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20 answers

Same reason why conservative executive office tries to kill another 48,000 troops in iraq.

Sometimes we just will never understand the true mind of a C- yale student.

2007-02-22 13:38:22 · answer #1 · answered by alco19357 5 · 3 4

The liberals don't want victory in Iraq. It's all about power. They would choke before they would let Bush triumph in anything. It all goes back to the 2000 election that they insist sayanythingAl Gore was supposed to win, and since then, they have pretty much vowed to oppose any and all things that the president has tried to initiate. It has been a hate campaign from day one of his presidency. 9-11 drew them up short, but after they caught their breath from running for their lives from the capital buildings, it didn't take long for the hate campaign to begin again. And of course the obedient toadies of our fair, and unbiased lieberal press go right along with it all. A republican victory would be death to them. After all, only the lieberals have the moral authority to decide what is best for the country. Only the lieberals have the moral authority to talk with aggressors and listen, and acquiesce, and appease their demands, even if those demands are that we deserve to be murdered. Only the lieberals have the moral authority to handcuff our soldiers, while saying how much they support them, and that our lives aren't worth sqwat because peace is always the best approach, "if only we could get them to reason with us." If we lose a few thousand more innocent civilian men, women and children in another 9-11 type tradgedy, the lieberals will not take any responsibility, they will only blame bush. Because only the lieberals have the moral authority to claim credit for that which succeeds, and blame others for that which fails.

2007-03-02 12:10:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The battle between the Democrats and Republicans on the War in Iraq has been a Tomato factory.

First Democrats say yes and agree and Bush sends troops then when the shiit hit the fan Democrats went running tucking in their tails saying its' not their fault and blame it on Bush. Talk about cowards.

The the CIA director resigns and you don't hear no more about him meanwhile, Bush keeps on sending the message to Americans that our mission is not over in Iraq until our objective is met, the soldiers will stay and now he's sending more soldiers why????>>>>>Because his mission is a failure and Bush believes that strength will push opposing forces to render to their government...I'm not laughing on this one. Bush has literally read the enemy wrong this time.
Combat against an enemy that can't be read is suicide. So that is basically the message from the Al-Qaida NETWORK-----Suicide.
All I see is Arabs here...which one is the enemy?????
For Christ sake a Woman walks into the barrier where Americans stand and blows herself up killing people. What kind of War is that??

If our soldiers come back from this one alive our Government will pay for this one for a very, very long time.

Now Bush is worried about if our troops coming back are getting fair treatment in the VA Hospitals. Another Republican move to insure that they get the votes next year...I'm laughing

2007-03-02 11:20:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Victory? You've got to be kidding. All the experts - those IN the administration and military - have concluded that there is no way a peaceful government will prevail in Iraq after this enormous can of worms called Civil War has been opened. There is no victory for the U.S. - or Iraq. Bush had plenty of intelligence which he deliberately ignored - what BS about "faulty intelligence!"

The ONLY solution is to pull out now. The "liberal" (make me laugh, please!) congress is now acting in a sensible manner by talking about cutting off funding. Worked for Vietnam.

If it's such a righteous cause, get your butt down to the recruiting office and sign up. I'm sure, even with your drug use and arrest record and lack of high school diploma, they'll be glad to take you.

2007-02-22 13:41:32 · answer #4 · answered by Mama Gretch 6 · 0 2

i imagine no longer. it really is a victory for operating American adult men, women human beings and households. Republicans provide lip provider to being the in effortless words party with moral values and decide you to trust that democrats are left-wing communist who do not study their Bibles nor trust in God. yet when it were as a lot because the anti-kin republican agenda there will be no social-safe practices or a upward push interior the minimum salary for operating those who're attempting desperately to develop and grant for his or her toddlers. and do not enable them (republicans) fool you on the abortion subject both. it really is a large smoke show that receives the final American's eye off the ball so that they vote for politicians that deep down haven't any of their interest at heart. an similar will be said for particular democrats besides. Be an self sufficient logician and vote for the guy, no longer a celebration or platform. That said, the base line for the Republican party is about cozying as a lot as huge employer and intense-powered lobbyist. I favor "consevatives" would stop procuring into the likes of propogandists like Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity. Their 0.5-truths, lies and spin are politically inspired.

2016-12-04 19:55:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no victory in Iraq. Only further shame and humiliation for the U.S.

It's a civil war between the Sunni and Shiites...for the U.S. to choose one side over the other, is effectively condoning the genocide of the losing party.

This certainly won't endear us to world opinion.

2007-03-02 05:20:22 · answer #6 · answered by Stan 6 · 0 0

There will be no "victory". The radicals will always be there. It is their home. They recruit more people everyday. They are coming from countries far away to help fight in their so called "holy war". They will destroy anything we build or rebuild. They will continue to blow up every building that they can smuggle a bomb into until there is nothing left. They will continue to kidnap and kill missionary workers and reporters who are only there to help them. They will continue to raid homes and businesses of their fellow Iraqis and force them onto buses and then slaughter them on the side of the road. Burning oil fields, car bombs, beheadings.......we can't stop them. It's been almost five years. It has become a wasted effort. What is there to show for it? A country that is in no better shape than it was before "we" got there. You can't help people that don't want to be helped. How does watching thousands of Americans die by the hands of those lunatics constitute a victory???

2007-02-22 14:09:51 · answer #7 · answered by Laura C 3 · 1 1

Were we close to achieving victory before the Dems took over congress? No, of course not. There doesn't seem to be a winning strategy and to imply that the Dems are against the troops is nonsense.

2007-03-02 12:35:11 · answer #8 · answered by hansblix222 7 · 0 0

Please, wake up! We have won the war in Iraq! Where have you people been?
There can be no more victory for us in Iraq than we already have, we cannot fight another countries Civil War! Why can't you people see that? This is a war in which we cannot take sides! All we can do is let them fight it out between themselves. As long as we stay, more Americans are being wounded & killed for no reason!

2007-02-22 13:46:53 · answer #9 · answered by geegee 6 · 1 2

Because liberals are a bunch of self-centered, egotistical maniacs. If they don't benefit from it then they don't want any part of it. They only want to see the things they have their hands in succeed. I say we gather them all up and set them in the middle of Iraq and see what they do.

2007-02-22 13:39:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

b/c that'll mean proving bush right, and they hate bush as far as im concerned. if bush is proven right, thats horrible for our country b/c that means a stupid azzhole can rule our country and win a war that he knows nohting about (he knows wat its about, but i dont think he knows the complex meaning altho he started the war). hillary clinton is now against the war, and if the congress keeps doing wat its doing, clinton won't have such a good chance b/c the war is abt the most important issue on voters minds. it'll also take power out of liberals and give mroe power to republicans

2007-02-22 13:46:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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