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I am only curious about your opinion, I am not trying to start any fights. Thanks in advance.

2007-02-22 05:54:06 · 24 answers · asked by mutterhals 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Sure anyone can answer, I just wanted to get the black persepctive specifically.

2007-02-22 05:56:48 · update #1

That's bullshit, how is it racist to direct a question towards a group of people? If I posed a question to Germans, would that be racist?

2007-02-22 06:01:25 · update #2

You people all suck. I ask a question and you all jump down my throat about being racist, merely because my question involves the concept of race. I never said that all white people were racist, I asked a group of people their opinion on the matter. So **** everyone who didn't answer the question at hand, I'm sure you're all smug and self satisfied now.

2007-02-22 06:04:11 · update #3

24 answers

I'm not black, can i answer this?

2007-02-22 05:55:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't think they're prejudiced as a whole. Even being in an interracial relationship, I haven't come into contact with that many racist whites. I just think they are unused to people who don't look like them, which makes sense because America is around 82% white (last I checked) so clearly they don't get much of a chance to interact with people of other races. This doesn't necessarily mean they'll be racist against others, it just means that they're less aware of other cultures.

The same could be said about all races.

2007-02-22 06:00:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I see your getting frustrated with these answers, so I'm going to answer honestly. I don't feel that all whites are racist, but I do believe that whites are prejudiced in ways that they don't even realize. If people don't do things they way whites would, then they have to be stupid or something has to be wrong with them. Whites think that their better than most other races due to what they have accomplished in this country, but the truth is whites are conquers and they what they wanted to achieve their goal. I believe they called it Manifest Destiny.

Look at the television, magazines or society as a whole. And when someone of another race tries to come up, whites the majority of the time have something negative to say. As if were changing the white way of life by doing something adding our own culture to American society.

Sorry if some are upset by this, but its close enough to the truth. Also every race has some prejudice in it. Whites tend to have the most mainly due to the means in this country to carry it out.

2007-02-22 07:19:27 · answer #3 · answered by Knowledge 4 · 0 1

I am not black so you may not want my answer but here goes. I have watched people of all nationalities for years and have concluded that......there is prejudice in every group toward every other group. Everyone wants to feel superior. And honestly this may sound simplistic but I think it stems from a core of superiority/inferiority issues stemming from childhood. Other kids can be so mean, adults too. When you are white and poor or have a mentally ill parent, believe me people use it to make you feel inferior. Then perhaps you grow up trying to find someone who you can feel superior too just to get rid/hide of those awful feelings. Layers and layers and layers of garbage that people throw on each other. Hope this starts no fight either guy.

2007-02-22 06:02:13 · answer #4 · answered by Carmen 1 · 0 0

no and that is prejudiced for even thinking it. ask the reverse and see what answer you get.

How many Americans would vote for a presidential candidate who was the member of a church that professed the following credo?

1. Commitment to God
2. Commitment to the White Community
3. Commitment to the White Family
4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
6. Adherence to the White Work Ethic
7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”
9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the White Community
10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions
11. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the White Value System
12. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System.

The question is rhetorical, of course. The answer is that such a candidate wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected dog catcher (apologies to America’s animal rescue and public safety personnel) let alone President, because that candidate would be instantly branded a racist, among the most vile and frightening of white supremacists.

And those holding the branding irons would be 100% right.

Yet, in the “About” section of the U.S. Senate website for Barack Obama, Democratic senator from Illinois and contender for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, it states that Obama and his family “live on Chicago’s South Side where they attend Trinity United Church of Christ.”


Well, to say that the Trinity United Church of Christ (http://www.tucc.org)
is afrocentric in the extreme would be a gross understatement. It’s not simply afrocentric, it’s African-centric. In fact, one could argue that this organization worships things African to a far greater degree than they do Christ, and gives the impression of being a separatist “church” in the same vein as do certain supremacist “white brethren” churches – or even Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.

2007-02-22 06:00:59 · answer #5 · answered by ES 3 · 0 0

By just directing your question to a specific race, you are being racist, does all black as a whole are racist/prejudiced towards other races?

2007-02-22 05:58:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Every race at some level are racist.It depends a lot on the person.Ive seen a lot of blacks that are just as racist as any ,and worse.I think alot of people need to look at the definition of the word first,before they pass judgment. I'm not racist ,but you because you are black accuse me of it,just because I AM white.Idont look at someone regardless of their skin color,and say I hate.Its my right to not like some one ,who cares what color they are. Youre nice to me Ill be nice to you.

2007-02-22 06:17:18 · answer #7 · answered by Ms Scarlet 4 · 0 0

MOST WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACTIST....they think that saying the N word or calling us horrible names isnt being ractist, there are about 100 people on this thing that talk about black people for no reason, what the hell are they getting from this? i just dont understand and i might never.....even in the year 3000(if judgement day doesnt arrive) there will still be ractist people out there, cause they pass it on from generation to generation.

2007-02-22 06:30:35 · answer #8 · answered by keira 1 · 0 1

I feel that we are definitely prejudiced towards whites and therefore, they are prejudiced against us as well.

It is human nature to think that whatever you belong to (race, gender, etc) is superior to other variations. We try to believe that we can all live in a non-prejudiced world, but nature is not set up that way.

2007-02-22 05:59:11 · answer #9 · answered by monkey tuesday 3 · 0 0

To answer your question, yes. But, I also feel all races are prejudice. It's more then black vs white, most races just tolerate one another.

2007-02-22 06:00:39 · answer #10 · answered by Jackie 2 · 0 0

I am not black I am as white as they come No, I love all people as long as they act human and do right. Their are some of the sweetest black people in this world and I love all good people, God bless you and don't let history blind you to this,

2007-02-22 09:31:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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