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My ex broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. I asked her if I did anything wrong and she said no. I never mistreated her or anything like that and we spent every day for 2 years together and we were pretty much best friends. She told me "It doesn't feel the same" and that was it. I found out 3 days later that she is with someone else. She even tells this kid that she loves him and is going to be with him forever which i think is pretty immature considering she told me the same thing about a week before. She also hasn't called me or texted me or anything since the break up. I went after her at first and she threatened to call the cops. I have had no contact with her for a week and a half. What kind of person is with someone for 2 years and then decided to never talk to that person again and just pretend they don't exist? If I never did anything wrong, then how can she act like she doesn't even think about me? Is there any chance that she will ever call?

2007-02-22 06:50:29 · 57 answers · asked by Phila 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

57 answers

she might call you if she needs to use you... like borrow money, ask you to help her move, take her somewhere, or make another guy jealous.

Stay away from her.

2007-02-22 06:54:19 · answer #1 · answered by Jack Chedeville 6 · 5 0

You are a super guy, I can tell. Run as hard and fast from her as you can. You want a genuine person that you can believe. I don't know how old this girl is but she must have no idea of what love means, and she wants to sow some wild oaks.
The first second your mind starts to go there and think of her nip it in the bud. Get up and do something else, think of all the good about you, call your Mom, go play ball--it will get easier with a little more time.Don't let yourself think of her. Maybe, what a pitiful person to lie to people-a couple of thought like that and "Thank God for unanswered prayers" My son finally figured out what that song means. You will, To. Don't settle for less than you deserve or you will look back someday and say that was only a second in time. Why didn't I take my time and choose a good and faithful woman? And stop thinking its you, or you did something wrong. Don't give here that satisfaction, she does not care-forget her. Nationally I heard there are 8 women to ever man. Get out there and pretend to have a good time and soon you will be. Don't sit at home and weep over her. Sorry, do I sound like a Mother. I still remember well all the mistakes I made.

Life is all about choices. Make sure the next person you want to be with is all you want ahead of time. We all want someone that loves us back the same.

2007-03-02 05:23:12 · answer #2 · answered by Dianna D 2 · 0 0

I dont want you to get offended by me saying this but Im a chick and I will give you the low down:

Sometimes some girls just get bored in relationships, it could be a combination of things as to the reason why. i.e. sex and intamacy being one of the main reasons. Which may be the reason why she got with someone else.
As far as her being gutless, she is not being a real woman about it, some do as others have done to them. Some people feel they have to be that way to keep their ex from trying to persuade them to maintain the relationship.
So will she call again? If that other guy does something bad to her or she ends up breaking up with him shortly down the line she most likely will come running back to you to fill the void of being alone because she will believe that you will always be there and she can come back at anytime since she had the upper hand in all of this.

Don't call her, dont text her. If you havent got some things off your chest already then you need to and you can do that through a letter, whether she reads it or not you may never know but it may give you closure jsut to have got it all out in black and white which is what you need right now. In the mean time go out with your friends and have fun, you will meet someone new.

2007-02-22 07:09:49 · answer #3 · answered by I _Know_ Thangs 3 · 0 0

What can she say? She probably feels guilty about what she has done. What would be the point of her coming back to you to talk about it - that might only thing the topic was still open and up for discussion, and build up false hope in you when she knows the matter is decided. So by breaking off the relationship cleanly and finally she is sending you a clear message, and is keeping it that way. If she did text to ask how you were, she probably expects that you might understandably reply along the lines of 'what do you care?', so what would be the point in that? Feelings are clearly running high, there's a lot of grief, anger, dissappointment, guilt and jealousy running around, and it's probably best to let a bit of time to pass for things to settle down a bit before seeing if you can resume just as friends with each other. Contact now might only make things worse and yu might each say things you later regret, and ruin any chances of a friendship in the future. Hope this helps.

2007-02-22 06:58:44 · answer #4 · answered by fallen angel 2 · 0 0

Dude, sorry but that is the breaks.

It takes two to make a relationship, and now you are the only one who wants this relationship.

She has deceived you, maybe herself, and was not honest in the sense that she fully disclosed what she was feeling or needing that obviously drove her to blow up your relationship and move on.

You did not necessarily do anything wrong, but you also may not have done everything right. You will never know, and her not clarifying is the last cruel act you should allow her to perpetrate on you.

At this point, you have to accept this relationship is over, grieve the loss of what you thought was a good relationship, accept you may never have the chance to learn what, if anything, you contributed to it's ending, then learn that at least 90% (maybe even 100%) really was all about her.

Then you need to stop doubting your worth in a relationship and move on with your life and develop more disclosing relationships in the future.

Good luck.

2007-02-22 07:01:48 · answer #5 · answered by Been there 2 · 0 0

I know its hard when you care about someone and they don't return those feelings. I feel for you. I've been there. The first thing you need to do, is to put yourself in a different frame of mind. Now, take all the things that she has said to you, about caring about you, about how happy she was with you, all the text messages. They don't matter. People say things in the heat of a moment, or they say things to manipulate a situation and sometimes they say things without really realizing how those words are interpreted to the other person. Bottom line: Don't look at what she has said. Look at her ACTIONS. Actions speak louder than words. What I would do, is tell her you care about her, don't put pressure on her, then, walk away and rebuild your life. As for your comment about the two years you were together.
The thing is, people change. Life is all about changing and evolving into who we are meant to be. Don't stay in your rut in the past. Get active in your life, be the better man. Be a good person.
Take care of yourself. And, whatever you do, after you let her know how you feel, then, move on. Perhaps somewhere down the road you two could belong together. Just don't hold your breath on it, or hold up your life for it.

2007-02-22 07:01:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She probably has been cheating on you for awhile with this new person. Women (as I am one) are very complex people and sometimes it is hard to figure out why we do the things we do. She probably was telling to the truth when she said it doesn't feel the same, that simply means that she had found someone else and does not have a good reason. I would just let her go and if she tried to come back, tell her it is to late you found someone else, even if you haven't.

2007-03-02 05:05:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

she obviously met this other guy before u broke up and just because u passed the chemistry stage, she felt that she's in love with this new guy who she has chemistry with and decided its better and will last forever. she will wake up 2 years later being in the same situation and realising that she did a mistake. she;s immature, im sure she very young. she needed to understand that relationships develop in stages and while they move away from the butterfly in the stomach stage, it becomes something a lot more deep and important. being best friends with ur man is an amazing thing. she will regret this very much.

i agree that she might only call is she needs something. however if she calls after she breaks up with this guy she probably realised she did a mistake, and u must decide if u can forgive her childish behaviour and assume that she learnt or just beware that she is capable of doing it again

2007-02-25 02:43:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look, she over you, but you aren't over her. That's the problem. The sooner you realize that she's not coming back the better. I know it sucks and it hurts, but you have to move on. Don't try to contact her in anyway, doing so will make you look like a fool in her eyes. And the new guy she's with, she probably had for a while before she broke up with you. It'll get better as time goes by. Believe me. If been there. Go out and find someone new to take your mind off your ex. good luck. Ps why would she call or text you? she BROKE UP WITH YOU. she doesn't want anything else to do with you.

2007-02-22 07:07:53 · answer #9 · answered by miss m 1 · 0 1

OK, I am about to be seriously harsh bit I want you to know I am doing it for your own good.
Repeat to yourself the following-

My relationship with ___________ is over.
She does not think about me at all.
She no longer wants me in her life.
The relationship was not working for her, and therefore is broken.
I do not want to be in a broken relationship
I deserve to be with someone who wants to be with me.
It hurts like hell now, but the pain will go away.
I still love her, but I accept she had moved on.
I am grieving for the loss of my realtionship and this is healthy and normal.
The first stage of grief is denial.
When I accept it is over I will then move on to the second stage which is sadness.
Then I will get angry.
Then I will get over it.
Each stage lasts a different amount of time for each and every person.
I have friends to support me during this time.
I will not contact her at all, this will hugley help the healing process.
If I cut my leg open I would not pick at the wound, so I will not go over and over in my head what went wrong, I know what went wrong, she met someone else.
She has done me a favour becaus enow I can find someone who is a match.

my friend, 99% of all relationships fail, very few of us die from the fallout. You have been rejected and that sucks big time, but we all have, and we all probably will again. Relationships are like doing a jigsaw in the dark, some of the pieces fit but you never know until you try them together, if they don't, then toss em away aand pick up another piece!
Good luck.xx

2007-02-22 07:03:14 · answer #10 · answered by CHARISMA 5 · 0 0

Move on. It is hard. It hurts. It will heal. Better now than after kids or large financial investments. Give yourself some time before jumping into a new relationship too. Could be out of the out of the frying pan and into the fire. 2 years is a lot of time. There were probably signs it wasn't working.

2007-03-02 04:34:42 · answer #11 · answered by digitaldgirl 2 · 0 0

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