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12 answers

There isn't! The "evidence" people provide for evidence isn't true nor likely. If you read through the Bible you will find an explanation for everything you've ever wondered plus so much more! Evolution has left no evidence because it didn't take place, despite atheists wishes and very unconvincing arguments. Does a human really sprouting wings enabling it to fly make much sense to you? If not then evolution shouldn't either.

2007-02-22 12:36:58 · answer #1 · answered by zelle93 2 · 0 7

Well I would suggest that you haven't looked very hard. What evidence have you found to contradict it? There is far too much evidence to go into here (I'm a biology prof and I teach a course on this; I have a very difficult time squeezing it all into one term).

I'll give two examples; I'm sure other people will give several more. Boas and pythons have hind limb buds that abort at an early stage of development. They have these because snakes evolved from an ancestor with limbs. These are difficult to explain any other way. Several biochemical pathways are far more complicated and far less efficient than they could be. This is because these pathways are the result of piecemeal alterations to earlier pathways. We see in organisms the history of what went before: evolution can only build on what is available. A creator, starting from scratch, would certainly not design things this way. There is no evidence for intelligent design; there is plenty of evidence for unintelligent design.

Science strives to find the simplest explanation to explain observed phenomena. Evolution is definitely the simplest and most logical explanation for the biological diversity we see today. Sorry I don't have time to write more, if you are truly willing to learn, there is no shortage of evidence.

"No Answers in Genesis" http://home.austarnet.com.au/stear/ is a pretty good place to start if you believe in creationism.

BTW, whether or not there is a god is an entirely separate argument. God is an untestable hypothesis, evolution and creationism are not.

2007-02-22 20:32:08 · answer #2 · answered by jowpers 2 · 1 0

If you can't see evidence of Evolution, then you have your eyes too close to the Bible.

Did you ever wonder why lions and a pet cat look very similar to each other? Or why the Dodo bird was flightless, seemingly just waiting for man to come to their island and hunt them to extinction?
It is ignorance to accept that these things were just put there.
Evolution is the only theory which explains the differences and similarities between all species of life on Earth. It is one of the most robust, yet elegant, theories to be put forward.

It is supported by many branches of science, in fact, I cannot think of a branch of science which can be used to reject it. The main objections to it are faith based and are not scientific. People seem to be insulted that they can be related to other forms of life. Why? Because then it would challenge their beliefs that they were created in God's image, rather than having an ape-like ancestor as a template for humankind. It is this arrogance which keeps some people from accepting evidence.

2007-02-22 20:25:14 · answer #3 · answered by Labsci 7 · 2 0

If i mention about reptiles to birds theory which states that birds originates from dino or bout humans rising from apes, you might consider them too vague or controversial. Let's take simpler examples. First, there is a term called homology in the study of evolution. It means several animals from a same taxon [species, genus, family, phylum etc] sharing similar structures, such as the humerus and ulna and radius bones found in most mammals. They all share the same properties though differ in certain aspects. This is one way to show evolution because it is highly unlikely for different species to share the same features. The only explanation that is plausible is evolution. Besides, experiments have been carried out on guppies and squirrels and they show signs of evolution. When a portion of the population of rabbits from Europe are transferred to an island, the rabbits evolve differently from each other. After years of separation, the 2 species don't even mate. This is considered as a part of evolution under the theory of gene drift and gene flow. Furthermore, though many still are skeptical about the origin of humans, it is proverbial that many humanoid fossils are discovered and it is also pronounced that the gradualism of evolution has taken place on us. The Homo erectus, H. neanderthalensis, H. ergaster and H. habilis show the evolution of humanoids, clearly and profoundly. If you are still not convinced, do you still recall the incidence of avian flu? The variation o H5N1 originates from 2 parent types, H1N1 and H2N2 [if memory serves me right]. Besides, influenza and in cases of malaria are exhibiting the variation of the virus strains, they are getting tougher by the time. Besides, the vestigial structures or 'left-over structures', in many animals such as the coccyx in humanoids and tiny limbs in whales and pythons. Moreover, the structure of many vertebate embryos are fish-like and possess gills and webbed limbs.

Look around you, do you think the butterflies all come from individual parts on Earth once upon a time or they descend from a common ancestor? Why do you think so many variety of a similar creature exists? Why don't there is just ONE kind of horse or one kind of fish? Every creature tries its very best to stay survive and hence the term 'survival of the fittest' and 'natural selection'. As they do so, they evolve. A black widow will never mate a Nephilla spider nor a sailfish will ever mate with a tuna. They evolve differently and independently, and hence the diverse species of flora and fauna are witnessed today.

2007-02-22 21:11:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Have you ever taken penicillin? Doctors say you should take the full course, because otherwise you impose selective pressures, and allow the disease to evolve.

Why doesn't chloroquine work to treat malaria anymore? Because the disease evolved resistance.

Where do all those new strains of staph come from in hospitals, that are resistant to what had killed them before? Evolution.

Why is it so hard to treat AIDS patients? Because the disease has such a high mutation rate, and therefore evolution rate, that doctors can't make new medicines fast enough to treat it as it evolves into essentially new populations in the human body.

Why do farmers have to use new pesticides every year? Because the insects that damage their crops evolve resistance due to the selective pressures imposed by the pesticides currently being applied.

Evolution is a fact, and it overwhelmingly affects all of us agriculturally, medicinally, and economically. Human imposed selective agents are driving evolution, and the consequences are turning out to be very expensive.

And then, there's also conservation of Hox patterning, genetic conservation, evidence of selection driving phenotypic change in the Galapagos, the fossil record, phylogenetics, the astounding similarity of vertebrate body plans, and pretty much everything around you with the exception of religious dogma.

2007-02-22 20:47:41 · answer #5 · answered by kiddo 4 · 2 1

That's because you're hitting yourself over the head with your Bible. You have closed your mind to the possibility of evolution because you think it means you're either a Christian or you're not. The Bible was written by men who took literary liberties. You don't really believe that God created the world in 6 days, do you? By the time man appeared on the planet, the earth was already a couple of billion years old. Fossil records prove this. So whoever wrote Genesis was just trying to give an account of creation. That doesn't mean that God didn't create the world. He just took His time, because time means nothing to Him. Creation could not have happened if God didn't will it. And he probably had a hand in the writing of the Bible too, but he didn't dictate it. He would also want you to open your mind and contemplate His grand design, so quit worrying about evidence. Believing without evidence is called faith.

2007-02-22 23:04:38 · answer #6 · answered by KIZIAH 7 · 0 1

There are many many examples far too numerous to mention. Basically breaks down to survival of the fitest.

Ssay there is a population of goats. Within this population there is a natural variation of neck length. There is a drought and all the the gound fuana dies. The only surving food source are the leaves on the lower braches of trees. The goats with longer necks will have more access to food and the goats with shorter neck will start to die. The population will contain more longer-necked goats. Again natural variation will arise and goats with necks will be more fit than those with shorter ones.

Change in the enviroment is the major contributor to evolution. The healthier, stronger, more adapted will be more likely to pass on their genes.

2007-02-22 20:17:13 · answer #7 · answered by beano007 2 · 1 0

as a human develops in it's mother's womb, it goes through morphological changes that don't benefit it at all...
gills, webbed hands & feet, a tail

Some vestigal structures don't disappear, though, such as the appendix

This is only a small fraction of the evidence of evolution, but, to me, it's the most convincing.

2007-02-22 21:02:17 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Then you have not seen any. You need a different flu shot every year because of evolutionary forces. You have a different allele frequency from your grandmother. I could go on in this vein all night, but better you go here.


This is a simple site for simple people who need convincing. Keep an open mind and learn.

2007-02-22 20:12:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is DNA similarity, there is body structure similarity. Also reasoning if we all weren't evolved and inter related all species would have random numbers of limbs and other appendages.

2007-02-22 20:15:53 · answer #10 · answered by darkflower366 5 · 0 0

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