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irregular verbs??
whats teh defenition

2007-02-22 09:58:28 · 4 answers · asked by SunShine 4 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

4 answers

An irregular verb is a verb that doesn't follow the same pattern as other verbs in all of its forms. For example, the verb "to be" in english is an irregular verb, having forms such as am, is, are, was, were, etc.

A regular verb, by contrast, does follow a normal pattern. For example, "to jump" would be jump, jumps, jumped, and "to look" is look, looks, looked. You can see how there the pattern is the same, or regular.

2007-02-22 10:09:55 · answer #1 · answered by saafirebutterfly 2 · 0 0

'Regular' verbs follow a pattern when they are put into the past tense.
You add 'ed'.
jump, jumped
follow, followed
help, helped
ask, asked

'Irregular' verbs do not follow any pattern.
The past tenses take on a different form.
go, went
stand, stood
make, made
say, said.

You just have to learn them.

2007-02-22 11:50:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in languages there are usually grammar rules for verbs. for example, in spanish there are regular and irregular verbs. regular verbs follow a set of rules which makes it easier to memorize them. irregular verbs don't follow a clear set of conjugation rules.

2007-02-22 10:02:45 · answer #3 · answered by chi 2 · 0 0

In contrast to regular verbs, irregular verbs are those verbs that fall outside the standard patterns of conjugation in the languages in which they occur.

What counts as an irregular verb is strongly dependent on the language itself. In English, the surviving strong verbs are considered irregular. In Old English, by contrast, the strong verbs are usually not considered irregular, at least not only by virtue of being strong verbs: there were several recognised classes of strong verbs, which were regular within themselves

arise arose arisen Strong, class 1
awake awoke awoken Strong, class 6
be (am, is, are) was (were) been Suppletive. See: Indo-European copula.
bear bore born/borne Strong, class 4
beat beat beaten/beat Strong, class 7
become became become Strong, class 4
befall befell befallen Strong, class 7
beget begat begotten
begin began begun Strong, class 3
behold beheld beheld Strong, class 7
bend bent bent Weak with assimilation of dentals
bereave bereaved/bereft bereaved/bereft Strong, class 6
beseech besought besought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
beset beset beset Weak with assimilation of dentals
bet bet/betted bet/betted Weak with assimilation of dentals
bid (in cards, auctions, etc.) bid bid Strong, class 5
bid (request, say) bade bidden Strong, class 5
bind bound bound Strong, class 3
bite bit bitten Strong, class 1
bleed bled bled Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
blow blew blown Strong, class 7
break broke broken Strong, class 4
breed bred bred Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
bring brought brought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
broadcast broadcast broadcast Weak
browbeat browbeat browbeaten Strong, class 7
build built built Weak with assimilation of dentals
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt Weak with assimilation of dentals
burst burst burst Strong, class 3
bust busted/bust busted/bust Weak with assimilation of dentals
buy bought bought/boughten Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
can could (none) Preterite-present; defective
cast cast cast Weak with assimilation of dentals
catch caught caught Weak - a French loanword conjugated perhaps by analogy with teach-taught
chide chid/chided/chode chidden/chided Strong, class 5
choose chose chosen Strong, class 2
cleave cleaved/clove/cleft cleaved/cloven/cleft Strong, class 2
cling clung clung Strong, class 3
come came come Strong, class 4
cost cost cost Weak with assimilation of dentals
creep crept crept Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
cut cut cut Weak with assimilation of dentals
deal dealt dealt Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
dig dug dug
dive dived/dove dived Strong, class 2
do did done
draw drew drawn Strong, class 6
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed Weak with vowel reduction assimilation of dentals
drink drank drunk/drank Strong, class 3
drive drove driven Strong, class 1
dwell dwelt/dwelled dwelt/dwelled Weak with assimilation of dentals
eat ate eaten Strong, class 5
fall fell fallen Strong, class 7
feed fed fed Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
feel felt felt Weak with assimilation of dentals
fight fought fought Strong, class 3
find found found Strong, class 3
fit (in all meanings besides tailoring) fit fit Weak with assimilation of dentals
fit fit/fitted fit/fitted Weak with assimilation of dentals|-
flee fled fled Weak with vowel reduction
fling flung flung Strong, class 3
fly flew flown Strong, class 2
forbid forbade forbidden Strong, class 5
forecast forecast forecast Weak with assimilation of dentals
forego forewent foregone Suppletive. See: go (verb).
forgo forwent forgone Suppletive. See: go (verb).
foresee foresaw foreseen Strong, class 5
foretell foretold foretold Weak with Rückumlaut
forget forgot forgotten Strong, class 5
forgive forgave forgiven Strong, class 5
forsake forsook forsaken Strong, class 6
freeze froze frozen Strong, class 2
get got gotten/got Strong, class 5
give gave given Strong, class 5
go went gone Suppletive. See: go (verb).
grind (all senses besides dancing) ground ground
grow grew grown Strong, class 7
hang (all senses except "to kill") hung hung Strong, class 7
have had had
hear heard heard Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
hew hewed hewn
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit Weak with assimilation of dentals
hold held held Strong, class 7
hurt hurt hurt Weak with assimilation of dentals
input input input Weak with assimilation of dentals
inset inset inset Weak with assimilation of dentals
interbreed interbred interbred Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
interweave interwove interwoven Strong, class 7
keep kept kept Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
kneel knelt knelt Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted Weak with assimilation of dentals
know knew known Strong, class 7
lay laid laid Weak; irregular only in spelling
lead led led Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
lean leaned/leant leaned/leant Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
leap leaped/leapt leaped/leapt Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt Weak with assimilation of dentals
leave left left Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
lend lent lent Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
let let let Strong, class 7
lie (in all senses besides speaking a non-truth) lay lain Strong, class 5
light lit/lighted lit/lighted Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
lose lost lost Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
make made made Weak
may might (none) Preterite-present; defective
mean meant meant Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
meet met met Strong, class 5
mishear misheard misheard Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
mislay mislaid mislaid Weak; irregular only in spelling
mislead misled misled Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
misread misread misread Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
misspell misspelled/misspelt misspelled/misspelt Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
mistake mistook mistaken Strong, class 6
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Strong, class 6
mow mowed mowed/mown
outbid outbid outbid Strong, class 5
outdo outdid outdone
outgrow outgrew outgrown Strong, class 7
outrun outran outrun Strong, class 3
outsell outsold outsold Weak with Rückumlaut
overcast overcast overcast Weak with assimilation of dentals
overcome overcame overcome Strong, class 4
overdo overdid overdone
overdraw overdrew overdrawn Strong, class 6
overeat overate overeaten Strong, class 5
overhang overhung overhung Strong, class 7
overhear overheard overheard Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
overlay overlaid overlaid Weak; irregular only in spelling
overlie overlay overlain Strong, class 5
overpay overpaid overpaid Weak; irregular only in spelling
override overrode overridden Strong, class 1
overrun overran overrun Strong, class 3
oversee oversaw overseen Strong, class 5
oversell oversold oversold Weak with Rückumlaut
overshoot overshot overshot Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
oversleep overslept overslept Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
overtake overtook overtaken Strong, class 6
overthrow overthrew overthrown Strong, class 7
partake partook partaken Strong, class 6
pay paid paid Weak; irregular only in spelling
plead pleaded/pled pleaded/pled Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
proofread proofread proofread Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
prove proved proved/proven
put put put Weak with assimilation of dentals
quit quit quit Weak with assimilation of dentals
read read read Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
reave reft reft Strong, class 6
rebind rebound rebound Strong, class 3
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt Weak with assimilation of dentals
recast recast recast Weak with assimilation of dentals
rend rent rent Weak with assimilation of dentals
redo redid redone
re-lay re-laid re-laid Weak; irregular only in spelling
remake remade remade Weak
repay repaid repaid Weak; irregular only in spelling
rerun reran rerun Strong, class 3
resell resold resold Weak with Rückumlaut
reset reset reset Weak with assimilation of dentals
rethink rethought rethought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
rewind rewound rewound
rewrite rewrote rewritten Strong, class 1
rid rid/ridded rid/ridden/ridded
ride rode ridden Strong, class 1
ring rang rung Strong, class 3
rise rose risen Strong, class 1
rive rived/rove riven Strong, class 1
run ran run Strong, class 3
saw sawed sawed/sawn
say said said Weak
see saw seen Strong, class 5
seek sought sought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
sell sold sold Weak with Rückumlaut
send sent sent Weak with assimilation of dentals
set set set Weak
sew sewed sewed/sewn
shake shook shaken Strong, class 6
shall should (none) Preterite-present; defective; see also Shall and will
shave shaved shaved/shaven
shear sheared sheared/shorn
shed shed/shedded shed/shedded Weak with assimilation of dentals
shine shined/shone shined/shone Strong, class 1
**** or shite, ****/shat ****/shat Strong, class 1; also regular: shitted/shited shitted/shited
shoe shoed/shod shoed/shod Weak with vowel reduction
shoot shot shot Strong, class 2
show showed shown/showed
shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk Strong, class 3
shut shut shut Weak
sing sang sung Strong, class 3
sink sank sunk Strong, class 3
sit sat sat Strong, class 5
slay slew slain Strong, class 6
sleep slept slept Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
slide slid slid Strong, class 1
sling slung slung Strong, class 3
slink slunk slunk Strong, class 3
slit slit slit Weak
smell smelled/smelt smelled/smelt Weak with assimilation of dentals
smite smote smitten Strong, class 1
sneak sneaked/snuck sneaked/snuck
sow sowed sowed/sown
speak spoke spoken Strong, class 5
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt Weak
spend spent spent Weak
spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt Weak
spin spun spun strong, class 3
spit spit/spat spit
split split split Weak
spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt Weak
spoon-feed spoon-fed spoon-fed Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
spread spread spread Weak with assimilation of dentals
spring sprang/sprung sprung Strong, class 3
stand stood stood Strong, class 6
steal stole stolen Strong, class 4
stick stuck stuck
sting stung/stang stung Strong, class 3
stink stunk/stank stunk Strong, class 3
strew strewed strewn/strewed
stride strided/strode strided/stridden Strong, class 1
strike struck struck/stricken
string strung strung Strong, class 3
strive strove/strived striven/strived Strong, class 1
swear swore sworn Strong, class 6
sweep swept swept Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
swell swelled swelled/swollen Strong, class 3
swim swam swum Strong, class 3
swing swung swung Strong, class 3
take took taken Strong, class 6
teach taught taught Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
tear tore torn Strong, class 4
tell told told Weak with Rückumlaut
think thought thought Weak with Rückumlaut and Germanic spirant law
thrive thrived/throve thrived/thriven
throw threw thrown Strong, class 7
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod/treaded trodden/trod/treaded
unbind unbound unbound Strong, class 3
underlie underlaid/underlied underlaid/underlied
understand understood understood Strong, class 6
undertake undertook undertaken Strong, class 6
underwrite underwrote underwritten Strong, class 1
undo undid undone
unwind unwound unwound Strong, class 3
uphold upheld upheld Strong, class 7
upset upset/upsetted upset/upsetted Weak with assimilation of dentals
wake woke woken Strong, class 6
waylay waylaid waylaid Weak; irregular only in spelling
wear wore worn
weave wove woven Strong, class 7
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded Weak with assimilation of dentals
weep wept wept Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentals
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted Weak with assimilation of dentals
will (except as a transitive verb) would (none) Preterite-present; defective; see also Shall and will
win won won Strong, class 3
wind wound wound Strong, class 3
withdraw withdrew withdrawn Strong, class 6
withhold withheld withheld Strong, class 7
withstand withstood withstood Strong, class 6
work worked/wrought worked/wrought Weak
wring wrung wrung Strong, class 3
write wrote written Strong, class 1

Additional note: These verbs from the list above are spelled the same in the simple past as in the present tense (excluding compounds such as set, beset, inset, upset etc.): beat, bet, burst, cast, cost, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, read, rid, set, shed, shut, slit, split, spread. (Note that of all the preceding, only "read" is pronounced differently in the past than in the present.)

2007-02-22 12:04:27 · answer #4 · answered by David F 3 · 0 0

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