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Global warming makes Earth warm, which makes the sun's rays more powerful and melts the poles. Earth could be flooded in the next 200 500 years we don't know! all we need is help. We are killing ourselves and everyone around us. So please help us make our environment healthy and help all of the animals and children! help....please.

2007-02-22 12:16:54 · 11 answers · asked by kate l 1 in Science & Mathematics Weather

11 answers

Hi Kate,

You're understandably worried about global warming. Despite what some people say it is very real and is affecting our lives to a certain extent. But there's a lot of rubbish about global warming being circulated by those on both sides of the fence - the believers and the non-believers.

What we do know is that the world is warming up. We also know that the world warms up and cools down of it's own accord - a process which takes many thousands of years. We're currently in a warmng up stage and have been for about 18,000 years. What's worrying the scientists is that the world in recent decades has been warming up much quicker than it should be doing of it's own accord - currently about 30 times as fast as would be expected.

Now, although the scientists are agreed that the world is warming up and mankind is contributing (nature also contributes), there is much debate about what will happen in the future. There's uncertainty about just how much the world will warm up and what the effects will be.

A few years ago forecasts were wide ranging as to how much the world will warm by. With more studies being conducted and better modelling available the probable increase has been narrowed down to somewhere between 1.4 and 6.4 degrees Celsius in the next century with the most likely figure around 3 degrees. This might not sound a lot but in terms of the environment it's a huge amount.

We've already seen a rise of about 1 degree and this has led to some pats of the ice caps melting, a small rise in sea levels, some areas of fertile land becoming desert, some areas of desert becoming fertile land and a general warming. This has led to recent years being the hottest on record.

The future will see more extremes of all types of weather - more heatwaves leading to wildfires and droughts, more tornados, more floods. In places which are normally cold this could be beneficial but on a worldwide scale it's a problem. Sea levels will continue to rise and it's probable, if nothing is done, that extensive areas of low lying coastal areas will become inundated with water. Many of the worlds major cities are built on the coast so the effects could be devastating with many millions of people being forced to evacuate their homes. The cost in dollar terms will be immense - tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars.

A few weeks ago we witnessed the first climate refugees when the inhabitants of the Cartaret Islands were forced to leave their homes (news report - http://www.itv.com/news/bigmelt_fc0b3f21ca3b6c876737eb91dd9a3588.html video report - http://mfile2.akamai.com/22743/wmv/carlton1.download.akamai.com/12621/news/d170d78fcbb32d96d697f67b34b6dff1.asx) such events will occur with increased frequency.

Other problems associated with global warming include the resettlement of hundreds of millions of displaced people mainly from Africa and Asia which will be especially badly hit by rising sea leveles, desertification and the loss of huge areas of agricultural land. Drought and famine will be more common and more widespread. Some species of plants and animals will become extinct, others will flourish.

It might all sound like a doomsday scenario but it's not going to be the end of the world.

Even in the worst case scenario only parts of the ice caps will melt. The Arctic ice cap is actually floating so if all of it melted the sea levels would remain unchanged. It's the melting of the Antarctic ice cap that causes sea levels to rise. However, much of Antarctica is bitterly cold, the average temperature there is -37 Celsius, so only part of the ice cap will melt. You really don't need to worry that the whole world will be flooded.

Scientists have been aware of global warming and climate change for a long time now but until recently no-one paid much attention. The British government tried to get other governments to sit up and take notice as far back as the 1970's but the pleas fell on deaf ears. The good news is that people are now begining to listen and take notice (the bad news is that too many governemnts and politicians are using global warming for their own ends).

Science is in the early stages of developing techniques to combat global warming. Some ideas which are being researched may seem somewhat far fetched including one to built a gigantic sunshade out in space, so big that you could wrap it round the world two times over. Other schemes include artificially creating clouds to block out and reflect back some of the sunlight and manipulating the oceans so as to encourage phytoplankton (minute plants) which absorb carbon dioxide.

My own personal favourite is a scheme involving 'artificial trees' (see picture http://www.americanenergyindependence.com/images/GRT-prototype.gif ) which capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - one 'tree' capturing the same amount of CO2 as is emitted by 20,000 cars. The CO2 could then be stored away or could be reused to power vehicles. See this link for more info... http://www.americanenergyindependence.com/recycleco2.html and see this link for more about all these schemes http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/6298507.stm or watch this video trailer http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/player/nol/newsid_6360000/newsid_6364700?redirect=6364731.stm&news=1&bbwm=1&nbram=1&nbwm=1&bbram=1

There's a carbon calculator on this page http://www.bestfootforward.com/carbonlife.htm which you can use to calculate your own carbon emmissions, there's another carbon calculator here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/politics_show/4840366.stm.

From this link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/portal/climate_change/default.stm you'll find hundreds of pages about climate change including the latest news, in depth analysis and action you can take.

2007-02-22 14:29:55 · answer #1 · answered by Trevor 7 · 0 0

Excuse me if I refuse to worry about something that isn't going to happen. You see in the 1960's the world was coming to an end in the 1990's due to overpopulation. It didn't. Then, in the 1970's our industries were causing global cooling and a new Ice Age was coming. It didn't. Then in the 1980's there was a huge hole in the Ozone that was being caused by our industries and we were all going to burn up and die from solar radiation. We didn't. Now the new crisis du jour is Global Warming. The whole world will be covered with water in 200 to 500 years. Look, the only thing you should believe is that the people that love to blame Capitalism for destroying the world have realized that they should move their end of the world predictions out to long after they are gone so when it doesn't happen, no one will see how stupid they were.

Do you have any idea how radically different technology will be in 100 years? Look at how different life is in 2007 compared to 1967. That is only 50 years. Wither or not there is a global warming trend is the least important thing anyone should be concerned about. We are humans. We are adaptable and able to handle any change that comes our way no matter what is causing it.

There is a threat to the world. It is radical Islam. Do not allow anything else to take your attention away from that. That threat is much more likely to negatively impact your life. Be concerned about these crazy people aquiring nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. Not global warming.

2007-02-25 14:39:55 · answer #2 · answered by Jacob W 7 · 0 0

Let's put something to bed right now. The northern ice pack has had a substancial melt. The big ice is on Greenland and the ice there is beginning to a big melt. This melt will create an ocean rise of about 20 feet. Poor Miami. If the southern ice would melt then there would be a more significant rise in the oceal level but the whole of the land would never be covered. You must also know that all that our wonderful ocean beaches will disappear all over the world and many people will be displaced. The salinety of the ocean would be diluted by all that fresh water stressing the ocean biology even more.

2007-02-25 17:06:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know if this is answering your question, but it may be kind of hard for all chemicals and everything that makes global warming stop suddenly. If we were to stop global warming, everyone would have to stop using chemicals and polluting the Earth with gas. This would lead to everyone on Earth having to use electric cars and no gasoline or chemicals.

In my opinion, global warming cannot just be stopped, but people should try to help stop it gradually. I hope I helped you! :)

2007-02-22 12:27:53 · answer #4 · answered by b 5 · 0 0

No one is doing anything significant about this problem primarily due to money. Examples: 1. It would cost much more to make electricity from solar panels than it would to simply burn coal or oil. 2. We know how to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, but again it would cost a fortune. 3. We could make electricity using the wind, but the final cost is higher than burning fossil fuels. Everything that reduces green house gases costs money. It's all a matter of costs, BIG costs.

2007-02-22 13:49:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

climate is always changing ... given the choice between a little warmer (whether natural or helped by mankind), or return to extensive glaciation 20,000 years ago where new york city was under a mile of ice ... most people choose warmer weather.

that stupid kid's story "chicken little and the sky is falling"? it comes up constantly in the legacy media under different guises.

you have to understand, no scientist gets funding unless they can say the world is in danger and their research can save it.

so they tend to exaggerate ... often times A LOT.

ask yourself this question ... if climate modelers could really model a complex chaotic non-linear system accurately, why are they wasting time on weather, when they could be billionaires in the stock market.

2007-02-22 12:52:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Its staggering to work out a fellow individual drawn to keeping the ambience. I enjoy your pastime to artwork for the noble reason. strategies are aplenty carbon monoxide is the biggest clarification for international warming. automobiles are the biggest reason for carbon monoxide emission into the ambience so one concern which could help cut back emission is to restrict all automobiles that use petrol and diesel yet thats particularly impossible and so i wud recommend u hire the prevalent public delivery centers like the bus and the trains. this might cut back down on pollution as lesser kind of automobiles equals lesser pollution and so lesser carbon monoxide. do no longer use your motor vehicle till fairly needed (like on a relatives day out). yet another concern you're able to do to cut back pollution is to apply a bike for short journeys. I no longer in simple terms retains the ambience healthful yet additionally shop u healthful with each and all of the exercising on a bike. different than for this , dont waste concern u can nevertheless use. circumvent products containing CFC( Chloro Flouro Carbon) like maximum sprays. Use sprays with out CFC( such sprays are accessible in the industry). desire you each and all of the final on your efforts in keeping the ambience!

2016-10-16 07:03:18 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Global warming isn't MY fault.

It was those effin cavemen that were driving SUVs and cutting down the rainforests to START global warming.

THOSE are the people that we sould blame.

2007-02-22 12:33:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

And we know this is a normal cycle....
We should keep the earth clean to protect our food sources such as the land, air, oceans.....

2007-02-25 02:46:23 · answer #9 · answered by Tony 2 · 0 0

humans are too selfish and we need this inventions to live now...can u live without a com or ps2 or x-box?canada supports global warming as they r too cold...go science daily and suscribe to environment news to get globsl warming news.u can try livescience.com too

2007-02-22 12:25:57 · answer #10 · answered by Blank 3 · 0 1

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