options. Here are some ideas:
Asian biotope:
8-12 rasboras (harlequin, scissortail, porkchop, etc.)
8-12 barbs (smaller, more peaceful ones--cherry barbs, perhaps).
1 Dwarf gourami
South American biotope:
8-12 hatchetfish
8-12 smaller tetras (lots of options here)
6 cories
Livebearer tank:
mix and match platies, guppies, swordtails. I wouldn't go over 15 fish in this setup. If you get both males and females, get a ratio of 2 females to one male and have a plan for what you will do with the fry. You could also get all males and you wouldn't have to worry about fry.
You could also put a pair of convict cichlids in a 35 gallon. They will most likely breed if water conditions are good.
Some fish NOT to put in a 35 gallon, under any circumstances:
Silver Dollars
Common Plecostomous (algae eater)--You could, however, have a smaller species of pleco, like a bristlenose pleco or a clown pleco.
Giant Gourami
Clown Loach
There are tons of other options besides what I suggested. The main thing to remember is to do lots of research before you buy--don't buy a fish on impulse! Cycle your tank, keep up with weekly 50% water changes, and research before you buy and you should have a healthy, happy tank.
2007-02-22 22:42:46
answer #2
answered by Liz 2
I have a 35 gallon hex and am very happy with it! It contains 6 platies (2 male, 4 female,) 4 bronze cories.
It's a colorful, active tank, never still or boring. The platies are fearless and outgoing, coming to the front/top of the tank anytime I'm nearby. The cories are playful and spend most of their day either wiggling around the bottom with their tails in the air or doing a weaving, figure-8 dance along the walls of the tank.
If you have a more standard, rectangular tank rather than a hex, you could fit more fish in it than what I have in mine. You could do:
** Coldwater tank with 2-3 fancy goldfish and a school of white cloud mountain minnows.
** Tropical community tank with 1 Gourami (three spot, pearl, honey, etc.), school of 12-15 small tetras or rasboras (neon, rummy-nosed, harlequin, etc.), school of 6-8 cories or 1 small pleco (bristlenose, bulldog or pitbull, NOT a common, which gets too big.)
** Tropical community tank with 1 Angelfish, school of 6-8 large tetras (redeyed, diamond, gold, etc.), cories or small pleco.
** Tropical semi-aggressive tank with 6 tiger barbs, school of 8-10 zebra danios, cories or pleco.
** Livebearer tank (1 male per 2-3 females) with 10-12 platies or mollies, cories or pleco.
** Livebearer tank with 3-5 swordtails or large mollies (dalmation, etc), cories or pleco.
** Livebearer tank with 15-18 fancy guppies, cories or pleco.
** Livebearer tank with any combination of platies, mollies, swordtails, or guppies!
2007-02-22 23:07:31
answer #3
answered by ceci9293 5
Well LIZ.......Has told you all you need to know and there's not much more I can add except.....I suppose you could put a mermaid in but also a merboy and you should have enough room for mer-babies.
2007-02-26 13:09:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous