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My Grandfather (still alive) was working out in the cole mines one night probably like 20 years ago while near an airport. Him and his buddy was working and happened to look up and saw what they thought was an airplane. Then all the sudden it flew backwards really fast. He said at that time there wasn't any kind of aircraft that could fly backwards unless the Army had designed something that they hadn't told the public about. And haven't u heard of the Cow Mutilations (or something like that) NOW THAT IS FREAKY. I personally think the goverment wants to hide it from us so that they won't scare people and so they won't think there is anything beyond our world that could take over. Tell me your opinion please. If you would like to hear a REAL ghost story too so I can convince you then just say so. Thanxxxx!!

2007-02-22 05:09:16 · 40 answers · asked by I ♥ Dylan! 1 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

40 answers

I believe aliens exist but have not had any real convincing experiences with spacecraft or alien life. I have seen UFO', but all that means is they are unidentified flying objects. last one I saw was the Saturday Katrina hit and I was riding my motorcycle in it here in East Texas and saw a cigar shaped silver object among the clouds.

Now ghosts are different. I know they are real. I had the ghost of an old man wake me up one night in 1972 and I saw him standing at the foot of my bed and thought he was al ive person and yelled at him to get out of my house and he pointed his finger at me and said, " No! You get out of my house," and vanished.


2007-02-22 06:58:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is so much we don't know.

just because ghost or aliens are not accepted by our scientist doesn't mean much. I know physics has come up with some thing like 11 dimensions(see the movie what the bleep do we know). so in my mind it makes sense that the astro plane exists and possibly there is room for heaven and hell(if u believe in them).
I remember a year ago me and a buddy seen this orb floating around his room and that was bugging him(he said it felt like it was in his eye) I seen it when he was swatting at the air it was like about 3in in diameter that was shaded in slightly compared to the background.

as for aliens I believe too. I seen lights several times, in a triangle. which the second time was about an hour after talking about seeing these lights couple months earlier.

No one believes anything tell they see it them selves because u cant be that gullible. but i believe if u look up at the sky and send some energy there way that u might just see them. It maybe the same for ghost too, who knows? not the scientist there to skeptical to ever make any progress.

2007-02-22 14:33:24 · answer #2 · answered by j 1 · 0 0

Sure I believe in them. We'd be damn arrogant NOT to. I mean who the hell are we to think we know everything about the universe and how it works. Of course it helps that I've seen a UFO and a ghost but I get so sick of these people who say "If science hasn't proved it I don't believe it" Well science hasn't proven love either. Do you believe in that?

My quick ghost story is I was a music major and spent many nights in the music building practicing alone. The security guys would come through and turn out most of the lights in the halls around 11 pm but I often stayed unto 2. So I was in there playing and I came out of the practice room to go sit on the couch and have a smoke. When I opened the door I smelled pipe smoke (no! not THAT kind, real pipe smoke) then I sat on the couch. At the far end of the hall I saw a weird kind of .. . well I'd have to call it a cloud. It went from the floor almost to the ceiling and it was moving towards me. It vaguely resembled a person in shape but I knew the building was reputed to have a ghost (the guy who the building was named after who had died before it was completed) so I wasn't too freaked out. It sort of dispersed and was gone. Another time I was walking by the building about 3 in the morning. Every light was out but I heard an organ playing. There is no organ in the building. The aforementioned guy smoked a pipe and played the organ. Another time I was standing in the hall with someone else near the elevator which no one used unless a piano needed to go to the stage. Suddenly the elevator just turned on and made a huge bang! We both jumped and ran down to the stage but there was no one there and the elevator was not open or occupied.

The UFO I saw was also at college. I was fast asleep in my room. I woke up for no apparent reason and looked out the window. I saw something sort of greenish and glowing that looked like it was sitting on the hill about 1/2 mile away across from the school. I kept staring but had trouble deciding what I was seeing. I turned on the light to make sure I was awake. I turned them off again and looked and it was still there. I couldn't tell if there was movement or not then I went back to sleep! In the morning I looked again and there is nothing over on that hill at all. Just scrubby little bushes on a hill. It was the end of winter so nothing was growing and the hill was brown grass. My piano teacher lived near there so I asked him but he thought I was nuts and said no there's nothing there. So what was glowing and what woke me up? I almost never looked out that window either because there's nothing to see.

I've had other alien experiences but I don't want to talk about those here.

2007-02-22 05:38:11 · answer #3 · answered by MissWong 7 · 1 2

I was involved in UFO research in Australia 15 years ago.
The most interesting feature of UFO's experiences for me was that a WIDE spectrum of people have seen them.

Young old , all sorts of people.
Lots of really average normal family type people.
NOT weirdos, or nutters.

They honestly believed they had seen a "non earthly " thing.
Many in broad daylight with their wives and / or kids with them.

Whether alien or earthly it is a FACT that people all over see "UFOs"

What amazes me is that science, the media etc fob it off.

Any serious science based studyer eg psychologists should be studying the reasons why people see something they think are UFOs.
Many people have seen something, but are reluctant to offer their story.
I have found that as I have gotten older, I have met more people who seriously say they have seen a UFO.
Me? I haven't seen on so far so remain neutral on the idea.

But it sure is an interesting subject.

2007-02-24 22:02:01 · answer #4 · answered by satnee2003 5 · 0 0

I am not sure what I had seen a few years back, a couple of my friends say it was a comet, us gals say it was a UFO, we were driving down the freeway in the middle of the night when something came shooting down from the night sky right towards us, I remember at how bright it was and at how fast it was moving and then it did a fast sharp left turn, then went right back up again towards the sky, then it did a dive towards the ocean before it disappeared back into the sky.

As far as Ghost's goes, I do believe in free moving spirits and have had experiences of the such

2007-02-25 20:25:04 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Yes, I believe both exist. The Universe is too big of a place for Earth to be the only planet with life on it. I believe ghosts exist because there has to be something beyond the physical realm you cannot see. I have also had some experience with this.

2007-02-22 05:30:50 · answer #6 · answered by bldudas 4 · 0 0

I have, like many others, been looking into this for years. In tenth grade I had a math teacher who thought that the idea of driving cars on the same level as people walking was foolish. He was of the idea that flying saucers would be released in the near future. That was twenty three years ago. I am of the belief that a certain government has covered up the existence of flying saucers mainly because of the hysteria that the first run of the radio play, "war of the worlds", created. I thing that the movies industry has, in some way, been telling the story, and some of their fears. The movie I cite is The Flight of the Navigator. I think the perhaps a small child was aboard the craft that may have crashed at Roswell. Any to my personal story...
I went out for a night walk in the Forrest land near the city where I live. It seemed like someone was following me but whenever I turned to look there was nothing there. There was no sound of wildlife, no moon and I was not carrying a touch, phone or any other items. I was walking along a track that seemed to just disappear. For much of the night I was technically lost. At one point I was sitting on a rock went a thought arrived that I should scrape out from the cracks of the rock the black material that lay in there. About a minute later a heard a loud and I mean loud not really loud but as in unmistakable something that I did hear, CLICK. This click sound was like a large old kind of heavy electrical switch. closing. At this point I decided it was time to return home. I looked sky ward and I could see seven or eight object in the sky of the same blue white color and flashing or oscillating in the same way to each other. As I looked around it seemed the land scape was changing around me the plants seemed to be different at every glance. Although there was not a lot of light there was just enough to see with the rods (rods in the eye will only allow You to see in black and white) As I walked it seemed like the plants where growing at expediently rates and the ground did not seem to be same as when I came in to the area. I was walking without knowing where I was or which direction, looking to the the stars again I saw a formation that looked like a love heart shape, but these light it the sky were many more than eight, were steady in the way they gave out light and seemed further away than the first eight. A short time later the moon rose and I heard traffic from a highway. In the first moments of the moon rising I seemed to see buildings, sat elite dishes, and people all in a kind of way one would expect to see ghosts. The "ghost people" seemed to give out the feeling of being caught doing something naughty, like riping the rest of us off in some way. Thoughts arrived on who they were but I won't name them here in case of offending that nation, however I will say they were not American. This nation may got into the flying saucer scene way before Roswell 1947. As the moon rose more and more I seemed to find myself in a small network of service roads. After a short walk on these roads the Sun began to rise and I found myself on a path I could remember. I found were I had parked before actually seeing the Sun and my vechile was covered with ice which was strange as I was out in light clothes and it did not seem to be that cold. It started with I'd say the last of the power in the battery and I was outer there... Next time they can attempt to kill or abduct me from my own home. Why didn't they get me? Well the universe is very old. And they have doubts about who's who! This happened mid 06.

2007-02-23 15:55:11 · answer #7 · answered by Al 3 · 0 0

Hi, I know for a fact there is Ghosts, And things that fly in the sky that arn't from this planet! I've been lucky enough to have been allowed to see both of these things!One time,my older sisters,my younger brother and myself (age 11,8,7,and 6)were playing horses in the backyard.I noticed something that looked like a big balloon in the sky, and asked my sister about it.Not more than a minute went by and it was right over our heads,hovering.Crissy and myself were standing right below it,Patty was in the playhouse,and came running out when she heard it.And my brother was over by the pepper tree.We all just stood there looking up at it. From being in different spots,we all saw it from different angles and saw different things on it.I remember It was as Big as a house,and Blue.The bottom of it was spinning arround really fast,and you could see big panels on,it with what looked like to me,Big bolts.(like hex bolts) I'll never,never forget that.Chrissy saw the same thing that I did,being that she was standing next to me.Patty said she saw something that looked kinda like an entryway,or doorway.She said she remembers the loud whisling noise it maid. (the panels and bolts stood out in my memory) and my brother just remembers how big it was ,to be just sitting in the sky.Next ,Crissy yelled,"It's a Flying Sauser"! we all ran inside the house(at least I did)to get our older brothers and sisters,but of course when they came out to investigate,it was gone.I can't figure out why no one else in the neighborhood saw somthing that big.How could they have missed it? But it was a Sunday,they were probebley in church.I was thinking ,maybe it was going to abduct my sister and me,and when it saw my other sister and brother run out to look at it,it flew away thinking there where to many of us.Or may be it didn't like our screaming.Any ways,noone ever believed us.Now I'd tell you about our oldest sisters ghost,but this is already as long as a novel.Tell you bout that another time ,OK?Bye

2007-02-24 08:02:12 · answer #8 · answered by Sandyspacecase 7 · 0 0

you all people needs a lot of years in therapy.

first: find a way to detect alien/ghost
second: develop a standard test for alien/ghost
third: collect some data on alien/ghost and make a comparison with negative data (negative test)
fourth: calculate the precision/reliability of your test, if it's less than 75% there is something wrong (its 25 percent of good detection) if it's less than 50% means that you detect more ghost were there are none (false positive in no ghost negative test is higher than true positive in ghost area)
fifth: make a paper and make everybody know exactly your test so more labs can reproduce it, and work on it.
sixth: if the others labs in the world have the same data, well you have a ghost/alien, if not YOU are the alien that believe in false data.

2007-02-23 02:54:14 · answer #9 · answered by scientific_boy3434 5 · 0 1

yes the cow mutilation is real. j ust look at the sky at 12 directly at the sun. After 15 minutes, of looking i once saw something black in the middle of the sun. My eyes was burning, but hey, it's true. Afterwards, i told people, no one believed me, but then one day, some ghost appeared. They were covered in black, but they say they appear near the coal mine sometimes. I see them every other week, hopefully you'll see them too.

2007-02-22 12:22:02 · answer #10 · answered by Scpwnz 5 · 0 0

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