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8 answers

I think maybe a taurus may be a really good sign for u to date
i really don't no why....maybe bc they both have horns i guess :P

2007-02-22 13:25:32 · answer #1 · answered by sammiee 3 · 0 0

CAPRICORN goes with Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn and Scorpio

Best Match For Capricorn Is Scorpio
These two can not only understand one another extremely well, but can actually match sensitivities and emotions, almost (if not actually) on a psychic level. A very long lasting relationship, these two seldom ever break up.

Worst Match For Capricorn is Aries
It is doubtful that you two will ever go any further then the casual conversation. You two clash in a big way, in fact there may be a tendency to get angry with one another for no apparent reason. Unless the Aries has some status or money, the Capricorn won't even look your way.

Love & Blessings

2007-02-22 21:46:41 · answer #2 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

2007-02-22 22:11:37 · answer #3 · answered by R S 4 · 0 0

Signs don't really matter. They're fun to play around with and talk about or read about but really, all signs share lots of characteristics of all the other signs.

BUT... I guess you could try someone under the sign of CANCER. I'm biased, of course...but we're special !!!

2007-02-22 21:31:28 · answer #4 · answered by BRAT 4 · 1 0

A Taurus, Libra and another Cap.

2007-02-24 00:30:28 · answer #5 · answered by julesrules 6 · 0 0

cancer,put some water on that earth

2007-02-23 01:03:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Scorpio, for one.

2007-02-22 21:30:59 · answer #7 · answered by CATWOMAN 4 · 1 0

Capricorn and Capricorn
On their first meeting Capricorns see another Capricorn like looking in a mirror and although they may realise they have met someone who understands their way of thinking the feeling will most probably be kept hidden. Capricorns are clever but cautious and like to be in control with everything working the right way, theirs. So meeting someone who also feels like this could mean any type of relationship gets off to a slow start. But they both have a frivolous side which occasionally surfaces and this should help to build a friendly bond between them.

This doesn't mean they won't enter into relationships easily, just that they are very cautious until they know where it's heading. Despite their passionate nature any sexual attraction between them will not be immediate as Capricorns will not make up their minds quickly when attracted to someone. They may appear aloof and out of reach because they are quite reserved, to them sex shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. This can cause obvious problems.

Capricorns want to master and they can't both be in charge at the same time. This combination sounds difficult but if they both use their natural cleverness and patience to allow trust to be built up between them and if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs this can be a very successful match. If not it may be that each tries to lay down the law to the extreme causing a real power struggle. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it they can learn to separate business from pleasure and allow their feelings to surface at the appropriate time enabling them to succeed as no other couple can.
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Capricorn and Aquarius
On their first meeting Capricorns see Aquarians as individual, unusual and friendly, someone who may brighten up their businesslike lives. Aquarians see Capricorns as clever and in control, someone who wants to have everything working the right way, theirs. The Capricorn will find the Aquarian's cool emotional side similar to their own and the Aquarian will appreciate this also. Although this could mean that any type of relationship gets off to a slow start the Capricorn has a frivolous side which occasionally surfaces and this should help to build a friendly bond between them.

Any sexual attraction between them will not be immediate as Aquarians need to be friends first and lovers second, if at all. Capricorns don't enter into relationships easily and are very cautious until they know where it's heading, to them sex shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. The Aquarian will find the Capricorn is happier with the world of achievement and money which the Aquarian finds boring. The Capricorn will find the Aquarian prefers the world of people and ideas which the Capricorn finds pointless. This can cause obvious problems.

Aquarians want to be friends with everyone and Capricorns want to master. This combination sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs this can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to tie the Aquarian down with commitment causing the Aquarian to disappear for pastures new. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it the Capricorn can learn to use their natural cleverness and patience to allow the Aquarian freedom to follow their own ideas and the Aquarian can learn to appreciate a partner who provides reality and stability. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Pisces
On their first meeting Capricorns see Pisceans as someone who is romantic and emotional, something they find hard to understand but at the same time extremely alluring. Pisceans see Capricorns as calm and secure, someone to admire for living in the real world. Both signs have a passionate nature so there may be tremendous sexual attraction between them. The Piscean will see the Capricorn as cool on the surface but with a hidden passionate side. Like everyone the Capricorn finds the Piscean a very attractive, dreamy enigma but also with an inner strength.

Capricorns will not make up their minds quickly when attracted to someone until they know where it's heading and Pisceans are elusive about how they feel as their emotions are very important to them. This could mean any type of relationship between them gets off to a slow start. To Capricorns sex shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. To Pisceans sex is an emotional expression involving body, mind and soul. Capricorns are not very good at showing their emotions and Pisceans need emotional support above everything. This can cause obvious problems.

Capricorns want to master in the real world and Pisceans want to live in a dream world of their own making. This combination sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs this can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to force the Piscean to take on some of the day to day responsibilities causing the Piscean to disappear into their own fantasy world. This relationship will be hard work but if the Capricorn learns to be more emotionally supportive and the Piscean learns to be more realistic it will be worth it. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Aries
On their first meeting Capricorns see Ariens as reckless and extreme in their actions but someone who could add some excitement to their ordered lives. Ariens see Capricorns as clever, calm and alluringly out of reach. Both signs have a passionate nature so there may be some sexual attraction between them but only once they get to know each other. Capricorns will see Ariens as extrovert and lively, someone to show them what fun is. Ariens find that Capricorns appear to be control freaks who want to have everything working the right way, theirs.

When attracted to someone Ariens rush in headlong not thinking about the consequences and certainly not the future. Capricorns will not make up their minds so quickly until they know where it's heading and may find the Arien's actions too much to handle. Sex is a bit of fun to Ariens, a new experience to enjoy spontaneously. But to Capricorns it shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. Ariens are very open about how they feel and Capricorns are very reserved. This can cause obvious problems.

Capricorns want to master and Ariens want to be first. This combination will always be difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible signs this can be a successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn need to be successful in everything conflicts with the Arien desire to always be put first and the relationship turns into a power struggle. This relationship will be hard work but if the Capricorn can learn to be more open and spontaneous and the Arien can learn to be less self interested it just might work.
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Capricorn and Taurus
On their first meeting Capricorns see Taureans as a kindred spirit who is as serious about life as themselves but with a real passion attached. Taureans see Capricorns as totally in control with their emotions alluringly out of reach. Both signs have a passionate nature so there will be an instant sexual attraction between them. Capricorns will find Taureans a bit too obsessed with the pleasures of life but still find them hard to resist. Taureans will find Capricorns clever, calm and practical, an ideal mate.

Sexually they are extremely well matched because although the Taurean enjoys sex it has to be leading to something more permanent, pleasure attached to security with a long term future. The Capricorn also sees sex in this way, something showing commitment and not to be entered into lightly. This sounds like the perfect match and it certainly has that potential.as both are determined to succeed in life and have a practical, cautious nature. The only problem is that the Taurean is more interested in sex than the Capricorn who can survive on security and friendship alone.

Capricorns want to master and Taureans want to have but both are looking for commitment. This combination can be one of the best especially if they both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in compatible signs. If not it may be that the Capricorn's lack of emotions causes arguments and the Taurean stubbornness takes over leaving them with differences they can not resolve. However, if they are prepared to work at it Taureans can learn to be more understanding of another point of view and Capricorns can learn to be less serious and have more fun. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Gemini
On their first meeting Capricorns see Geminis as witty, clever and interesting but out of control. Geminis see Capricorns as calm and in control, someone who wants to have everything working the right way, theirs. Neither sign has the need for an emotional relationship so there may be a purely sexual attraction between them. Capricorns will see Geminis as lively and talkative, someone who will brighten up their businesslike lives. Geminis find Capricorns have a frivolous side which occasionally surfaces and helps to build a friendly bond between them.

When attracted to someone Capricorns will not make up their minds quickly and don't enter into relationships easily as they are very cautious until they know where it's heading, to them sex shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. Geminis take sex less seriously and are imaginative geniuses in bed liking plenty of variety to keep boredom at bay. The Capricorn is happier with the world of achievement and money which the Gemini finds extremely dull. The Gemini prefers the world of words and amusement which the Capricorn finds pointless. This can cause obvious problems.

Capricorns want to master and Geminis need excitement from stimulating conversation. This combination is almost impossible but if both have planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible signs this match can work. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to control the Gemini completely and the Gemini finds the Capricorn stability too boring and looks elsewhere for fun. This relationship will always be difficult but if they are prepared to work at it Capricorns can learn to use their own mental abilities more and Geminis can learn to have a long term relationship without it becoming dull.
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Capricorn and Cancer
On their first meeting Capricorns see Cancerians as confident and secure because they only see the front the Cancerian is hiding behind. Cancerians see Capricorns as strong and calm, someone who they could rely on. Both signs need a supportive partner and they see this possibility in each other as an instant attraction. Capricorns will see Cancerians as sensitive and emotional, quite opposite to themselves but at the same time hard to resist. Cancerians will find Capricorns a bit unemotional for their liking but with a need for commitment they understand and share.

Capricorns are cautious about entering into a relationship until they know where it's heading and Cancerians keep their true feelings to themselves until they are sure they will not be hurt by rejection. This means it may take a while for them to get together. To Capricorns sex is unemotional and shows commitment, something not to be entered into lightly. To Cancerians sex is an emotional expression involving deep feelings and sensuality. This difference could cause serious problems as the more unemotional the Capricorn is the more hurt, withdrawn and depressed the Cancerian becomes.

Capricorns want to master and Cancerians want security. This combination will always be difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible signs it can be a successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn gets fed up with the Cancerian moods and the Cancerian looks elsewhere for emotional comfort and understanding. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it Capricorns can learn to be more emotionally supportive and less businesslike in relationships and Cancerians can learn to be less sensitive and more realistic about life.
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Capricorn and Leo
On their first meeting Capricorns see Leos as confident, generous and powerful, someone to share success with. Leos see Capricorns as quiet, reserved and alluringly out of reach. Both signs have a passionate nature so there may be some sexual attraction between them but only once they get to know each other. Capricorns will see Leos as extrovert and warm, someone who will liven up their ordered lives. Leos find Capricorns have a frivolous side which occasionally surfaces and helps to build a friendly bond between them.

When attracted to someone Capricorns will not make up their minds quickly and don't enter into relationships easily as they are very cautious until they know where it's heading, to them sex shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. To Leos sex is passionate and fun, filled with as much enthusiasm as possible. Unfortunately the unemotional side of the Capricorn will eventually dampen the Leo ardour causing obvious problems. Also, the Leo enjoys the company of the opposite sex which the Capricorn will find impossible to deal with.

Capricorns want to master and Leos want to be the centre of attention. This combination is almost impossible but if both have planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible signs this match can work. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to dominate and control the Leo completely and the Leo will bite back resulting in the relationship turning into a power struggle. This relationship will always be difficult but if they are prepared to work at it Capricorns can learn to be less dominating and more self aware and Leos can learn to appreciate a partner who has their best interest at heart. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Virgo
On their first meeting Capricorns see Virgoans as a kindred spirit who has a strong character and is serious about life like themselves. Virgoans see Capricorns in much the same way and admire their strength of purpose tremendously. Neither sign has the need for an emotional relationship but they are soul mates so will be immediately attracted to each other. Capricorns will find Virgoans a bit too precise and critical on occasions but still find them hard to resist. Virgoans will find Capricorns clever, calm and practical, an ideal mate.

Sexually they are extremely well matched as neither sign needs emotions to be involved. The Capricorn sees sex as a way of showing commitment and not something to be entered into lightly. The Virgoan doesn't have a hidden passionate side and to most of the other signs that would be a disappointment, but not to the Capricorn who appreciates honesty and trust more. This sounds like the perfect partnership and it certainly has that potential. The only downfall is that although the Virgoan is unemotional they do need affection which may be in short supply and the Capricorn will be reminded of this more often than they would like.

Capricorns want to master and Virgoans need order in their lives. This combination can be one of the best especially if they both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in compatible signs. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to dominate the Virgoan who wants to be treated an equal not a subordinate and arguments take over causing problems they can not resolve. However, if they are prepared to work at it Capricorns can learn to share in their strive for success and Virgoans can learn that criticism isn't the only way. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Libra
On their first meeting Capricorns see Librans as charming and very attractive, someone who could cheer up their lives. Librans see Capricorns as reserved and in control, someone who wants to have everything working the right way, theirs. Neither sign has the need for a deep emotional attachment so there may be a purely sexual attraction between them. Capricorns will see Librans as romantic and easy going, very opposite to themselves but at the same time hard to resist. Librans will find Capricorns have a frivolous side which occasionally surfaces and helps to build a friendly bond between them.

Capricorns are cautious about entering into a relationship until they know where it's heading and Librans have an indecisiveness which could take over, so this pair may never get together at all. To Capricorns sex is unemotional but sometimes passionate and shows commitment, something not to be entered into lightly. To Librans sex is fun and romantic so the Capricorn could be a bit cool for their liking. The Capricorn will want to discuss important matters like the future but the Libran finds serious discussions too uncomfortable. This can cause obvious problems.

Capricorns want to master and Librans want pleasure with an easy life. This combination will always be difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible signs it can be a successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn gets fed up with the Libran never being able to decide and the Libran finds the Capricorn is not much fun. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it Capricorns can learn to get more pleasure out of life and Librans can learn to settle down and appreciate a stable future. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Scorpio
On their first meeting Capricorns see Scorpios as dark and powerful, someone strong like themselves. Scorpios see Capricorns as clever but cautious with a hidden side they find irresistible. Both signs have a passionate nature so there may be tremendous sexual attraction between them. Like everyone Capricorns find Scorpios magnetic, enigmatic and very attractive and Scorpios find Capricorns have a frivolous side which occasionally surfaces and makes them laugh.

Despite the attraction between them the Capricorn may appear aloof and out of reach because they are quite reserved, to them sex shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. To Scorpios sex is all consuming and the longer the mystery lasts the longer will their obsession. This makes the Capricorn an ideal mate and even better because the Scorpio is able to unlock the Capricorn's hidden passion. However, Capricorns are not interested in emotional sentiments which may lead Scorpios to think they have no depth of character but this is not true. Also, Capricorns can be very cool emotionally and Scorpios can find this a problem.

Capricorns want to master and Scorpios want to possess. This combination sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs it can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to totally control the Scorpio who retaliates with sarcasm and hurtful remarks which can never be taken back. This relationship will be hard work but if they work at it the Capricorn can learn to separate business from pleasure and the Scorpio can learn to be less intense and share their lives with a very capable partner. back to Relationships

Capricorn and Sagittarius
On their first meeting Sagittarians see Capricorns as control freaks, someone who wants to have everything working the right way, theirs. Capricorns see Sagittarians as out of control and not using their abilities to best advantage. Both signs have a passionate nature so there may be some sexual attraction between them but only once they get to know each other. Capricorns will see Sagittarians as lively and popular, someone who may brighten up their businesslike lives. Sagittarians find Capricorns clever, calm and alluringly out of reach.

When attracted to someone Sagittarians do not keep it to themselves as they can not see the point in hiding the truth. Capricorns will not make up their minds so quickly and may see the Sagittarian as insincere and just out for a good time. Sex is a bit of fun to Sagittarians, something to laugh about and enjoy. But to Capricorns it shows commitment and something not to be entered into lightly. This can cause obvious problems.

Sagittarians want to be free and Capricorns want to master. This combination sounds impossible but if the Capricorn uses their natural cleverness and patience to allow the Sagittarian freedom but at the same time bring in an element of control and if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs this can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the Capricorn lays down the law to the extreme causing the Sagittarian to disappear for pastures new. This relationship will be hard work but if the Capricorn can learn to be more spontaneous and the Sagittarius can learn to have some control without being fearful of losing their freedom it will be worth it.


2007-02-22 21:42:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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