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I would love to hear from any mothers who have given birth naturally AND had a cescerean(I'm not sure how to spell it.) Even one or the other. I would just love to know if they had a choice what would they do? Have their baby naturally or have a cescerean? I am married and we want kid's but I am soooooo scared about having a baby, the pain and actual giving birth part, and if I have a choice I think I would go for a cescerean but would love to hear other people's opinion on it.

2007-02-22 11:23:27 · 22 answers · asked by fluffy 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

22 answers

I've delivered 3 babies - all of which were completely different and none of them a super easy task. (The price of motherhood)

My son, delivered naturally W/O an epidural.
My daughter, delivered naturally W/ an epidural.
My daughter, delivered by c-section.

For my son, I had a low platelet count and could only receive pain meds (which made me very ill) but it really wasn't all that bad. Recovery was probably 2-3 weeks.

Daughter #1, she was already coming out when they decided to give me an epidural. Mostly for complication reasons. I never did have an epidural during all the labor and contractions though. Recovery time, still the same as before 2-3 weeks.

Daughter #2, she was breech and started running low on fluids so they had to take her by c-section (non-emergency) and boy o boy that was something else. Afterwards I had excruciating pain. I was in so much pain that I shook from shock. Pain meds never worked. (Even the really strong ones) The incision was horrible looking and popped open twice while getting up from a sitting position. Recovery time was a month & 1/2 - 2 months!!!! The incision area took even a little longer than that to really heal up and not be sensitive to the touch. And the scar is a permanent reminder!!!!!! This is NOT a procedure I would choose if given the choice. Only a procedure I would do if necessary.

However, with all that said - I would not have changed a single thing because I have beautiful babies and would go thru worse for them. It is definitely something we mothers endure to emerge at baby's arrival!!

2007-02-22 11:48:02 · answer #1 · answered by momto3 4 · 0 0

I had a natural vaginal birth with my daughter, and plan to do so with my son (due in 8 days). I wouldn't get surgery myself unless it's necessary, as more risks are involved. Sometimes they don't allow the husband in the room during a c-section, either, so there's that to consider. With a vaginal birth, you have the option to have an epidural (I didn't), so that would take away the pain during the actual delivery. You also have to consider the fact that a cecarean is going to hurt after the fact, since you're being cut. My doctor doesn't like to do cecareans unless it's medically necessary, but yours may feel differently. Yes, having a natural birth does hurt...badly. BUT it's over at some point and then you've got this beautiful little reward to hold and love. It makes it all worth it in the end.

After me daughter was born, they gave me a shot of Valium. Trust me, at that point, I was feeling no pain. :)

Just think of it this way: If having babies was so horrible, why do women ever decide to have more than one?

2007-02-22 11:35:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had my baby naturally. I got an epidural after 6 hours of labor. Because of the anesthetic I was relaxed enough for the baby to come down and as I was delivering her the doctor was able to massage my perrineum ( the skin between your vagina and anus) so I didn't tear at all. It was a wonderful experience and I plan on having more children the same way. My baby had colic and I couldn't imagine trying to take care of her and nurse my surgical wounds at the same time. It must be pretty stressfull. A Cesarean is a surgical procedure and I wouldn't recommend anything surgical unless absolutely necessary- your body is made to go through child birth. It's so amazing to watch your body in action and you feel very powerful when it's over.

My labor and delivery was actually fun, I enjoyed it...of course it hurt but it really wasn't that bad and I'm going to do it again :)

P.S. I was able to have sex again 2 1/2 weeks after the birth of our daughter!! huge plus

2007-02-22 12:15:46 · answer #3 · answered by ♥Humble Proclaimer♥ 4 · 0 0

Natural is usually better.

I had a C-section after more than 17 hours of labor. While the pain of natural childbirth can be horrible, there are several types of pain relief available, so it doesn't have to be very bad, and the recovery time for vaginal childbirth is usually less than a week. With a C-section, you are looking at major surgery with a longer, more painful recovery, often up to 2 months or more before the pain is completely gone. In many cases, you are not supposed to drive or lift anything heacier than your baby for the first few weeks after a C-section, and for the first week, almost any movement is extremely painful. In addition, you are much more likely to get a serious infection after a C-section.

I would have had natural childbirth if I could, but I had to have a C-section due to my daughter's position in the womb.

2007-02-22 11:43:14 · answer #4 · answered by TJ'smom 2 · 0 0

Hi I am currently 35 wks pregnant.When I first found out I wanted a Cesarean too but after 8 mths of research and talking to other moms having a baby vaginally makes more sense.A Cesarean is a major surgery.Just think about all the stuff that has to heal.Vaginally is the way god meant it to be so it will probably be our best bet.Plus I hear a Cesarean works wonders.I'm scared too.Just remember it must not hurt that bad or these women would not keep going through it over and over again or maybe it 's just totally worth it like they say!

2007-02-22 11:36:07 · answer #5 · answered by lady2 4 · 0 0

Really cesareans should be for emergencies only. Why have your whole stomach, muscles, womb cut open to get the baby out if you don't need to. There is a lot of pain and recovery time involved. You wont be able to hold your baby properly due to weight restrictions and pain. You wont be able to walk for a while.
It just doesn't make sense when you can have them naturally, sure pain is involved but alot less than a cesarean.
I had both my daughters vaginally with only gas to breathe through the contractions. Yes it was painful but as soon as they were out no more pain!!!!
Giving birth is meant to be painful and your reward is a beautiful baby. Plus you dont know how you will handle it, I am a big drama queen and was fine, I screamed alot but the pain isnt really as bad as its made out to be. You cant really compare it to anything else but if it was that bad the human race would be extinct.

2007-02-22 16:06:28 · answer #6 · answered by Monkey Magic 6 · 0 0

I think it's totally up to you. You may decide one thing, but change your mind in the delivery room. My husband and I have 3 children and our fourth is due in August. With my first daughter, I had her vaginally with an epidural. I had back pain until she was 3 years old, so I decided to have my son without an epidural. My labor was quicker, and I felt my recovery was a lot easier and better. I decided to do the same thing with my daughter. With her my labor was quick also. I started having pains taking my oldest daughter to school. I went to the hospital 2 hours later, and she was born 45 minutes after my arrival at the hospital. I'll be doing the same with this one which is our last. I think it depends on the person, and how you tolerate pain. It's painful, but at a certain point the pain doesn't get any worse, it's just time to push. To some it's unbearable, to others it's not so bad.

2007-02-22 13:44:33 · answer #7 · answered by Shea32 2 · 0 0

Hi - I had to have a C-Section at the last moment. I was very disappointed as I thought I deprived myself of something that was nature's way - however the baby would have died so that was a good thing. But I had this guilt feeling that I deprived my husband of witnessing his child being born. I felt I did something wrong for this to happen.
I am 60 years old and a lot wiser now. I know it wasn't my fault. For your info, when my son had his first child he was ecstatic to watch this birth of his son.
Birth Pain and a C-Section is the easiest pain to forget. A routecanel is a lot worse because at the end of the procedure, there is no joy or happiness.

2007-02-22 11:46:57 · answer #8 · answered by Ginny B 1 · 0 0

if you have an epidural the pain of natural birth isn't bad at all. my sister just had a c-section 2 weeks ago. unless you have a problem during labor (she wasn't dialating fast at all) then you don't get to choose a c-section. after she had it she thought she wanted to it again next time rather than try natural birth, till the pain meds wore off. you are down much longer for recovery with a c-section. she is just now able to walk around at a normal pace and still has pain. i would rather do natural and be up on my feet in a few days then be down for 2 or 3 weeks with a big incision in my stomach.

2007-02-22 11:35:24 · answer #9 · answered by ravinskye 3 · 0 0

I cant imagine wanting a cesarean. That is a major surgery and you have pain afterwards that lasts longer than giving birth. You have to remember you have to deal with that and taking care of a new baby at the same time. I have had 3 babies all natural no drugs and did great and felt wonderful afterwards. Im 35 weeks pregnant again and will have my baby natural again. The thought of a cesarean scares me.

2007-02-22 11:31:21 · answer #10 · answered by Blondi 6 · 0 0

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