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Between, bills, school, and breaking up with my bf, how can I get all of this out of my mind? I don't drink or smoke, so that's out of the question......

2007-02-22 10:32:23 · 15 answers · asked by Honey83 5 in Social Science Psychology

15 answers

Honey ... No, you don't want to pick up any bad habits. If the usual "outlets" in your daily living aren't compensating for the recent difficulties you mentioned, try some new things.

See/rent a movie, go to your local library, visit a museum, check out a play, look for things to do in your area that are inexpensive or free, or take a drive. If you haven't yet learned, teach yourself to appreciate simple things.

I cannot predict which of my suggestions you might like, but I offered them as a starting point in the hope that you might get some new kinds of ideas to enjoy things.

You know, as you get older and wiser — no, I'm not implying that you're ignorant — you may begin to get even more disappointed as you begin to realize that the world and life is just a big "circle." The new generations will repeat many of the same mistakes that older generations made. And although you will have grown wise enough to see the solution to many of the world's problems, in fact the world will be in so much of a darn rush, they may not take the time to wizen-up and implement the necessary improvements/corrections.

Well, Honey, I didn't tell you that to further sadden or depress you. But I wanted to help show that as you get on in your years, you'll have to face new challenges, some of which don't even exist today. I simply wanted to encourage you to open your mind and find contentment INSIDE of yourself. Trying to find solutions for all of the world's problems is a noble objective, but it's also a goal that's unlikely to be reached.

Good luck, Honey ... Sorry for the long answer.

2007-02-22 10:51:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A lot of stress is mindless, over-exaggerated, worse-case-scenarios, that are almost always a about real close to absurd. If you've ever listened to someone all stressed out you know this to be true. Most of what we fear will happen will not even come close to coming true. The first step I learned is to take that perpetual mindlessness and breath. Breath in for a few seconds,(it doesn't matter how long because you're in control now) and breath out slowly, calmly, and deliberately. Recognize the fact that you're in control. You can only help so much with how things will happen in the world but you do have control over you. Watch your perceptions because that is the way life is, it is as it seems.

2007-02-22 19:05:18 · answer #2 · answered by lawolifer 3 · 1 0

So many ways, but there's a common thread to each way, if the way actually works. It's usually assumed that no one can control their thoughts. That's incorrect. The majority of people don't put any effort into doing it- so they believe they can't. Truth is, by determinedly pushing NEGATIVE thoughts out, every time they come in--- and just as soon as possible after they come in--- and by doing so CONSISTENTLY no matter what- you can win. Even more effective- crowd out negative stressful thoughts with richly imagined peaceful scenes where you see yourself in a forest, on a mountain top, on a blanket under the sun on a tropical beach- use all your five-senses to imagine how relaxed you are there. Believers find prayer to be a fantastic de-stresser, too. Hope you can find something in there that works for you!
Larry Lombardi

2007-02-22 18:42:04 · answer #3 · answered by baronbago 4 · 1 0

One very effective stress reliever is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Emotional Tapping. It is a technique developed and taught by Gary Craig. EFT is acupressure tapping of specific parts of the body.

EFT is easy to learn (takes about 15-30 minutes), easy to apply, you can use it anytime, anywhere for any emotional or physical issue. It is so amazing and it works so FAST.

To download the FREE EFT instructional manual, just go to the Emotional Freedom website at www.emofree.com

I learned how to do EFT last fall and now use it everyday.

2007-02-22 18:43:22 · answer #4 · answered by dragonsong 6 · 1 0

try relaxtion therapy. if you are in school, you can probably get free counseling at the student and health center. Girl, that's what I do. I was just in your place. Bills, school work, and my boyfriend dumped me. so i went to the free counseling center at school because i was seriously going to lose it. they'll listen to your problems and offer you advice on how to handle stress. nothing to be ashamed of, everyone goes there once in a while and that's what you pay the college health fee for. also, try a bubble bath, getting enough sleep. a lot of people underestimate the importance of quality, uninterrupted sleep. try for 7-8 hours a night. hope this helps!

2007-02-22 18:42:31 · answer #5 · answered by Jae Lynn 4 · 1 0

Higher stress levels affect both the mental and physical health of a person. Deep breathing is a simple relaxation technique which can be used to effectively lower stress levels at any time.There are many deep breathing relaxation techniques which when followed will make you feel relaxed.More details and remedies at http://deeplyrelax.com

2007-02-23 07:09:59 · answer #6 · answered by sanki 3 · 1 0

As we approach the stressors in our life with optimism, we effectively deal with stress, anger, anxiety, depression, worry, etc. successfully. I take 15 min. early in the morning, and 15 min. in the evening to practice a simple meditation called the mindfulness of breathing.
Mindfulness of Breathing exercises:
1) Be in a comfortable position, whether sitting
or lying down.
2) Have someone watch your other children for
about 15 min. [Increase in time gradually, after practicing for a month].
Then close your eyes, and concentrate
totally on your breathing.
3) At the end of your first inhalation of oxygen,
count one. Keep doing this until you get to Ten. Then start back at one. Remain patient with yourself.
4) Then focus your attention on breathing only
through your nostrils, which filter out all
the things, which are not healthy to breath
into your lungs. Be aware of the various
sensations through your nostrils, while you
continue the counting. When you get to
ten, start again at one.
5) When a distracting thoughts enters your mind
allow them to pass through {your mind], or judging them, or trying to fix them.
And then gently, patiently bring your full
attention back to your breath. Every time,
a distracting thought {any thought which
would take your attention of your breath),
comes to your mind, you need to use this
skillful, disciplinary method of bring it back.
Thoughts do come into our minds, especially
worrisome , or pressing thoughts
which indicate to us that we have an anxious mind.
Just be patient w/yourself, and keep practicing.
**"There is proven evidence of the
Success of The Mindfulness of Breathing
Exercises Proven by Dr. Jon Kabat-ZinnPhD
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD. has a book
out called, "Coming to Our Senses' which
teaches this. *There is also a book called, " The
Beginner's Guide to Insight Meditation"
by: Arinna Weisman & Jean Smith which is most
Excellent also.*”

Mindfulness of Breathing has helped me a great deal, in dealing effectively with stress,
anger, anxiety, and has helped me to cultivate Patience and understandsing; provides me with a calm peaceful state of mind, with no worries, or stress.
I understand where your coming from.
I work graveyard as an R.N. Take two evening classes. Have 2 children. Have to juggle the bills, cook, and clean as well. Mindfulness of Breathing practiced 15 min. a day - twice a day has helped me a great deal, but do whatever works best for you.

Thanks for patiently reading this.
Have a good week and weekend.

2007-02-22 18:55:01 · answer #7 · answered by Thomas 6 · 1 0

Go find a BIG shady tree, a nice patch of grass, and lay there watch the clouds, the birds, the ants and insects, listen to the sounds of nature - the trees in the wind.

I do this when i'm down and i feel like i've taken a holiday. It not only gives you time to be by yourself and think, but you get energised from nature and feel better.

2007-02-22 18:47:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Take up yoga. Exercise. Ride a bike. Watch old funny movies like the Marx Brothers.

2007-02-22 18:47:48 · answer #9 · answered by notyou311 7 · 1 0

Roller Skating, bowling or belly dancing works. Besides that it helps you get in even better shape. Next time he sees you, let him eat his heart out.

2007-02-22 18:43:55 · answer #10 · answered by ShadowCat 6 · 1 0

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