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i am at the point where i changing my life. i have tried make new friends. have more conversation than i used to. i don't have really a close friend yet. i trying to people to like me which is very difficult for me. but i feel like they don't like me that much, i don't know how do i make them like me. i have to make them i like me cos i want alot friends. it is hard so give some advice how do you treat people, what things do you say to your friends also if u have a close friend how did u two become such good friends. what activity do u do in your happy life?? maybe i think what i need is a girlfriend. but i don't have that confidence to talk a gal cos i don't know what to say to her. can u also help me on this. i really feel trapped.

2007-02-22 06:23:30 · 8 answers · asked by shone 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

8 answers

how old are you? Have you considered mentoring? I wouldn't even bother looking for a girl. Let that part happen naturally. Plus who knows what other drama a girl will bring into your life.

Look in your local paper and see what events are coming up. I would seriously consider mentoring.

2007-02-22 06:29:00 · answer #1 · answered by kimchee_boi 3 · 0 0

Well first of all I have a distant friend who feels they are going through the same thing...And I am gonna give you the same advice that I gave him..And it seemed to help him a lot..
Making new friends isn't a process in which you tackle people with awkward "wanna be friends lines" or with just crazy things to say because you have nothing to say....That just makes things awkward. Just compliment someone every now and then...I made best friends with my best friend by talking to him about common interests...All though they were very different we clicked...And don't give up...You will find some one that you just click with...Believe me.. And I often here from guys I want a gf. If people see this attitude in you that says "hi,wanna be my gf cuz I am desperate?" believe me, you won't get a gf...I recommend finding a person you really like...But when I say finding I don't mean LOOKING...believe me, you will learn that you find no good in browsing...Let the person you find that you like be picked by heart and emotion...Not loneliness. Hope I could help ya!!! Good luck!!!

2007-02-22 14:45:34 · answer #2 · answered by Sarah Nicole O'Byrne 3 · 0 0

You can't "make" anyone like you. It's their choice. Be yourself, but if there are traits about you that you wish you could improve, then work on that. Always strive to be the best "you" that you can be.

Some periods in our life we may have few friends and other times we may have tons. I value quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. I'd rather have a few really good friends, than tons of casual friends/acquaintances.

Relax and enjoy life. It's your choice to be happy or not so why not choose to be happy? Make your life what you want it to be. Spend your time doing things that please you. When you are happy and confident, it will attract others to you.

2007-02-22 14:28:32 · answer #3 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

depends who you want to be friends with if its girls then start looking into fashion dress better maybe ask a girl to go shopping with you so she could help you pick out clothes this is an instant grabber they take it as a compliment that you like the way they dress and they love dressing you up like a ken barbie doll but remember no matter what dont complain about how much you guys are walking or how bored you are just act intrested and for guys if you want to be their friends its fairly easy ask them to go out during the nigh meet at a bar drink talk about girls or sports dont act to cocky with your knowledge though no one likes a show off be layed back just enjoy the night have fun make jokes and if it dosnt work set up a day where you bring the girl you shopped with tell her to bring her friends and introduce them to the boys this will earn you alot of points on both ends tell your guy friends your bringing some girls over and tell the girls that you want them to meet some of your guy friends good luck

2007-02-22 14:50:49 · answer #4 · answered by thingsfallapart123 1 · 0 0

Just be your self. don't put on airs or try to be like someone else.
Have respect for the people you meet and talk to . Try to get them to do most of the talking and you be a good listner, add to what there saying with your opinion in a nice way and don't tell them teir opinion is the wrong and yours is right. Just tell them I am sure a lot of what you say is true but, I am sure you agree a lot of what I say is true and then drop that conversation.
the big thing is BE YOUR SELF

2007-02-22 14:36:03 · answer #5 · answered by mamayer6 5 · 0 0

You may be trying too hard. Relax, friendships are not easily gathered. Most of us have "associations", people who we do things with, but don't necessarily confide in. Most of us are extremely lucky to have one true friendship in a lifetime, aside from a life partner in marriage. I only have one myself, and it's work to maintain that sometimes.

You might consider purchasing the book "The Secret", it's a guide to making your life whatever you want. It amazed me and I'm working on it's teaching as I write this.

My best to you, be yourself, be good to yourself - Big Hug

2007-02-22 14:39:56 · answer #6 · answered by Alterfemego 7 · 0 0

For starters you have to like yourself and be able to be happy with yourself before others will warm up to you. You also should never try to be someone that you are not. Just be you. If people dont like you for who you are then they arent worth your time to begin with. You shouldnt have to have people in your life to be happy either . Never need people . Just enjoy people . When you need to have friends and need people in your life it somehow is felt by others and instead of you being just someone fun to be around you end up being a third wheel. So dont need ok just enjoy. DOnt worry about what others think of you , you know who you are and what you are and what you do. You are the only one that has to live with you until the day that you die. Any one else will not live your life so fu ck them. Dont ever try to impress someone to like you. If they cant like you just the way you are you dont want them in your life. I personaly am a person who likes to tell it like I see it and at the same time never judge others if they see different , to each his own. If someone thinks bad of me I dont get mad in fact it makes me laugh because that means that i must be in thier thoughts quite often for them to have the need to talk about me. If someone calls me a bit ch i tell them no I m not a bit ch i am fuc king bit ch. and will laugh in thier face. words are only words that people have made up and only mean something if you allow them to mean something. Everyone on this planet in one way or another uses other people. No one does anything for anyone just because. Some how some way we all expect something in return for anything and everything we do. You have friends so you wont be lonely and bored so friends are there to entertain us. No two people think alike and no two people will always agree on the same things. And if those two people cant learn how to compromise then you arent going to have much fun. Learn to enjoy people and always remember that they arent always going to say things like you want to hear and or do things the way you think they should be done. Never judge people. What ever they do in thier own personal life is thier business as long as it doesnt affect you personally. My best friend is myself and then my two sons and then my old man and then my two dobies. and then a lady down the street. I prefer not to have alot of people in my life as so called friends because having friends usually brings alot of headaches and consume to much time that I could be doing other things. I know alot of people but I dont hang around with them.. If you want to talk to a girl just go up to her and say hi . just be natural and be your self. If you hit it off with her great and if not oh well there are thousands more in the world just waiting for someone to talk to them. Never get discourged. What you say to her is what ever you feel like saying to her , if she likes your conversation great. If you dont find any thing to talk about then she isnt the one. Dont try to be someone you arent. Just be you and who ever likes you for you will turn out to be something great. If you try to be someone your not just for people to like you sooner or later you are going to slip and end up embarrasing yourself and end up all by yourself. Dont force anything. Let things happen. and you will find you will enjoy life alot more. People come into your life for a reason because you have a need to have them there and once that need is fullfilled they will go away . thats part of life. some stay and some go. you just never know for sure. so enjoy them while they are there. thats what everyone of our purposes are is to fill a space for a certain reason. so dont try to disect things or worry about this and that just enjoy.

2007-02-22 14:53:05 · answer #7 · answered by hersheynrey 7 · 0 0

HAVE YOU TRIED PAXIL????????????? It really helps you come out of your shell.

2007-02-22 14:30:19 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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