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20 answers

I must say you do sound very sorry for yourself. Look at it this way. Life is bloody hard for most people and sometimes you feel as if you are swimming against the tide but tomorrow could turn out to be the best day of your life and if you blow it then you will never know. I am manic depressive myself so I know the pit of despair that you are in now. Please go to your doctor and ask for help. A lot of people don't like taking anti depressants but if you broke your leg you would let them put a cast on it. It's the same thing, medication is just something to get you over the rough spell till you are strong enough to cope yourself.
My cousin committed suicide when she was 17 and the shockwaves which went through my family still resonate to this day. The absolute total and utter heartbreak of having someone you love commit suicide is practically unbearable so if you are thinking of doing it please take the time to think of at least one person in your life who's heart you don't want to break forever.
As for feeling ugly, you had the determination and resolve to lose 4 stone! That's a hell of a lot of weight and if you can do that then you can do anything so please try to believe in yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help because if you do then you may be around to help someone else one day.

I hope everything works out for you and you will be in my thoughts. xxx

2007-02-22 08:19:42 · answer #1 · answered by wattie 3 · 3 0

O Im sorry that you feel that way..I wish I could help you from such a distance but I know that is not very possible. The only thing I can advice you is to seek some professional help if the problem is very serious.

we all have some low days from time to time, but if this becomes an everyday thing then the best way is to try and find those who are professionaly trained to deal with such stuff.
perhaps you feel ugly not because you are really ugly but maybe because of judging yourself too much. Beauty is more than just being skinny (and this is not a cliche). Try listing positive things about yourself and go out and meet new friends...

2007-02-22 08:15:38 · answer #2 · answered by YoursTruly 3 · 2 0

you are 26 and have, all your life to live ,
untold joys, to look forward to !

You have lost a great deal of weight ,
i hope not too much ,too soon .

You may feel ugly ,but you most certainly are not!
When life settles down and gives you. a break ,
you will find the partner ,who is also seeking for you.
The world is out there, waiting for you , .

Suicide is not an option . You would miss out on too much .
You would deprive, a great many people of happiness,
by doing that! .

Did You know,
that one in four people, suffer from clinical depression .
There is hope and a cure, if you only seek help .

you will not be considered, mad or inadequate,
by asking for some help .
Please do that ,as soon as possible ,

tell your doctor simply, what you have said here .
If you find it easier write down how you feel,
do so and give this to your doctor .

Have you called, your local 'Samaritans ' yet ?
They are free, and will talk to you and listen ,24/7

I really wish you well , please don't think you are on your own ,
we care about you , ( for starters )


2007-02-22 08:58:31 · answer #3 · answered by sweet-cookie 6 · 3 1

Harvinder, congratulations on loosing 4 stones, that is an amazing achievement and you must be proud of yourself, having no partner is hard for you right now, but surely your honesty about yourself speaks something beautiful about your nature, and I feel confident for you that you will find a partner before too long. I sometimes look in the mirror and think, my god I look horrible today, but it could be the time of year which is renowned for depression, we have the spring and the summer to look forward to, another year of opportunity to seek out life and love.
Tell yourself you are beautiful, if no-one else will you can until that special person comes along and falls in love with you. Hope for the future my friend, it will make your heart come alive and I sincerely believe that no matter how beautiful a person is perceived to be it is the inner heart of a person that attracts one to another. I wish you all the best in your future life and love.

2007-02-22 08:37:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You need professional help if you are contemplating suicide. Also, there are far worse things than not having a partner. You are only 26 so you still have plenty of time to find someone you love. No one is going to love you until you take care of these negative self-image problems you are experiencing. This is because you already dislike yourself and will not let anyone love you. Get professional mental help and things can get better. Also, PRAY.

2007-02-22 08:14:08 · answer #5 · answered by exiletheking 2 · 2 0

I know what your going through and its horrible. I tried suicide a few years ago and luckily it didn't work. I was so low i thought i would never be happy again. There are so many people that can help, medication that will make you feel better. You can talk to a number of people. the Samaritans, your GP. You may think that family and friends wont understand if you talk to them, but give it a try they may well surprise you.
I look back at my "Low" point,and look at my life now. I thought i had no-one, and i couldn't have been more wrong. Now i have a loving boyfriend, a 2year old and I'm very happy.
Please get help.

2007-02-22 09:48:47 · answer #6 · answered by bexbickles 2 · 3 0

I dont think its uncommon to feel depressed after losing alot of weight - people pin all their hopes and problems on it, then realise there was an underlying problem and that thin doesn't always equal happy.

But you should be extremely proud of your achievement - you've succeeded where millions of other people have failed, and it shows a huge strength of character to be able to do this.

I would suggest you see a doctor and get some anti-depressents and maybe some counselling- you wont find a partner until you can learn to be happy with yourself

2007-02-22 08:14:58 · answer #7 · answered by G*I*M*P 5 · 1 0

I get the feeling from your question that not having a partner is a big thing to you & this may be what is partialy upsetting you /depressing you- I know being on your own & not having someone to share your life with can realy get you down especialy when all you want is a hug & some one to talk to - but dont let it get to you I know to you it seems that everyone else is happy & having a great & happy time -getting loads of sex & fun but trust me thats not the case the happy ones are a small minority-most are thoughroughly misserable with their partners- partnerless you are free to do what you want with who you want whenever & whereever you want & not accountable to anybody,tomorow is the first day of the rest of your life go out grab life & any opertunity that comes your way - take it look on life as an adventure & just think of the people you may meet on the way -could be a partner out their just need to bump into them -expect nothing & you wont be disapointed -then everything is a gift for the taking -in the nicest way - get a grip of yourself ,smile & make the most of tomorow. :- )

2007-02-22 08:36:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Get this correct: You are ugly? No one, my dear friend, no one is ugly. You seem to suffer from inferiority complex. Make ugliness your virtue for you have something which many others do not have viz total honesty. I wish I was as honest as you are! I am ugly too, and I enjoy being ugly. And for heaven's sake just what do you mean by ugly. Show me one , just one, person who is not what you would call ugly.People who suffer from sel-pity talk of suicide. self-pity is a cry for help. It arises from a feeling of inadequacy. You are gem, someone waiting to be discovered. The fact seems to be that you are angry with yourself, are you not? And this anger against yourself you wish to destroy. But you dont destroy anger that way, Dear friend. There are other ways of fighting your sense of inadequacy. .If you feel you are ugly{which I do not think you are}, tell yourself that it is the best thing that has happened to you! More seriously trust your mother and father, they are your best friends. Hold tight, hug her close to you and she will help you. Throw yoursef in your mother's shoulders and cry. It is a great relief. Remember that there are people quite worse than you and they all want to live and live with vigour and happiness.Above all practice meditation;that will put your mind at ease.I have gone through all your feelings of depression, paranoia and persecution complex. I came out with self-confidence after reading a most wonderful little book. It is called "The Distressed Mind by James Harvey Robinson. There is NO better book than this one. It is out of print, but you can get it from libraries. Read that and please return that book to the library; others might need them even more than you do. And remember that this is God's gift to look at yourself and understand yourself.

2007-02-22 08:47:02 · answer #9 · answered by polymath 1 3 · 2 1

Okay first of all eat please starving yourself wont make you feel better or more attractive it will make you feel very weak and only worsen you depression believe me i'e been there. Your only 26 things are never as bad as they seem, go and see your doctor and tell him you are very depressed you don't have to take pills he can refer you for counciling i know you probably hate the thought of telling a stranger your problems but it can really help just to say things out loud and have someone listen to you and will help to build your confidence and make you feel better. once you have done that find an intrest join a club that has people with similar intrest you will make friends and maybe even meet someone. Someone said to me "theres only you that can change your life you just have to want to" and he was right!! Think positive take things a day at a time and deal with one problem at a time because sometimes it easy to feel overwhealmed by everything life throws at you.

2007-02-22 08:24:52 · answer #10 · answered by kazz06 4 · 3 1

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