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with that freaky ruling. If the judge is just going to arbitrarily disregard the law I think he should be locked up (then he really would have something to cry about). I think the judge should get tested for drugs.

2007-02-22 11:12:49 · 18 answers · asked by victorschool1 5 in News & Events Current Events

18 answers

I have to admit that this Judge in Florida was rather unusual from your standard Judges. I'm not sure what his reasoning/motive was to have a court proceeding such as the way it was presented but I wasn't too happy with his conclusion or verdict. I was confused that after all the testimonies that had been given by each individual and the remarks that some had made about the incidences that occurred with Stern that after all that was said Stern got his wish. Now Nicole's mother may not have had a good relationship since 1995 but never the less that was still Nicole's mother. She even stated in the court that she would have Daniels body exumed and brought to the US so he can be buried in TX along side Nicole if she was given that right. I'm not quite sure why the Judge didn't give that some thought when deciding on his answer. What astounds me though is when that Ford Shelley testified for the Family side that his "father in law" still rightfully owns that house in the Bahamas that no deed was signed and no money transaction occurred. So this says to me that unless Stern can find a job or his parents can afford the bills to this house that was so called left to Stern then he's pooh pooh out of luck. That won't be his house much longer. So I think the Judge should have taken this into consideration that if Stern no longer can remain in this house and would have to move then Nicole and Daniel would have no family left in the Bahamas if you consider Stern as "family". This is why I believe that the Judge shoud have released Nicole to her mother. This way she could bring Daniel back and "if Larry" is the father (which by the way I think he is ) then he stated he would remain in the States to live and raise the baby, when she grew up she could visit her mom and brother close by then flying across the world to visit her mothers grave. This is ridiculous. And I hope that the detectives that are investigiating this case remembers what was said in the court room by Stern himself and Birkhead and Shelley. Stern seems to be a shady character to me and by what Birkhead stated maybe a perverted one at that too. Ok so the medical examiner didn't find needle marks but what if Stern injected that methodone into a drink such as her Slim Fast or simular? It's rather coincidental that both Nicole and her son died and Methodone was found in her fridge. If I had been that Judge, I wouldn't had even given it a second thought who the rightful person was to release Nicoles body too. I would had definitely had given her body to her mother and family. With the understanding that Daniels body would have to be transported to the US for burial also. It's sad that poor Nicole's body had to wait this long to be buried. Her beauty fading away because of greed and insulance. At least now maybe she can rest in Peace and be with her son that she loved so dearly and enter God's Garden.

2007-02-22 11:51:08 · answer #1 · answered by shuggabhugga05 4 · 0 0

Anyone that knows the law knows that "will" won't hold up in any court. The judge left open so many appeal issues, how can he think he can get his own show out of it. Just another person trying to gain from Anna. The LAW states that Dannilyn will inherit all of her mothers holdings. Since she is only 6 mts. old, she will have someone else speak for her until she comes of age, or the father is found out. I really dout the judge is on drugs, he wanted to get his 15 minutes of fame. Her mother just has to learn to live with what she did to her daughter.

2007-02-22 11:34:01 · answer #2 · answered by lucysmom 4 · 0 0

That judge acted like a lunatic. There's definitely something wrong with him. I was sure the mother would get the body, but I guess anyone with a personal interest can petition for it. Maybe because Anna Nicole was on record so many times saying she hated her mother, the judge decided it would be wrong to give her control of Anna Nicole's body.

2007-02-22 11:17:26 · answer #3 · answered by Hypatia 2 · 0 0

All i will say is i'm so sorry you have a much better half's mom like this. She's for sure no longer a rational, clever guy or woman with any sensitivity to different human beings and their thoughts, so it must be a relentless conflict for you and your husband to maintain her in examine. of direction you are able to attempt to have a communication together with her (you and your husband mutually, so she'll in line with hazard take you heavily), yet from the way you describe her i'm uncertain if something you assert might sink in. She looks notably dense. Does your better half's mom stay on my own? in line with hazard she acts this style through fact she's in simple terms incredibly lonely or does not have something to occupy her time? Has she been slightly loopy for the time of your husband's existence or is this a sparkling concern? If it fairly is new, in line with hazard she incredibly has some psychological ailment. it fairly is a few thing to evaluate. reliable good fortune! you will desire it! :)

2016-10-16 06:55:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm wondering though, if that's only if the deceased is a minor. Anna certainly didn't want her mother in her life, and maybe that was a big part of the judge's decision, along with her son buried in the Bahamas or wherever it was. I guess that's what the judge has to do when it's not specified in her will.

2007-02-22 11:19:48 · answer #5 · answered by Bud's Girl 6 · 0 0

Unfortunately her daughter is the nearest next of kin, under law. So her body goes to her caretaker who of course Stern had set up as a lawyer friend of his. The judges hands we're tied. Unless they can manage to prove he's not the biological father he won. He won't do a paternity test, I wonder why. The judge in Florida had no jurisdiction, And Stern simply will avoid California. So what's he hiding. Hmmm.

2007-02-22 11:22:25 · answer #6 · answered by olhip48 2 · 0 0

The mother will not get the body, her baby daughters lawyer gets the last word and Anna Nicole will be buried in the bahamas and you haven't heard the last word about that judge, i heard on a talk show that judge was just acting like that for the cameras and wait untill the judiciary courts and the higher courts get involved in his actions, they say he was doing that for the cameras so he could get his own court tv show..And i clearly believe that her momma is just in it for the money and if you see how fake she is on the talk shows you will realize it to its all a front and i believe her and her son were killed and it was no accident i am sorry to say it but that is how i feel. To me i believe her momma wants a stake in her deceased daughters money you can't tell me any different.

2007-02-22 11:17:36 · answer #7 · answered by Mary O 6 · 0 1

The judge can't get locked up. Anna Nicole didn't even acknowledge her mother for a couple of years because they had a big fight, so why should she get the body and the money, she didn't even like her.

2007-02-22 11:24:33 · answer #8 · answered by TwilightRulz 3 · 3 0

I really don't see what the big deal is. A persons soul is gone after death and the body is just an empty shell. Therefore, where Anna's body is put to rest does not matter. Her mother can mourn her from her living room couch, all she has to do is pray for her. Visiting a grave site is not needed.

2007-02-22 12:11:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

her mother has not seen Anna Nicole in several years. Where
would you rather be buried? Myself, I would prefer to be next
to my child and the Judge realizes Anna Nicole would rather
be there also. If the mother was so close to her daughter,
where was she when the grandson died?

2007-02-22 11:17:44 · answer #10 · answered by dgreer58 3 · 3 0

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